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In high-energy astrophysics, a photo-meson is a meson (most often a pion) produced in the interaction of a photon with a nucleon within an astrophysical object. This interaction is commonly referred to as photo-hadronic process. The decay of charged mesons ultimately results in the production of neutrinos and electrons, with muons as an intermediate state. The decay of neutral mesons produces high-energy gamma-rays. Photo-meson production is one of the hadronic processes that can occur in cosmic ray sources as gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei, and that can result in an observable multi-messenger signature. [1]

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and the antitaus by

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  1. Muecke, A.; Rachen, J. P.; Engel, R.; Protheroe, R. J.; Stanev, T. (1999). "Photomeson production in astrophysical sources". Nuclear Physics B: Proceedings Supplements. arXiv: astro-ph/9905153 . Bibcode:2000NuPhS..80C0810M.