Perfidious Albion (magazine)

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Perfidious Albion was a British board game and wargame magazine, published and edited by Charles Vasey and Geoff Barnard.



In the early 1970s, Charles Vasey, a chartered accountant [1] and wargames hobbyist, began to write reviews of the games that he played for small games magazines such as Military Modelling and Strategy & Tactics . Vasey and his acquaintance Geoff Barnard, came to believe that other reviews being published at the time were either too deferential to the major game publishers such as SPI, or were written for game designers and publishers, not for the consumers who were buying the games. When the 1975 publication of the popular wargame Tobruk by Avalon Hill resulted in more shallow reviews, Barnard convinced Vasey that they should create a zine dedicated to in-depth, objective and critical reviews of wargames.

The result was Perfidious Albion, a small self-published zine focussed on miniatures and board wargames. It was intermittent in frequency of publication and irregular in size. [2] At the height of its popularity, Vasey said that it had a circulation of about 500. [3]



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  1. Harrigan, Pat; Kirschenbaum, Matthew G., eds. (2016). Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming. MIT Press. p. 461. ISBN   9780262334952.
  2. Wraxall, Lascelles (1999). The Armies of the Great Powers (reprint). Pallas Armata. p. 107.
  3. Vasel, Tom (2006-04-14). "Interviews by an Optimist # 99 - Charles Vasey". BoardGameGeek. Retrieved 2020-04-30.
  4. 1 2 "Best Amateur Wargame Magazine (Charles S. Roberts Awards)". BoardGameGeek. Retrieved April 29, 2020.
  5. Katz, Bill; Katz, Linda Sternberg (2000). Magazines for Libraries. Bowker. p. 1058. ISBN   9780835242677.
  6. LaGuardia, Cheryl; Katz, Bill; Katz, Linda Sternberg (2006). Magazines for Libraries. R. R. Bowker. p. 506. ISBN   9781600300967.