Phase center

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In horn and other directional antennas, the apparent phase center is used since radiation is only emitted at certain angles . Horn antenna apparent phase center.png
In horn and other directional antennas, the apparent phase center is used since radiation is only emitted at certain angles .

In antenna design theory, the phase center is the point from which the electromagnetic radiation spreads spherically outward, with the phase of the signal being equal at any point on the sphere. Apparent phase center is used to describe the phase center in a limited section of the radiation pattern.

If it is used in the context of an antenna array, one has to define a reference point from which the basevectors of the single elements are referred to. [1] The phase center may vary, depended on the beamforming algorithm. It produces the weight vector, that may vary over time depending on the geometrical setup as well as the receive conditions.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Antenna array</span>

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In radio systems, many different antenna types are used whose properties are especially crafted for particular applications. Antennas can be classified in various ways. The list below groups together antennas under common operating principles, following the way antennas are classified in many engineering textbooks.


  1. Appel, Manuel. "Joint Antenna Array Attitude Tracking and Spoofing Detection Based on Phase Difference Measurements" (PDF). ION. Institute of Navigation. Retrieved 30 June 2021.