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In mathematics, in the area of combinatorics and quantum calculus, the q-derivative, or Jackson derivative, is a q-analog of the ordinary derivative, introduced by Frank Hilton Jackson. It is the inverse of Jackson's q-integration. For other forms of q-derivative, see Chung et al. (1994).



The q-derivative of a function f(x) is defined as [1] [2] [3]

It is also often written as . The q-derivative is also known as the Jackson derivative.

Formally, in terms of Lagrange's shift operator in logarithmic variables, it amounts to the operator

which goes to the plain derivative, as .

It is manifestly linear,

It has a product rule analogous to the ordinary derivative product rule, with two equivalent forms

Similarly, it satisfies a quotient rule,

There is also a rule similar to the chain rule for ordinary derivatives. Let . Then

The eigenfunction of the q-derivative is the q-exponential eq(x).

Relationship to ordinary derivatives

Q-differentiation resembles ordinary differentiation, with curious differences. For example, the q-derivative of the monomial is: [2]

where is the q-bracket of n. Note that so the ordinary derivative is regained in this limit.

The n-th q-derivative of a function may be given as: [3]

provided that the ordinary n-th derivative of f exists at x = 0. Here, is the q-Pochhammer symbol, and is the q-factorial. If is analytic we can apply the Taylor formula to the definition of to get

A q-analog of the Taylor expansion of a function about zero follows: [2]

Higher order q-derivatives

The following representation for higher order -derivatives is known: [4] [5]

is the -binomial coefficient. By changing the order of summation as , we obtain the next formula: [4] [6]

Higher order -derivatives are used to -Taylor formula and the -Rodrigues' formula (the formula used to construct -orthogonal polynomials [4] ).


Post Quantum Calculus

Post quantum calculus is a generalization of the theory of quantum calculus, and it uses the following operator: [7] [8]

Hahn difference

Wolfgang Hahn introduced the following operator (Hahn difference): [9] [10]

When this operator reduces to -derivative, and when it reduces to forward difference. This is a successful tool for constructing families of orthogonal polynomials and investigating some approximation problems. [11] [12] [13]


-derivative is an operator defined as follows: [14] [15]

In the definition, is a given interval, and is any continuous function that strictly monotonically increases (i.e. ). When then this operator is -derivative, and when this operator is Hahn difference.


The q-calculus has been used in machine learning for designing stochastic activation functions. [16]

See also


  1. Jackson 1908, pp. 253–281.
  2. 1 2 3 Kac & Pokman Cheung 2002.
  3. 1 2 Ernst 2012.
  4. 1 2 3 Koepf 2014.
  5. Koepf, Rajković & Marinković 2007, pp. 621–638.
  6. Annaby & Mansour 2008, pp. 472–483.
  7. Gupta V., Rassias T.M., Agrawal P.N., Acu A.M. (2018) Basics of Post-Quantum Calculus. In: Recent Advances in Constructive Approximation Theory. SpringerOptimization and Its Applications, vol 138. Springer.
  8. Duran 2016.
  9. Hahn, W. (1949). Math. Nachr. 2: 4-34.
  10. Hahn, W. (1983) Monatshefte Math. 95: 19-24.
  11. Foupouagnigni 1998.
  12. Kwon, K.; Lee, D.; Park, S.; Yoo, B.: Kyungpook Math. J. 38, 259-281 (1998).
  13. Alvarez-Nodarse, R.: J. Comput. Appl. Math. 196, 320-337 (2006).
  14. Auch, T. (2013): Development and Application of Difference and Fractional Calculus on Discrete Time Scales. PhD thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  15. Hamza et al. 2015, p. 182.
  16. Nielsen & Sun 2021, pp. 2782–2789.


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