Plaque-forming unit

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A plaque-forming unit (PFU) is a measure used in virology to describe the number of virus particles capable of forming plaques per unit volume. [1] It is a proxy measurement rather than a measurement of the absolute quantity of particles: viral particles that are defective or which fail to infect their target cell will not produce a plaque and thus will not be counted.

For example, a solution of tick-borne encephalitis virus with a concentration of 1,000 PFU/μL indicates that 1 μL of the solution contains enough virus particles to produce 1000 infectious plaques in a layer of cells. However, the number of virus particles might be greater than the number of PFU if some virus particles fail to form plaques because they are defective or otherwise failed to infect cells. The concept of plaque-forming units of virus is equivalent to the concept of colony-forming units of bacteria.

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Mammalian orthoreovirus (MRV) is a double-stranded RNA virus. It is a part of the family Reoviridae, as well as the subfamily Spinareovirinae. As seen in the name, the Mammalian Ortheoreovirus infects numerous mammalian species and vertebrates which serve as natural hosts. Some diseases that occur as a result of this virus or are associated with this virus include mild upper respiratory illness, and gastrointestinal illness. Examples of these are: upper respiratory tract syndromes, gastroenteritis, biliary atresia, obstructive hydrocephalus, jaundice, alopecia, conjunctivitis, and ‘oily hair’ associated with steatorrhea.

A therapeutic interfering particle is an antiviral preparation that reduces the replication rate and pathogenesis of a particular viral infectious disease. A therapeutic interfering particle is typically a biological agent (i.e., nucleic acid) engineered from portions of the viral genome being targeted. Similar to Defective Interfering Particles (DIPs), the agent competes with the pathogen within an infected cell for critical viral replication resources, reducing the viral replication rate and resulting in reduced pathogenesis. But, in contrast to DIPs, TIPs are engineered to have an in vivo basic reproductive ratio (R0) that is greater than 1 (R0>1). The term "TIP" was first introduced in 2011 based on models of its mechanism-of-action from 2003. Given their unique R0>1 mechanism of action, TIPs exhibit high barriers to the evolution of antiviral resistance and are predicted to be resistance proof. Intervention with therapeutic interfering particles can be prophylactic (to prevent or ameliorate the effects of a future infection), or a single-administration therapeutic (to fight a disease that has already occurred, such as HIV or COVID-19). Synthetic DIPs that rely on stimulating innate antiviral immune responses (i.e., interferon) were proposed for influenza in 2008 and shown to protect mice to differing extents but are technically distinct from TIPs due to their alternate molecular mechanism of action which has not been predicted to have a similarly high barrier to resistance. Subsequent work tested the pre-clinical efficacy of TIPs against HIV, a synthetic DIP for SARS-CoV-2 (in vitro), and a TIP for SARS-CoV-2 (in vivo).

Virivore comes from the English prefix viro- meaning virus, derived from the Latin word for poison, and the suffix -vore from the Latin word vorare, meaning to eat, or to devour; therefore, a virivore is an organism that consumes viruses. Virivory is a well-described process in which organisms, primarily heterotrophic protists, but also some metazoans consume viruses.


  1. "Plaque-forming unit". Biology Articles, Tutorials & Dictionary Online. 2019-10-07. Retrieved 2024-08-24.