Permuted congruential generator

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A permuted congruential generator (PCG) is a pseudorandom number generation algorithm developed in 2014 by Dr. M.E. O'Neill which applies an output permutation function to improve the statistical properties of a modulo-2n linear congruential generator. It achieves excellent statistical performance [1] [2] [3] [4] with small and fast code, and small state size. [5]


A PCG differs from a classical linear congruential generator (LCG) in three ways:

It is the variable rotation which eliminates the problem of a short period in the low-order bits that power-of-2 LCGs suffer from. [5] :31–34


The PCG family includes a number of variants. The core LCG is defined for widths from 8 to 128 bits, although only 64 and 128 bits are recommended for practical use; smaller sizes are for statistical tests of the technique.

The additive constant in the LCG can be varied to produce different streams. The constant is an arbitrary odd integer, [6] so it does not need to be stored explicitly; the address of the state variable itself (with the low bit set) can be used.

There are several different output transformations defined. All perform well, but some have a larger margin than others. [5] :39 They are built from the following components:

These are combined into the following recommended output transformations, illustrated here in their most common sizes:

Each step of these output transformations is either invertible (and thus one-to-one) or a truncation, so their composition maps the same fixed number of input states to each output value. This preserves the equidistribution of the underlying LCG.

Finally, if a cycle length longer than 2128 is required, the generator can be extended with an array of sub-generators. One is chosen (in rotation) to be added to the main generator's output, and every time the main generator's state reaches zero, the sub-generators are cycled in a pattern which provides a period exponential in the total state size.

Example code

The generator recommended for most users [5] :43 is PCG-XSH-RR with 64-bit state and 32-bit output. It can be implemented as:

#include<stdint.h>staticuint64_tstate=0x4d595df4d0f33173;// Or something seed-dependentstaticuint64_tconstmultiplier=6364136223846793005u;staticuint64_tconstincrement=1442695040888963407u;// Or an arbitrary odd constantstaticuint32_trotr32(uint32_tx,unsignedr){returnx>>r|x<<(-r&31);}uint32_tpcg32(void){uint64_tx=state;unsignedcount=(unsigned)(x>>59);// 59 = 64 - 5state=x*multiplier+increment;x^=x>>18;// 18 = (64 - 27)/2returnrotr32((uint32_t)(x>>27),count);// 27 = 32 - 5}voidpcg32_init(uint64_tseed){state=seed+increment;(void)pcg32();}

The generator applies the output transformation to the initial state rather than the final state in order to increase the available instruction-level parallelism to maximize performance on modern superscalar processors. [5] :43

A slightly faster version eliminates the increment, reducing the LCG to a multiplicative (Lehmer-style) generator with a period of only 262, and uses the weaker XSH-RS output function:

staticuint64_tmcg_state=0xcafef00dd15ea5e5u;// Must be oddstaticuint64_tconstmultiplier=6364136223846793005u;uint32_tpcg32_fast(void){uint64_tx=mcg_state;unsignedcount=(unsigned)(x>>61);// 61 = 64 - 3mcg_state=x*multiplier;x^=x>>22;return(uint32_t)(x>>(22+count));// 22 = 32 - 3 - 7}voidpcg32_fast_init(uint64_tseed){mcg_state=2*seed+1;(void)pcg32_fast();}

The time saving is minimal, as the most expensive operation (the 64×64-bit multiply) remains, so the normal version is preferred except in extremis. Still, this faster version also passes statistical tests. [4]

When executing on a 32-bit processor, the 64×64-bit multiply must be implemented using three 32×32→64-bit multiply operations. To reduce that to two, there are 32-bit multipliers which perform almost as well as the 64-bit one, such as 0xf13283ad [6] , 0xffffffff0e703b65 or 0xf2fc5985.

Comparison with other pseudorandom number generators

Melissa O'Neill proposes testing PRNGs by applying statistical tests to their reduced-size variants and determining the minimum number of internal state bits required to pass. [7] TestU01's BigCrush examines enough data to detect a period of 235, so even an ideal generator requires 36 bits of state to pass it. Some very poor generators can pass if given a large enough state; [8] passing despite a small state is a measure of an algorithm's quality, and shows how large a safety margin exists between that lower limit and the state size used in practical applications.

PCG-RXS-M-XS (with 32-bit output) passes BigCrush with 36 bits of state (the minimum possible), PCG-XSH-RR (pcg32() above) requires 39, and PCG-XSH-RS (pcg32_fast() above) requires 49 bits of state. For comparison, xorshift*, one of the best of the alternatives, requires 40 bits of state, [5] :19 and Mersenne twister fails despite 19937 bits of state. [9]

Prediction and seed-recovery

It has been shown that it is practically possible (with a large computation) to recover the seed of the pseudo-random generator given 512 consecutive output bytes. [10] This implies that it is practically possible to predict the rest of the pseudo-random stream given 512 bytes.

See also

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  1. Lemire, Daniel (22 August 2017). "Testing non-cryptographic random number generators: my results" . Retrieved 2017-10-03.
  2. Cook, John D. (7 July 2017). "Testing the PCG random number generator" . Retrieved 2017-10-03.
  3. Cook, John D. (14 August 2017). "Testing RNGs with PractRand" . Retrieved 2017-10-03.
  4. 1 2 O'Neill, M.E. (29 July 2017). "PCG Passes PractRand" . Retrieved 2017-11-03.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 O'Neill, Melissa E. (5 September 2014). PCG: A Family of Simple Fast Space-Efficient Statistically Good Algorithms for Random Number Generation (PDF) (Technical report). Harvey Mudd College. HMC-CS-2014-0905.
  6. 1 2 O'Neill, M.E. (10 August 2017). "Critiquing PCG's streams (and SplitMix's too)" . Retrieved 2017-11-03.
  7. O'Neill, M.E. (20 August 2017). "Visualizing the Heart of Some PRNGs" . Retrieved 2017-11-03.
  8. O'Neill, M.E. (20 August 2017). "Too Big to Fail" . Retrieved 2017-11-03.
  9. L'Ecuyer, Pierre; Simard, Richard (August 2007). "TestU01: A C library for empirical testing of random number generators" (PDF). ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software . 33 (4): 22-1–22-40. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1145/1268776.1268777. S2CID   273446.
  10. Bouillaguet, Charles; Martinez, Florette; Sauvage, Julia (28 September 2020). "Practical seed-recovery for the PCG Pseudo-Random Number Generator". IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology. 2020 (3): 175–196. doi:10.13154/tosc.v2020.i3.175-196. S2CID   222137612.