Patricia Adair Gowaty

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Patricia Adair Gowaty is an American evolutionary biologist. She received her B.A. in biology at Tulane University and her PhD in zoology at Clemson University in 1980. She is currently a Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. [1]

Gowaty is known for her many articles about human and animal behavior and evolution. She is author and editor of a book that seeks to combine feminist theory and Darwinian evolutionary biology. [2] She has also written about the effects of and importance of rape in understanding human evolution. [3] Her recent research has focused on the concept of reproductive compensation in population genetics. [4] [5]

In 2012 Gowaty and colleagues reported [6] a precise replication of Angus Bateman's classic experiment on sexual selection in Drosophila. The study showed that Bateman's methodology was flawed. Once these flaws are accounted for, the experimental data did not support his conclusions. [7]

Gowaty is married to biologist Stephen P. Hubbell, with whom she has co-authored many journal articles about ecology and evolutionary biology. [8]

Related Research Articles

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Bateman's principle, in evolutionary biology, is that in most species, variability in reproductive success is greater in males than in females. It was first proposed by Angus John Bateman (1919–1996), an English geneticist. Bateman suggested that, since males are capable of producing millions of sperm cells with little effort, while females invest much higher levels of energy in order to nurture a relatively small number of eggs, the female plays a significantly larger role in their offspring's reproductive success. Bateman's paradigm thus views females as the limiting factor of parental investment, over which males will compete in order to copulate successfully.

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Interlocus sexual conflict is a type of sexual conflict that occurs through the interaction of a set of antagonistic alleles at two or more different loci, or the location of a gene on a chromosome, in males and females, resulting in the deviation of either or both sexes from the fitness optima for the traits. A co-evolutionary arms race is established between the sexes in which either sex evolves a set of antagonistic adaptations that is detrimental to the fitness of the other sex. The potential for reproductive success in one organism is strengthened while the fitness of the opposite sex is weakened. Interlocus sexual conflict can arise due to aspects of male–female interactions such as mating frequency, fertilization, relative parental effort, female remating behavior, and female reproductive rate.

Sexual selection in amphibians

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Laboratory experiments of speciation

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<i>Drosophila quinaria</i> species group Species group of the subgenus Drosophila

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Mariana Federica Wolfner is the Goldwin Smith Professor of molecular biology and genetics at Cornell University. Her research investigates sexual conflict in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. She was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 2019 in recognition of her distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.


  1. "UCLA Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology" . Retrieved 22 December 2008.
  2. Gowaty, PA (1997). Feminism and Evolutionary Biology - Boundaries, intersections and frontiers. Springer. ISBN   0-412-07361-7.
  3. Gowaty, PA (2003). Cheryl Brown Travis (ed.). Power Asymmetries Between the Sexes, Mate Preferences, and Components of Fitness. The MIT Press. pp. 61–86. ISBN   0-262-20143-7.
  4. Gowaty, PA (2008). "Reproductive Compensation". Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21 (5): 1189–200. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01559.x . PMID   18564347.
  5. Gowaty PA, Anderson WW, Bluhm CK, Drickamer LC, Kim YK, Moore AJ (2007). "The hypothesis of reproductive compensation and its assumptions about mate preferences and offspring viability". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 (38): 15023–15027. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0706622104 . PMC   1986606 . PMID   17848509.
  6. Gowaty PA, Kim YK, and Anderson WW (2012). "No evidence of sexual selection in a repetition of Bateman's classic study of Drosophila melanogaster". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109 (29): 11740–11745. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1207851109 . PMC   3406809 . PMID   22689966.
  7. University of California - Los Angeles (26 June 2012). "Biologists reveal potential 'fatal flaw' in iconic sexual selection study". ScienceDaily. Retrieved 2017-01-26.
  8. "Research Magazine".