Peptide sequence tag

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A peptide sequence tag is a piece of information about a peptide obtained by tandem mass spectrometry that can be used to identify this peptide in a protein database. [1] [2] [3]


Mass spectrometry

In general, peptides can be identified by fragmenting them in a mass spectrometer. For example, during collision-induced dissociation peptides collide with a gas within the mass spectrometer and break into pieces at their peptide bonds. The resulting fragment ions (called b-ions and y-ions) have mass differences corresponding to the residue masses of the respective amino acids. Thus, a tandem mass spectrum contains partial information about the amino acid sequence of the peptide. The peptide sequence tag approach, developed by Matthias Wilm and Matthias Mann at the EMBL, [4] uses this information to identify the peptide in a database. Briefly, a couple of masses are extracted from the spectrum in order to obtain the peptide sequence tag. This peptide sequence tag is a unique identifier of a specific peptide and can be used to find it in a database containing all possible peptide sequences.

Peptide fragment notation

Peptide fragmentation notation using the scheme of Roepstorff and Fohlman (1984). Peptide fragmentation.gif
Peptide fragmentation notation using the scheme of Roepstorff and Fohlman (1984).

A notation has been developed for indicating peptide fragments that arise from a tandem mass spectrum. [5] Peptide fragment ions are indicated by a, b, or c if the charge is retained on the N-terminus and by x, y or z if the charge is maintained on the C-terminus. The subscript indicates the number of amino acid residues in the fragment. Prime symbols indicate the number of protons or hydrogens added to the fragment to form the observed ion. For example, y'' denotes the singly charged ion analogous to a protonated peptide, (y''')2+ is a doubly charged ion analogous to a doubly protonated peptide. [6]

See also

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Tandem mass spectrometry

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Protein sequencing

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Peptide mass fingerprinting

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Electron-capture dissociation

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Electron-transfer dissociation

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Protein mass spectrometry

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Top-down proteomics

Top-down proteomics is a method of protein identification that either uses an ion trapping mass spectrometer to store an isolated protein ion for mass measurement and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis or other protein purification methods such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in conjunction with MS/MS. Top-down proteomics is capable of identifying and quantitating unique proteoforms through the analysis of intact proteins. The name is derived from the similar approach to DNA sequencing. During mass spectrometry intact proteins are typically ionized by electrospray ionization and trapped in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, quadrupole ion trap or Orbitrap mass spectrometer. Fragmentation for tandem mass spectrometry is accomplished by electron-capture dissociation or electron-transfer dissociation. Effective fractionation is critical for sample handling before mass-spectrometry-based proteomics. Proteome analysis routinely involves digesting intact proteins followed by inferred protein identification using mass spectrometry (MS). Top-down MS (non-gel) proteomics interrogates protein structure through measurement of an intact mass followed by direct ion dissociation in the gas phase.

Bottom-up proteomics

Bottom-up proteomics is a common method to identify proteins and characterize their amino acid sequences and post-translational modifications by proteolytic digestion of proteins prior to analysis by mass spectrometry. The major alternative workflow used in proteomics is called top-down proteomics where intact proteins are purified prior to digestion and/or fragmentation either within the mass spectrometer or by 2D electrophoresis. Essentially, bottom-up proteomics is a relatively simple and reliable means of determining the protein make-up of a given sample of cells, tissues, etc.

Quantitative proteomics

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Isobaric labeling

Isobaric labeling is a mass spectrometry strategy used in quantitative proteomics. Peptides or proteins are labeled with various chemical groups that are identical masses (isobaric), but vary in terms of distribution of heavy isotopes around their structure. These tags, commonly referred to as tandem mass tags, are designed so that the mass tag is cleaved at a specific linker region upon high-energy CID (HCD) during tandem mass spectrometry yielding reporter ions of different masses. The most common isobaric tags are amine-reactive tags. However, tags that react with cysteine residues and carbonyl groups have also been described. These amine-reactive groups go through N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) reactions, which are based around three types of functional groups. Isobaric labeling methods include tandem mass tags (TMT), isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ), mass differential tags for absolute and relative quantification, and dimethyl labeling. TMTs and iTRAQ methods are most common and developed of these methods. Tandem mass tags have a mass reporter region, a cleavable linker region, a mass normalization region, and a protein reactive group and have the same total mass.

Collision-induced dissociation Mass spectrometry technique to induce fragmentation of selected ions in the gas phase

Collision-induced dissociation (CID), also known as collisionally activated dissociation (CAD), is a mass spectrometry technique to induce fragmentation of selected ions in the gas phase. The selected ions are usually accelerated by applying an electrical potential to increase the ion kinetic energy and then allowed to collide with neutral molecules. In the collision some of the kinetic energy is converted into internal energy which results in bond breakage and the fragmentation of the molecular ion into smaller fragments. These fragment ions can then be analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry.

In bio-informatics, a peptide-mass fingerprint or peptide-mass map is a mass spectrum of a mixture of peptides that comes from a digested protein being analyzed. The mass spectrum serves as a fingerprint in the sense that it is a pattern that can serve to identify the protein. The method for forming a peptide-mass fingerprint, developed in 1993, consists of isolating a protein, breaking it down into individual peptides, and determining the masses of the peptides through some form of mass spectrometry. Once formed, a peptide-mass fingerprint can be used to search in databases for related protein or even genomic sequences, making it a powerful tool for annotation of protein-coding genes.

In mass spectrometry, de novo peptide sequencing is the method in which a peptide amino acid sequence is determined from tandem mass spectrometry.


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  3. Mørtz E, O'Connor PB, Roepstorff P, Kelleher NL, Wood TD, McLafferty FW, Mann M (1996). "Sequence tag identification of intact proteins by matching tanden mass spectral data against sequence data bases". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93 (16): 8264–7. Bibcode:1996PNAS...93.8264M. doi: 10.1073/pnas.93.16.8264 . PMC   38658 . PMID   8710858.
  4. Mann M, Wilm M (1994). "Error-tolerant identification of peptides in sequence databases by peptide sequence tags". Anal. Chem. 66 (24): 4390–9. doi:10.1021/ac00096a002. PMID   7847635.
  5. 1 2 Roepstorff P, Fohlman J (1984). "Proposal for a common nomenclature for sequence ions in mass spectra of peptides". Biomed. Mass Spectrom. 11 (11): 601. doi:10.1002/bms.1200111109. PMID   6525415.
  6. Tang XJ, Thibault P, Boyd RK (October 1993). "Fragmentation reactions of multiply protonated peptides and implications for sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry with low-energy collision-induced dissociation". Anal. Chem. 65 (20): 2824–34. doi:10.1021/ac00068a020. PMID   7504416.