Personal progression in Scouting Ireland

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Progressive scheme badges Progressive scheme badges (Scouting Ireland).jpg
Progressive scheme badges

The ONE Programme personal progression system for youth members of Scouting Ireland has been designed and refactored since the merger of earlier organisations, using a number of key underlining principles. Activities and personal progression (badges) are designed to make use of the Scout method, maintain a consistent structure across the five youth programme sections, involve youth participation and personal experiences.


One Programme for all

The principle of 'ONE Programme for all' means that each age range section delivers the programme in a similar way. Small groups are present in all Sections. Documentation is designed to appeal to the age range of the Section but presents the same concepts to young people in appropriate visual presentations and language. The badge scheme is also similar and the badge designs only signify different age ranges via different coloured designs. [1]

Programme creation

Young people are fully involved in the creation and management of their Scouting experience. This is done via the team and Section Council gatherings. They suggest, design and implement their own adventures and experiences assisted and facilitated by Adult Scouters. This collective experience is the programme of the group.

Personal Journey

Every Scout is responsible for their own Personal Journey/experience of Scouting and plays a hand in designing and planning that journey. The Personal Journey ideal draws a young person to explore the SPICES (social, physical, intellectual, character, emotional and spiritual development areas [2] ) and enable them to learn, acquire knowledge and develop while participating in the Scout programme. The programme, that young people have designed with the help and assistance of Scouters follows a simple process PLAN, DO, REVIEW. [3] Programmes are planned, activities are executed and the whole process is reviewed. The review process is an important stage as it allows young people to learn by doing, reflect on what has been learnt and carry this knowledge through to the next programme cycle. The review and reflection process is an important part of the personal journey of young people. It allows them to position themselves on their chosen path and provides them with pathways to future discoveries and experiences.


There are four types of badges available to young people.

Personal Progress badges

Personal Progress Badges are awarded to young people in recognition of how they have developed and travelled along their personal Scouting journey. The badges are roughly linked to a 'Scouting years' programme. It is not based on individual tests but rather on a concept of bringing young people 'one step forward'. For some young people this will be easy for others more challenging. It will also be related to maturity of young people as they grow and develop. Scouters therefore need to be fully aware of 'where their Scouts are at' so they can have a fuller understanding of how far a young person has travelled in a particular Stage.

Adventure Skills badges

The Adventure Skills are a set of 81 badges developed as part Scouting Ireland's ONE Programme. Adventure skills badges set prescribed detailed requirements to young people to achieve a set standard in a particular adventure skill. The requirements are progressive and ultimately reflect and pave the way to outside recognition by a governing body of a chosen skill. There are currently nine adventure skills badges: [4] Sailing, Rowing, Paddling (Kayaking, Canoeing and Rafting), First aid, Camping, Pioneering, Backwoods, Hillwalking and Air with 9 stages within each of these skills. [4] [5] The badges are awarded based on demonstrated competencies at a given level for a given skill. [4] Scouting Ireland established a memorandum of understanding with recognised external organisations (in both the Republic and the North) such as Irish Sailing Association, Canoeing Ireland, and Mountaineering Ireland to develop the respective criteria, and for those skills in which Scouting Ireland is a natural leader (Camping, Backwoods, Pioneering), the criteria were developed in-house. [6] [7] [8] Paddling, Sailing and Rowing form a large part of the Sea Scout programme, and the Air adventure skill is derived from Air Scouting. Badges are open to all programme sections, although some of the higher levels are age-restricted. [4] The criteria are set out so that they can be approved by non-Scouts. Scouting Ireland's campsites, as well as private companies, have developed training schemes which are aligned to the Adventure Skills. [9] [10] [11] [12] [7] An independent app has been developed which shows the full list of criteria. [13] [14]

Equivalent external qualification


Hillwalking Stage Mountaineering Ireland [6]
7Mountain Skills
9Mountain Leader


Paddling StageCanoeing Ireland, British Canoe Union [6]
5Level 1
6Level 2
7Level 3
8Level 4
9Level 5


Sailing Stage Irish Sailing Association, Royal Yachting Association [6]
4Start Sailing
5Basic Skills
6Improving Skills
8Adventure 1
9Adventure 2

Special Interest badges

Special interest badges are open ended badges that reflect the interest of the young person undertaking them. Any subject is possible and the requirements are designed by the young person in consultation and agreement with their Scouters. [15] There are five badge designs, badges are presented under a number of heading into which the special interest subject will fall. Heading include -Skill, Physical, Adventure, Community, Environment. [15] [16] Badge requirements will differ depending on the individual, the main requirement being 'doing one's best', recognising personal effort, rather than achieving a prescribed standard. [4] [15] Badge requirements are broad enough to allow youth members to set agree their own criteria with their Scouter. [4]

Chief Scout Award

The Chief Scout Award is the superlative youth programme award in each of the Programme Sections. It is designed to tie-in with the Gaisce Award, and the Chief Scout Award for Scouts, Ventures Scouts, and Rover Scouts are awarded jointly with the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards respectively. [17] Requirements for the award are a number of Adventure Skills, Special Interest Badges, an Expedition, and camp with an inter-cultural aspect. [17] [18]

Role of Scouters

The role of the Scouters is one of assisting, supporting, facilitating, motivating, being a role model rather than directive. Younger age ranges will require more facilitation and direction but this should be reversed in older age ranges to one of 'mentor or coach'. The Scouters need to be aware of the young people in their Section, and understand 'where they are' in relation to their development as young people. Scouters will assist in reviewing activities and help young people to reflect on their experiences and personal journey through Scouting.

Predecessor badges

ONE Programme's Adventure Skills and Special Interest badges (along with a set of Nautical Badges in each section to tie-in with the Sea Scout symbolic framework) replaced the legacy attainment and merit badges.

Attainment badges

Attainment badges were awards earned by youth members, based on a variety of adventurous outdoor activities. These badges were originally developed by the former Scouting Ireland S.A.I. for its sectional programmes in the Scout section and the Sea Scout section.


A core of 7 attainment badges ("The Magnificent Seven") were developed by the SAI which are universal across the Scout programme and the Sea Scout programme. A further 7 badges were developed by the Sea Scout team which are mostly specialist water activities badges that aid the Sea Scout programme, supplementing its primary progressive badge scheme. These badges, while developed for just one of the programmes, were open to members of both the Scout and Sea Scout section to achieve. The 14 attainment badges are listed below.

BackwoodsScouts & Sea Scouts
Camp SkillsScouts & Sea Scouts
CampingScouts & Sea Scouts
CanoeingSea Scouts
CyclingSea Scouts
ExpeditionScouts & Sea Scouts
First AidScouts & Sea Scouts
HikingScouts & Sea Scouts
PowerboatingSea Scouts
RaftingSea Scouts
RowingSea Scouts
SailingSea Scouts
SurvivalScouts & Sea Scouts
SwimmingSea Scouts

Merit badges

Merit badges were awards earned by youth members, based on activities within an area of study by completing a list of periodically updated requirements..

Merit badges were a universal award for achievement within the Scouting movement. The purpose of the merit badge programme was to allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a career or as a vocation. Originally, the programme also introduced Scouts to the life skills of contacting an adult they hadn't met before, arranging a meeting and then demonstrating their skills, similar to a job or college interview. Increasingly, though, merit badges were earned in a class setting at troop meetings and summer camps.[ citation needed ]

Many of the badges were more advanced versions of Cub Scout (Macaoimh) badges.

NameSectionFurther reading
Map-maker Scoutcraft Cartography
Pioneering Scoutcraft Pioneering
Signalling Scoutcraft Signalling
Camper Camping Camping
Camp Chef Camping Camping
Campfire Leader Camping Campfire
Quartermaster Camping Quartermaster
Camp Leader Camping
Hiker Adventure Hiking
Hike Leader Adventure
Hill Walker Adventure
OrienteerPhysical Ability Orienteering
CyclistPhysical Ability Cycling
AthletePhysical Ability Athletics
SportsPhysical Ability Sport
Self DefencePhysical Ability Self Defence
Electrician Electronics
Electronics Electronics
Radio Electronics
Computer Applications Electronics
Computer Programmer Electronics
Computer Skills Electronics
Car MechanicSkills
Home ManagerSkills
Metal WorkerSkills
Bookbinder Crafts
Artist Crafts
Printer Crafts
Photographer Crafts
Basketry Crafts
Leathercraft Crafts
Collector Crafts
Equestrian Nature
Sea Fishing Nature
Pet Keeper Nature
Gardener Nature
Angler Nature
Archaeologist Natural Sciences
Geologist Natural Sciences
Farmer Natural Sciences
Naturalist Faith and Environment
Observer Faith and Environment
Forester Faith and Environment
Civics Faith and Environment
Scripture Faith and Environment
Faith Faith and Environment
Bell ringer Entertainment
Bugler Entertainment
Musician Entertainment
Entertainer Entertainment
Irish Dancer Entertainment
Fire Safety Public Service
Emergency Public Service
Guide Public Service
Interpreter Public Service
Life Saver Public Service
Advanced Life Saver Public Service
Home Maintenance Public Service
Public Health Public Service
Public Speaking Public Service
Consumer Public Service
Secretary Public Service
Librarian Public Service
Social AwarenessSocial awareness
World FriendshipSocial awareness
ConservationSocial awareness
Gaeilge Languages Gaeilge

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cub Scouts (Scouting Ireland)</span>

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Scouts is the section of Scouts Australia for boys and girls aged 11 to 14 (inclusive). The Scout section follows after Cub Scouts and is before Venturer Scouts. Scouts wear a uniform shirt with navy blue panels, and green shoulders.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scouts (Scouting Ireland)</span>

Scouts in Scouting Ireland are aged between 11 and a half to 16 years of age. Each group has a Court of Honour/Patrol Leader's Council which under the guidance of an adult Scouter designs and implements activities. Scouts is the section where activities begin to really challenge the youth member and impart responsibility and self-reliance in accordance with the Scout method and the educational philosophy of Baden-Powell. The organisation also currently has Sea Scout and Air Scout programmes. The highest award is the Chief Scout Award.

The Chief Scout Award is the highest youth programme award in each of the Programme Sections in Scouting Ireland. It is designed to tie-in with the Gaisce Award/Duke of Edinburgh's Award, and the Chief Scout Award for Scouts, Venture Scouts, and Rover Scouts are awarded jointly with the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards respectively. Requirements for the award are a number of Adventure Skills, Special Interest Badges, an Expedition, and camp with an inter-cultural aspect. The progress of the award is led by the participant, with the help of the Scouter.

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Cub Scouts, often shortened to Cubs, are a section of Scouting operated by The Scout Association with a core age of eight to ten and a half years of age. This section follows on from the Beaver Scouts and precedes the Scout section.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sea Scouts (Scouting Ireland)</span>

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  1. "Scouting awards for locally based leaders". The Corkman . 16 March 2019 via
  2. "Ballyjamesduff Scout group climbing the ladder up the tree of success…". Anglo Celt. 8 April 2010.
  3. "Developing and planning programmes by Scouting Ireland - Issuu". 5 March 2021.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "What We Do In Scouting". Scouting Ireland. Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  5. Adventure Skills. Scouting Ireland. 2010. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  6. 1 2 3 4 County Programme Coordinator Team Resource. Scouting Ireland. 2010. p. 48. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  7. 1 2 "Scouting Ireland Course packages". Canoeing Ireland. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  8. "ANNUAL REVIEW 2010" (pdf). Mountaineering Ireland. 2010. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  9. Rowing Adventure Skills Handbook (PDF). National Water Activities Centre - Killaloe. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  10. "Offsite Program / Contacts". Kilkully Campsite. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  11. "ACTIVITIES: HILLWALKING ADVENTURE SKILL STAGES 1 – 4". Castle Saunderson International Scouting Centre. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  12. "Complete your Cubs and Scouts Air Activities Adventure Skills Badge from Stages 1-6 at Atlantic AirVenture". Atlantic AirVenture. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  13. Fionn Delahunty (21 August 2014). "Scouting Adventure Skills - App Page". Google Play . Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  14. Fionn Delahunty (21 August 2014). "Scouting Adventure Skills - App Page". Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  15. 1 2 3 "Venture Special Interest Badges" (PDF). Scouting Ireland. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 September 2016. Retrieved 2 June 2020.
  16. "Tullamore to host National Scouting Council". Offaly Express. 16 March 2010. Archived from the original on 23 April 2015. Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  17. 1 2 "Scout Chief Scout Award - Scouter version" (PDF). Scout Team, Scouting Ireland. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  18. "Naas award winning beavers become cubs". Leinster Leader. 10 April 2014. Retrieved 10 April 2015.


See also