Public opinion of interracial marriage in the United States

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Historical data according to Gallup, Inc. Public opinion of interracial marriage in the United States.png
Historical data according to Gallup, Inc.

Public opinion of interracial marriage in the United States has changed substantially since the 1940s. Today, support for interracial marriage is near-universal. [1]


Opposition to interracial marriage was frequently based on religious principles. The overwhelming majority of white Southern evangelical Christian Democrats saw racial segregation, including on matters of marriage, as something that was divinely instituted from God. They held that legal recognition of interracial couples would violate biblical teaching and hence their religious liberty. [2] This position was held by prominent evangelical denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention until the late-20th century. [3]



DateApprovalDisapprovalNo Opinion
July 6-21, 20219442
June 13-July 5, 201387112
August 4-7, 201186113
September 7-8, 200779156
June 4-24, 200777176
June 9-30, 200476195
November 11-December 14, 200373234
June 3-9, 200265296
January 4-February 28, 199764279
September 18-20, 1994483715
June 13-16, 1991484210
April 29-May 2, 198343507
July 21-24, 1978365410
October 13-16, 1972296011
June 26-July 1, 196820738
September 24-29, 19584943

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  1. McCarthy, Justin (September 10, 2021). "U.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94%". Gallup Inc. Retrieved August 2, 2023.
  2. Coffman, Elesha (2011-01-15). "Almighty God Created the Races: Christianity, Marriage & American Law". Christian Scholar’s Review. Retrieved 2023-08-02.
  3. Grant, Tobin (2011-06-24). "Opposition to Interracial Marriage Lingers Among Evangelicals". Christianity Today . Retrieved 2023-08-02.