
Last updated
Original author(s) Peter Bumbulis
Initial releasearound 1994;30 years ago (1994) [1]
Stable release
3.1 [2]   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg / 19 July 2023;14 months ago (19 July 2023)
Type Lexical analyzer generator
License Public domain

re2c is a free and open-source lexer generator for C, C++, Go, and Rust. It compiles declarative regular expression specifications to deterministic finite automata. Originally written by Peter Bumbulis and described in his paper, [1] re2c was put in public domain and has been since maintained by volunteers. [3] It is the lexer generator adopted by projects such as PHP, [4] SpamAssassin, [5] Ninja build system [6] and others. Together with the Lemon parser generator, re2c is used in BRL-CAD. [7] This combination is also used with STEPcode, an implementation of ISO 10303 standard. [8]



The main goal of re2c is generating fast lexers: [1] at least as fast as reasonably optimized C lexers coded by hand. Instead of using traditional table-driven approach, re2c encodes the generated finite state machine directly in the form of conditional jumps and comparisons. The resulting program is faster than its table-driven counterpart [1] and much easier to debug and understand. Moreover, this approach often results in smaller lexers, [1] as re2c applies a number of optimizations such as DFA minimization and the construction of tunnel automaton. [9] Another distinctive feature of re2c is its flexible interface: instead of assuming a fixed program template, re2c lets the programmer write most of the interface code and adapt the generated lexer to any particular environment. The main idea is that re2c should be a zero-cost abstraction for the programmer: using it should never result in a slower program than the corresponding hand-coded implementation.



re2c program can contain any number of /*!re2c ... */ blocks. Each block consists of a sequence of rules, definitions and configurations (they can be intermixed, but it is generally better to put configurations first, then definitions and then rules). Rules have the form REGEXP { CODE } or REGEXP := CODE; where REGEXP is a regular expression and CODE is a block of C code. When REGEXP matches the input string, control flow is transferred to the associated CODE. There is one special rule: the default rule with * instead of REGEXP; it is triggered if no other rules matches. re2c has greedy matching semantics: if multiple rules match, the rule that matches longer prefix is preferred; if the conflicting rules match the same prefix, the earlier rule has priority. Definitions have the form NAME = REGEXP; (and also NAME { REGEXP } in Flex compatibility mode). Configurations have the form re2c:CONFIG = VALUE; where CONFIG is the name of the particular configuration and VALUE is a number or a string. For more advanced usage see the official re2c manual. [22]

Regular expressions

re2c uses the following syntax for regular expressions:

Character classes and string literals may contain the following escape sequences: \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v, \\, octal escapes \ooo and hexadecimal escapes \xhh, \uhhhh and \Uhhhhhhhh.


Here is a very simple program in re2c ( It checks that all input arguments are hexadecimal numbers. The code for re2c is enclosed in comments /*!re2c ... */, all the rest is plain C code. See the official re2c website for more complex examples. [23]

#include<stdio.h>staticintlex(constchar*YYCURSOR){constchar*YYMARKER;/*!re2c        re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;        re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;        end = "\x00";        hex = "0x" [0-9a-fA-F]+;        *       { printf("err\n"); return 1; }        hex end { printf("hex\n"); return 0; }    */}intmain(intargc,char**argv){for(inti=1;i<argc;++i){lex(argv[i]);}return0;}

Given that, re2c -is -o example.c generates the code below (example.c). The contents of the comment /*!re2c ... */ are substituted with a deterministic finite automaton encoded in the form of conditional jumps and comparisons; the rest of the program is copied verbatim into the output file. There are several code generation options; normally re2c uses switch statements, but it can use nested if statements (as in this example with -s option), or generate bitmaps and jump tables. Which option is better depends on the C compiler; re2c users are encouraged to experiment.

/* Generated by re2c 1.2.1 on Fri Aug 23 21:59:00 2019 */#include<stdio.h>staticintlex(constchar*YYCURSOR){constchar*YYMARKER;{charyych;yych=*YYCURSOR;if(yych=='0')gotoyy4;++YYCURSOR;yy3:{printf("err\n");return1;}yy4:yych=*(YYMARKER=++YYCURSOR);if(yych!='x')gotoyy3;yych=*++YYCURSOR;if(yych>=0x01)gotoyy8;yy6:YYCURSOR=YYMARKER;gotoyy3;yy7:yych=*++YYCURSOR;yy8:if(yych<='@'){if(yych<=0x00)gotoyy9;if(yych<='/')gotoyy6;if(yych<='9')gotoyy7;gotoyy6;}else{if(yych<='F')gotoyy7;if(yych<='`')gotoyy6;if(yych<='f')gotoyy7;gotoyy6;}yy9:++YYCURSOR;{printf("hex\n");return0;}}}intmain(intargc,char**argv){for(inti=1;i<argc;++i){lex(argv[i]);}return0;}

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Bumbulis, Peter; Donald D., Cowan (March–December 1993). "RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator". ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems. 2 (1–4): 70–84. doi: 10.1145/176454.176487 . S2CID   14814637.
  2. "Release 3.1". 19 July 2023. Retrieved 3 August 2023.
  3. "Authors, re2c documentation".
  4. "Building PHP". PHP Internals Book. Retrieved 2020-07-20.
  5. "SpamAssassin (sa-compile)".
  6. "Ninja:". Ninja. Retrieved 2020-07-20.
  7. "BRL-CAD (tools: re2c)".
  8. "Build Process".
  9. Joseph, Grosch (1989). "Efficient Generation of Table-Driven Scanners". Software: Practice and Experience 19: 1089–1103.
  10. "Submatch extraction, re2c documentation".
  11. Ville, Laurikari (2000). "NFAs with tagged transitions, their conversion to deterministic automata and application to regular expressions" (PDF). Seventh International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, 2000. SPIRE 2000. Proceedings.
  12. Ulya, Trofimovich (2017). "Tagged Deterministic Finite Automata with Lookahead". arXiv: 1907.08837 [cs.FL].
  13. Ulya, Trofimovich (2020). "RE2C -- a lexer generator based on lookahead TDFA". Software Impacts. 6: 100027. doi: 10.1016/j.simpa.2020.100027 .
  14. Ulya, Trofimovich (2021). "Lookahead TDFA in pictures (slides)" (PDF).
  15. "Encodings, re2c documentation".
  16. "Program interface, re2c documentation".
  17. "Storable state, re2c documentation".
  18. "Start conditions, re2c documentation".
  19. "Skeleton, re2c documentation".
  20. "Warnings, re2c documentation".
  21. "Visualization, re2c documentation".
  22. "User manual (C), re2c documentation".
  23. "Official website".