Program ConCiencia

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The Program ConCiencia is an initiative of science communication created in 2006 by the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and the Consorcio de Santiago. It is based on visits to Santiago de Compostela of Nobel Laureates or analogous laureates in mathematics (Fields Medal, Abel Prize) and computer science (Turing Award). Since 2008 this program organizes also the Fonseca Prize of science communication, which so far has been awarded to Stephen W. Hawking, James Lovelock, Sir David Attenborough and Sir Roger Penrose.



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  1. Website of the 2006 edition
  2. Website of the 2006 edition
  3. Website of the 2006 edition
  4. Website of the 2006 edition
  5. Francis (th)E mule Science's News