Reformed Church of Aargau

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The Reformed Church of Aargau or Reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Aargau is a Reformed state cantonal church in Aargau, Switzerland. It was founded in 1803, and according to the 2004 statistics the Aargau Reformed Church had 76 Presbyteries and 1 Synod with almost 200,000 members and 76 parishes and 107 ordained clergy. [1] The official language is German. Member of the Schweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund. [2] [3] Women ordination is allowed. Blessing of same-sex unions were allowed [4] and on September 18, 2019 blessing of same-sex marriages were allowed. [5]


List of churches

Ort (Gemeinde)Name of the church [6] ParishChurch patronFounding date of the churchFirst church founding dateConstruction date of the church building
Aarau Reformed Church Aarau Aarau Jungfrau Maria 12751471–1478
Aarburg Reformed Church Aarburg Aarburg1842–1845
Ammerswil Reformed Church Ammerswil Ammerswil-Dintikon Petrus 1275
Auenstein Reformed Church Auenstein Auenstein1302
Baden Reformed Church Baden Baden171417141714
Beinwil am See Reformed Church Beinwil am See Beinwil am See19351935
Bergdietikon Bergdietikon Church Bergdietikon19611961
Birmenstorf Reformed Church Birmenstorf Birmenstorf-Gebenstorf-Turgi19361936
Birr Reformed Church Birr Birrvor 12. Jh.13701662
Birrwil Reformed Church Birrwil Birrwil12751689
Kirchbözberg Reformed Church Bözberg Bözberg-Mönthal Michael 11. Jh.
Bözen Reformed Church Bözen Bözenursp. Marienkapelle 1667
Bremgarten AG Reformed Church Bremgarten Bremgarten-Mutschellen19001900
Brittnau Reformed Church Brittnau Brittnau Hl. Verena 10/11. Jh.1585
Brugg Reformed State Church Brugg Brugg Hl. Nikolaus 12271734-1740
Brunegg Reformed Church Brunegg Birr19671967
Buchs AG Reformed Buchs Buchs-Rohr1949/501949/50
Densbüren Reformed Church Densbüren Densbüren1552-1558
Egliswil Church in Egliswil Seengen Hl. Gallus 11. Jh.
Ehrendingen Reformed Church Ehrendingen Baden1983/841983/84
Erlinsbach AG Reformed Church Erlinsbach Erlinsbach156515651565
Fislisbach Reformed Church Fislisbach Mellingen
Frick Reformed Church Frick Frick19101910
Gebenstorf Reformed Church Gebenstorf Birmenstorf-Gebenstorf-Turgi Hl. Margaretha verm. 12. Jh.12471891
Gontenschwil Reformed Church Gontenschwil Gontenschwil-Zetzwilnach 127512951622
Gränichen Reformed Church Gränichen Gränichen1661-1663
Hausen AG Reformed Church Hausen Windisch
Hendschiken Reformed Church Hendschiken Lenzburg-Hendschiken1982
Holderbank Reformed Church Holderbank Holderbank-Möriken-Wildegg13. 1702
Hunzenschwil Reformed Church Hunzenschwil Suhr-Hunzenschwil1959/601959/60
Kirchberg (Küttigen) Church in Kirchberg Kirchberg1036um 1500
Kirchleerau Reformed Church Kirchleerau Leerauum 105012751275
Klingnau Reformed Church Klingnau Klingnau-Döttingen-Kleindöttingen19351935
Koblenz AG Reformed Church Koblenz Koblenz
Kölliken Reformed Church Kölliken Kölliken15071507
Unterkulm Reformed Church Kulm Kulm Hl. Martin 11. Jh.1275um 1500
Laufenburg AG Reformed Church Laufenburg Laufenburg und Umgebung1958/591958/59
Lenzburg State church Lenzburg Lenzburg-Hendschiken15. Jh.1667
Leutwil Reformed Church Leutwil Leutwil-Dürrenäsch1273
Mandach Church Mandach Mandach11. Jh.
Meisterschwanden Reformed Church Meisterschwanden Meisterschwanden-Fahrwangen1820-18221820-1822
Melligen Reformed Church Mellingen Mellingen
Menziken Reformed Church Menziken Menziken-Burg18901890
Möhlin Reformed Church Möhlin Möhlin1947/481947/48
Mönthal Reformed Church Mönthal Bözberg-Mönthal Hl. Georg verm. 11. Jh.1273k. A.
Möriken (Möriken-Wildegg) Reformed Church Möriken Holderbank-Möriken-Wildegg
Muhen Reformed Church Muhen Muhen
Glashütten (Murgenthal) Reformed Church Murgenthal Murgenthal
Muri Reformierte Kirche Muri Muri19551955
Widen Church in Mutschellen Bremgarten-Mutschellen
Niederlenz Reformed Church Niederlenz Niederlenz1947-19491947-1949
Oberentfelden Reformed Church Oberentfelden Oberentfelden
Obersiggenthal Reformed Church Centrum Obersiggenthal Baden198519851985
Oftringen Church in Oftringen Oftringen1933/341933/34
Othmarsingen Reformed Church Othmarsingen Othmarsingen16751675
Rein (Rüfenach) Church in Rein Reinverm. 8. Jh.1864
Reinach AG Reformed Church Reinach Reinach-Leimbach1528/291528/29
Reitnau Reformed Church Reitnau Reitnau1522
Remigen Reformed Church Remigen Rein Petrus 11./12. Jh.1347
Rheinfelden Reformed Church Rheinfelden Rheinfelden
Rohr (Aarau) Reformed Church Rohr Buchs-Rohr19591959
Oberrohrdorf Reformed Church Rohrdorf Mellingen
Rothrist Reformed Church Rothrist Rothrist Petrus 17141714
Kirchrued (Schlossrued) Church in Rued Rothristvor dem 11. 1500
Rupperswil Reformed Church Rupperswil RupperswilEnde 13. Jh.1920
Safenwil Reformed Church Safenwil Safenwil18661866
Schafisheim Church in Schafisheim Staufberg Hl. Leodegar 1498
Schinznach-Dorf Reformed Church Schinznach-Dorf Schinznach-Dorf1227Ende 18. Jh.
Schöftland Reformed Church Schöftland Schöftlandum 6501683
Seengen Reformed Church Seengen Seengen1820/21
Seon Reformed Church Seon Seon Hl. Martin 14081708
Spreitenbach Old parish church (Spreitenbach) Spreitenbach-Killwangen11841638
Spreitenbach Church in Hasel Spreitenbach-Killwangen
Staufen Staufbergkirche Staufberg Hl. Laurentius 10. Jh.1101
Stein AG Reformed Church Stein Stein und Umgebung19271927
Strengelbach Reformed Church Strengelbach Zofingen
Suhr Reformed Church Suhr Suhr-Hunzenschwilca. 9. Jh.1495
Tegerfelden Reformed Church Tegerfelden Tegerfelden1662–1664
Teufenthal Church in Teufenthal Kulm
Thalheim Church Thalheim Thalheim Petrus 14. Jh.
Turgi Reformed Church Turgi Birmenstorf-Gebenstorf-Turgi1959/1960
Umiken (Brugg) Reformed Church Umiken Umiken Hl. Mauritius 1254
Uerkheim Reformed Church Uerkheim Uerkheim---
Unterentfelden Reformed Church Unterentfelden Unterentfelden--
Untersiggenthal Reformed Church Untersiggenthal Baden
Veltheim Reformed Church Veltheim Veltheim-Oberflachs Johannes der Täufer um 74510401760
Villigen Reformed Church Villigen Rein1347
Villmergen Reformed Church Villmergen Wohlen
Wettingen Reformed Church Wettingen Wettingen-Neuenhof19391939
Windisch Reformed Church Windisch Windischum 1300
Wohlen Reformed Church Wohlen Wohlen1925/261925/26
Würenlos Reformed Church Würenlos Würenlos19371937
Zetzwil Church Zetzwil Gontenschwil-Zetzwil19421942
Zofingen State Church in Zofingen Zofingen Hl. Mauritius 7. Jh.12. Jh.
Bad Zurzach Reformed Church in Zurzach Zurzach17161716

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