Pinch-induced behavioral inhibition

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A cat carrying a kitten Cat carrying kitten (cropped).jpg
A cat carrying a kitten

Pinch-induced behavioural inhibition (PIBI), also called dorsal immobility, transport immobility or clipnosis, is a partially inert state that results from a gentle squeeze of the nape, the skin at the back of the neck. It is mostly observed among cats and allows a mother cat to carry her kitten easily with her jaws. It can be used to restrain most cats effectively in a domestic or veterinary context. The phenomenon also occurs in other animals, such as squirrels and mice. [1] [2]

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  1. The one myth about cats that's actually true by Robbie Gonzalez. Retrieved 21 May 18.
  2. Pozza, M. E.; Stella, J. L.; Chappuis-Gagnon, A. C.; Wagner, S. O.; Buffington, C. A. (2008). "Pinch-induced behavioural inhibition ('clipnosis') in domestic cats". Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery. 10 (1): 82–87. doi:10.1016/j.jfms.2007.10.008. PMID   18222719. S2CID   46156902.