A phantom contour is a type of illusory contour. Most illusory contours are seen in still images, such as the Kanizsa triangle and the Ehrenstein illusion. A phantom contour, however, is perceived in the presence of moving or flickering images with contrast reversal. [2] The rapid, continuous alternation between opposing, but correlated, adjacent images creates the perception of a contour that is not physically present in the still images. Quaid et al. have also authored a PhD thesis on the phantom contour illusion and its spatiotemporal limits (University of Waterloo) which maps out limits and proposes mechanisms for its perception centering around magnocellularly driven visual area MT (see also Quaid et al., 2005 on www.pubmed.com).
One example of this illusion involves stimuli consisting of two similar frames, with uniform grey backgrounds: in one frame, the top half contains white dots and the bottom half contains black dots. A second frame contains the reverse of the first frame, in which the white dots of the first frame are replaced with black dots and the black dots are replaced with white dots. The rapid alternation between these two frames reverses the polarity of the dots, while keeping their positions static. [3] At high temporal frequencies (20 Hz), the alternating frames are perceived as one non-flickering image, where the individual dots are no longer visible, while simultaneously creating the illusion of a distinct border, dividing the top and bottom halves of the display. [1] This perceived border is a phantom contour illusion.
Perceived borders similar to the phantom contour, observed via luminance contrasts, were reported in 1987, when Livingstone and Hubel analyzed various aspects of vision, and linked them to the magno- and parvocellular subsystems. [4] Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and D.S. Rogers-Ramachandran's subsequent research, however, helped pare down and solidify the concept of phantom contours. [5] Their research was also the first use of “texture borders” to induce this illusion. [1] Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran's research has since led to several more papers on the topic, with varying conclusions regarding the underlying mechanisms responsible for these illusions, as well as considerations for this illusion's potential link to dyslexia.
See Theories of dyslexia.
One theory suggests that temporal-frequency processing in the magnocellular pathway, an anatomical pathway that originates in the retina, goes through the lateral geniculate nucleus, and ends in the primary visual cortex, may be connected to the appearance of this illusion (Skottun and Skoyles debated this link in 2006 [6] ). The magnocellular pathway is contrast-sensitive, sensitive to motion, and also sensitive to flashing black-to-white edges. [3] Livingstone and Hubel looked at lateral geniculate cells in both the magno- and parvocellular layers, and found responses to luminance contrasts to be much stronger in magnocellular cells. [4] These cells also had better spatial and temporal resolution. Additionally, the magnocelluar pathway is activated more by peripheral vision, in contrast to the parvocelluar pathway, which is activated more by central vision. [1] Rogers-Ramachandran and Ramachandran tested whether or not this preference for peripheral stimuli in the magnocellular cells would have an effect on phantom contour perception. As was predicted, sparsely spaced objects, which degrade the perception of the contours in central vision, were more easily perceived when subjects adjusted their fixation from 0 to 5 degrees eccentricity. [1] This supports the idea that magnocellular cells are responsible for phantom contour perception under such conditions.
Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran [3] proposed that the phantom contour illusion could be used to test whether or not a person's magnocellular pathway is functioning properly, as well as provide a means for analyzing the role and function of the magnocellular system in general. Loss of magnocellular function can be found in the early stages of glaucoma. [3]
Insight into the connection between this illusion and temporal-frequency processing could help us understand underlying mechanisms responsible for certain types of dyslexia (learning impairments in one's reading ability). [7] Deficits in rapid visual processing have been seen in dyslexics and are believed to be linked to deficits in the magnocellular pathway. [8] Differential sensitivities to temporal-frequency processing may play a role in both the perception of phantom contours, as well as certain reading impairments. Sperling et al. [9] found that children with phonological dyslexia (a deficit related to coding meaning of soundsystems of language) showed a decreased ability in perceiving phantom contours, and thus, may be experiencing a magnocellular deficit. Additionally, based on rigorous testing of the dyslexics’ reading abilities, which were compared to their inability to process phantom contours, they found a negative correlation between this magnocellular deficit and reading ability, suggesting a link between magnocellular deficits and orthographic processing (storing patterns of letters in the visual processing system). [9] This is consistent with the theory that some dyslexic people may have motion perception deficits. The pan-sensory deficit hypothesis with regard to dyslexics, states that a deficit in processing rapidly changing stimuli may be a congenital deficit in magnocellular or magnocellular-like processing. [9]
Children with dyslexia possess a lower flicker frequency threshold compared to non-dyslexics when the phantom contour images are achromatic (lacking in color). However, when presented with similar images to the black and white dot images mentioned above, but using equiluminant (aka isoluminant) color, in which the luminance of the colors is the same but the hue is not, the illusion disappears for non-dyslexics as well. [9] Adding a luminance difference as small as 10% between the colors, however, re-activates the illusion. [1] This finding suggests that the parvocelluar pathway, which is sensitive to color, is not responsible for this illusion. [1] [9] The magnocelluar pathway, in contrast, is believed to be insensitive to color. [1] Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran compared using equiluminance contours on these tasks to using a psychophysical “scalpel” to separate the visual pathway subsystems based on their functional roles. [1]
When the stimuli used to present phantom contours consist of adjacent dark and light achromatic horizontal stripes (squarewave gratings), variations in spatial and temporal frequency can be examined. An increase or decrease in stripe thickness adjusts spatial frequency, and temporal frequency is manipulated by increases and decreases in flicker rate. Findings show that as spatial frequency is increased, sensitivity to temporal frequency decreases. For example, with a temporal frequency of 7 Hz, the spatial frequency required in order for subjects to perceive the phantom contour was 8.96 cycles degree −1. Subjects lost the ability to detect temporal phase when temporal frequency was above 7 Hz, indicating they relied on some other cue to detect phantom contours. This finding suggests that where phantom contours are processed along the visual system may change, depending on which pattern-detection technique is being utilized. [7] Keily et al. looked at stimulus duration, with relation to presentation of flickering images, and found no detection improvement between 34 and 340 milliseconds, suggesting that the first couple of flicker frames are crucial to phantom contour perception. [2]
When analyzing flicker-generated forms, Quaid and Flanagan [5] noted that, as stimulus size increased, phase-contrast thresholds for these phantom contours decreased. Additionally, thresholds decreased as the number of observed stimuli increased. Large sized stimuli paired with a large number of stimuli produced the lowest thresholds of all.
The perception of phantom contours extends beyond just a straight border between two halves of a frame. Researchers have employed shapes and alphabetical letters to represent this illusion as well. [2] [3] [10] The presentation is similar to a pseudoisochromatic plate (namely an Ishihara plate), but instead of detecting color blindness, this test is intended to detect magnocellular pathway deficits. [3] The contrast reversal at high temporal frequencies eliminates the dot patterns making up the object and the background, thus leaving only the perception of the object border to define the object. [2] As with phantom border tasks, longer exposure times to the flickering images show no enhancement of the illusion, once again indicating that very few frame flickers are needed in order for the illusion to be present. Longer ramp durations (onset and offset times of the stimulus presentation), however, drastically increase thresholds for contour illusion detection and eventually eliminate the perceived illusion completely. [2] Also consistent with the border tasks, converting the images into equiluminant colors eliminates the illusion of these object borders. [3]
There is debate as to whether or not flicker rate is the defining characteristic dividing the phantom contours of the magnocellular pathway and the “surface characteristics” of the parvocellular pathway. Surface characteristics are defined as the perception of the absolute temporal phase of the flickering images, which becomes apparent at lower frequencies (5–7 Hz). [6] In other words, surface characteristics are visible when we are able to see the images flickering from one to the other. This perception occurs at lower flicker rates. At high flicker rates, the images appear as one image. Skottun and Skoyles [6] found several potential holes in the theory that the percept of phantom contours represents magnocellular activity, and the percept of surface characteristics represents parvocellular activity. One argument is that the high temporal frequencies used to activate the phantom contour illusion (>15 Hz) are not optimal frequencies for magnocellular neurons. Optimal frequencies for both magno- and parvocellular neurons are similar to each other and are closer to the range of 5–7 Hz, the frequency range where surface characteristics can be seen. [6] Additionally, they claim that, due to a phase-locking response of parvocellular neurons at high temporal frequencies, there are likely other mechanisms at play when perceiving surface characteristics at these higher temporal frequencies.
Skottun and Skoyles also question whether the perception of phantom contours is specifically related to luminance. [6] Our inability to process color at high temporal frequencies may be more related to how the parvocellular system functions, rather than being a defining difference between the parvo- and magnocellular systems. Further, they surmise that detection of surface characteristics at low temporal frequencies may be due to processing further on in the visual system, based on the fact that cortical neurons have longer integration times, compared to the subcortical neurons found in the magno- and parvocellular systems. [6] Quaid and Flanagan recommend looking to the dorsal stream for illusory contour processing, claiming that motion-defined-forms may be detected, even with a magnocellular deficit. [5] They also point out that the dorsal stream mediates low contrast, high temporal frequency stimuli, as well as motion, making it a viable candidate for processing this illusion.
When addressing the theory that magnocellular deficits play a potential role in dyslexia, Skottun and Skoyles [6] argue that it may be more of an overall temporal processing deficit, not just a magnocelluar deficit. They claim the inability of dyslexic children to process stimuli that change rapidly or occur briefly may be unrelated to the magnocellular system. Ultimately, they conclude that further research is needed to back the theory that phantom contours and surface characteristics are caused by the magnocelluar and parvocellular systems, respectively, and, therefore, it would be wise not to limit one's research of phantom contours and surface characteristics exclusively to the analysis of how the magno- and parvocellular systems function. [6]
The visual cortex of the brain is the area of the cerebral cortex that processes visual information. It is located in the occipital lobe. Sensory input originating from the eyes travels through the lateral geniculate nucleus in the thalamus and then reaches the visual cortex. The area of the visual cortex that receives the sensory input from the lateral geniculate nucleus is the primary visual cortex, also known as visual area 1 (V1), Brodmann area 17, or the striate cortex. The extrastriate areas consist of visual areas 2, 3, 4, and 5.
In visual perception, an optical illusion is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality. Illusions come in a wide variety; their categorization is difficult because the underlying cause is often not clear but a classification proposed by Richard Gregory is useful as an orientation. According to that, there are three main classes: physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions, and in each class there are four kinds: Ambiguities, distortions, paradoxes, and fictions. A classical example for a physical distortion would be the apparent bending of a stick half immerged in water; an example for a physiological paradox is the motion aftereffect. An example for a physiological fiction is an afterimage. Three typical cognitive distortions are the Ponzo, Poggendorff, and Müller-Lyer illusion. Physical illusions are caused by the physical environment, e.g. by the optical properties of water. Physiological illusions arise in the eye or the visual pathway, e.g. from the effects of excessive stimulation of a specific receptor type. Cognitive visual illusions are the result of unconscious inferences and are perhaps those most widely known.
Magnocellular cells, also called M-cells, are neurons located within the magnocellular layer of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. The cells are part of the visual system. They are termed "magnocellular" since they are characterized by their relatively large size compared to parvocellular cells.
The Ehrenstein illusion is an optical illusion of brightness or colour perception. The visual phenomena was studied by the German psychologist Walter H. Ehrenstein (1899–1961) who originally wanted to modify the theory behind the Hermann grid illusion. In the discovery of the optical illusion, Ehrenstein found that grating patterns of straight lines that stop at a certain point appear to have a brighter centre, compared to the background.
The two-streams hypothesis is a model of the neural processing of vision as well as hearing. The hypothesis, given its initial characterisation in a paper by David Milner and Melvyn A. Goodale in 1992, argues that humans possess two distinct visual systems. Recently there seems to be evidence of two distinct auditory systems as well. As visual information exits the occipital lobe, and as sound leaves the phonological network, it follows two main pathways, or "streams". The ventral stream leads to the temporal lobe, which is involved with object and visual identification and recognition. The dorsal stream leads to the parietal lobe, which is involved with processing the object's spatial location relative to the viewer and with speech repetition.
The peripheral drift illusion (PDI) refers to a motion illusion generated by the presentation of a sawtooth luminance grating in the visual periphery. This illusion was first described by Faubert and Herbert (1999), although a similar effect called the "escalator illusion" was reported by Fraser and Wilcox (1979). A variant of the PDI was created by Kitaoka Akiyoshi and Ashida (2003) who took the continuous sawtooth luminance change, and reversed the intermediate greys. Kitaoka has created numerous variants of the PDI, and one called "rotating snakes" has become very popular. The latter demonstration has kindled great interest in the PDI.
Illusory contours or subjective contours are visual illusions that evoke the perception of an edge without a luminance or color change across that edge. Illusory brightness and depth ordering often accompany illusory contours. Friedrich Schumann is often credited with the discovery of illusory contours around the beginning of the 20th century, but they are present in art dating to the Middle Ages. Gaetano Kanizsa’s 1976 Scientific American paper marked the resurgence of interest in illusory contours for vision scientists.
In vision, filling-in phenomena are those responsible for the completion of missing information across the physiological blind spot, and across natural and artificial scotomata. There is also evidence for similar mechanisms of completion in normal visual analysis. Classical demonstrations of perceptual filling-in involve filling in at the blind spot in monocular vision, and images stabilized on the retina either by means of special lenses, or under certain conditions of steady fixation. For example, naturally in monocular vision at the physiological blind spot, the percept is not a hole in the visual field, but the content is “filled-in” based on information from the surrounding visual field. When a textured stimulus is presented centered on but extending beyond the region of the blind spot, a continuous texture is perceived. This partially inferred percept is paradoxically considered more reliable than a percept based on external input..
The Chubb illusion is an optical illusion or error in visual perception in which the apparent contrast of an object varies substantially to most viewers depending on its relative contrast to the field on which it is displayed. These visual illusions are of particular interest to researchers because they may provide valuable insights in regard to the workings of human visual systems.
Dichotic pitch is a pitch heard due to binaural processing, when the brain combines two noises presented simultaneously to the ears. In other words, it cannot be heard when the sound stimulus is presented monaurally but, when it is presented binaurally a sensation of a pitch can be heard. The binaural stimulus is presented to both ears through headphones simultaneously, and is the same in several respects except for a narrow frequency band that is manipulated. The most common variation is the Huggins Pitch, which presents white-noise that only differ in the interaural phase relation over a narrow range of frequencies. For humans, this phenomenon is restricted to fundamental frequencies lower than 330 Hz and extremely low sound pressure levels. Experts investigate the effects of the dichotic pitch on the brain. For instance, there are studies that suggested it evokes activation at the lateral end of Heschl's gyrus.
The frequency-doubling illusion is an apparent doubling of spatial frequency when a sinusoidal grating is modulated rapidly in temporal counterphase. Recently, it has been proposed that the illusion arises from a spatially nonlinear ganglion cell class. The contrast threshold values needed for perceiving this physiological effect are used in frequency doubling technology perimetry for the detection of even early phases of glaucoma. A more recent study's results argue against the hypothesis that spatially nonlinear retinal ganglion cells are the physiological substrate of the frequency-doubling illusion. A cortical pathway of temporal phase discrimination may be the principal cause of the illusion, whereas spatial phase information is retained.
The history of dyslexia research spans from the late 1800s to the present.
Dyslexia is a reading disorder wherein an individual experiences trouble with reading. Individuals with dyslexia have normal levels of intelligence but can exhibit difficulties with spelling, reading fluency, pronunciation, "sounding out" words, writing out words, and reading comprehension. The neurological nature and underlying causes of dyslexia are an active area of research. However, some experts believe that the distinction of dyslexia as a separate reading disorder and therefore recognized disability is a topic of some controversy.
A parasol cell, sometimes called an M cell or M ganglion cell, is one type of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) located in the ganglion cell layer of the retina. These cells project to magnocellular cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) as part of the magnocellular pathway in the visual system. They have large cell bodies as well as extensive branching dendrite networks and as such have large receptive fields. Relative to other RGCs, they have fast conduction velocities. While they do show clear center-surround antagonism, they receive no information about color. Parasol ganglion cells contribute information about the motion and depth of objects to the visual system.
The watercolor illusion, also referred to as the water-color effect, is an optical illusion in which a white area takes on a pale tint of a thin, bright, intensely colored polygon surrounding it if the coloured polygon is itself surrounded by a thin, darker border. The inner and outer borders of watercolor illusion objects often are of complementary colours. The watercolor illusion is best when the inner and outer contours have chromaticities in opposite directions in color space. The most common complementary pair is orange and purple. The watercolor illusion is dependent on the combination of luminance and color contrast of the contour lines in order to have the color spreading effect occur.
Neon color spreading is an optical illusion in the category of transparency effects, characterized by fluid borders between the edges of a colored object and the background in the presence of black lines. The illusion was first documented in 1971 and was eventually rediscovered in 1975 by Van Tuijl.
Form perception is the recognition of visual elements of objects, specifically those to do with shapes, patterns and previously identified important characteristics. An object is perceived by the retina as a two-dimensional image, but the image can vary for the same object in terms of the context with which it is viewed, the apparent size of the object, the angle from which it is viewed, how illuminated it is, as well as where it resides in the field of vision. Despite the fact that each instance of observing an object leads to a unique retinal response pattern, the visual processing in the brain is capable of recognizing these experiences as analogous, allowing invariant object recognition. Visual processing occurs in a hierarchy with the lowest levels recognizing lines and contours, and slightly higher levels performing tasks such as completing boundaries and recognizing contour combinations. The highest levels integrate the perceived information to recognize an entire object. Essentially object recognition is the ability to assign labels to objects in order to categorize and identify them, thus distinguishing one object from another. During visual processing information is not created, but rather reformatted in a way that draws out the most detailed information of the stimulus.
Due to the effect of a spatial context or temporal context, the perceived orientation of a test line or grating pattern can appear tilted away from its physical orientation. The tilt illusion (TI) is the phenomenon that the perceived orientation of a test line or grating is altered by the presence of surrounding lines or grating with a different orientation. And the tilt aftereffect (TAE) is the phenomenon that the perceived orientation is changed after prolonged inspection of another oriented line or grating.
Visual processing abnormalities in schizophrenia are commonly found, and contribute to poor social function.
In visual perception, flicker is a human-visible change in luminance of an illuminated surface or light source which can be due to fluctuations of the light source itself, or due to external causes such as due to rapid fluctuations in the voltage of the power supply or incompatibility with an external dimmer.