Revanche Tactical Group

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Revanche Tactical Group
Тактична група "Реванш"
Taktichna grupa REVANSh logo.png
Revanche insignia
CountryFlag of Ukraine.svg Ukraine
AllegianceFlag of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.svg Ministry of Defence
Branch Emblem of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.png Main Directorate of Intelligence
Type Spetsnaz
Role Reconnaissance, counteroffensive and sabotage
Part of Artan.png Artan Unit
Shoulder patch Emblema neformal'nogo radikal'nogo rukhu <<Revansh>>.png
Flag Flag of the Revanche Battalion.svg

The Revanche Tactical Group is a Ukrainian Battalion Tactical Group, part of the spetsnaz units of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine formed in March 2022 in Kyiv and Kharkiv as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and has taken part in multiple combat operations throughout the Russo-Ukrainian War. [1]



The Revanchists from the first days of the full-scale Russian invasion took up arms to take part in the Defense of Kyiv as part of the Northern Ukraine campaign directly taking part in the Battle of Moshchun, capture of Rudnytske, and Battle of Brovary in Lukianivka. [2] On 25 March 2022 , Kyrychenko Dmytro Volodymyrovych, Commander of the tactical group's 1st was killed during the liberation of Lukianivka. [3] On 26 March 2022, the Revanchists, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteer units, stubbornly drove the Russians oout of Lukianivka and consolidated their positions destroying more than twenty units of heavy equipment. Two tanks were captured and were incorporated into the tactical group. [4] A Russian sniper from the 2nd CBRN defense regiment was captured and valuable information about Russian commanders was also obtained. [5]

In March 2022, the group participated in the 2022 Kharkiv counteroffensive capturing Vilkhivka killing 70 Russian soldiers and capturing 27 more. KSHM and MTLBs were captured and incorporated into the group. [6] On 2 July 2022, soldier of the tactical group, Gavryliv Petro was killed in combat. [7] On 7 June 2023, a soldier of the tactical group, Sheremet Ruslan Ruslanovich was killed during a "special operation", the exact circumstances were not disclosed. [8] [9]

On 14 July 2023, three soldiers of the tactical group, Vlasenko Anatoliy, [10] Roman Ilyuk [11] and Oleg Smirnov [12] were killed near Pidstepne as a result of mortar shelling on the positions captured on the left bank of Dnieper. On 6 August 2023, four soldiers of the tactical group, Senyuk Bohdan Olehovych, [13] Voronov Oleksiy Vasylyovych, [14] Onyshchenko Vladislav [15] and Sivash Anton [16] were killed in combat as a result of strikes between the villages of Pidstepne and Kozachi Laheri in the Kherson Oblast and a fifth soldier Yesypenko Yevheniy [17] was killed there, the next day.

In July 2024, the unit participated in the Battle of Chasiv Yar and the Commander Bohdan Khodakovsky reported that the tactical group was defending and preventing Russians from crossing the Siverskyi Donets – Donbas Canal. [18] On 1 September 2024, a tactical group soldier Osukhovskyi Danylo Oleksandrovych was killed in Kharkiv Oblast. [19] On 21 September 2024, three tactical group personnel, Anton Shatylo, Khudyakov Ruslan and Kolbasinsky Artem were killed in combat while performing "offensive operations". [20]

Famous Personnel

Mykhailiuta Oleg Igorovich "Fagot", a Ukrainian singer, vocalist of the hip-hop group TNMK is a part of the tactical group. [21] [22]



  1. Revanche
  2. "Сили оборони України зачистили Рудницьке в 60 км на схід від Києва". Military of Ukraine. 28 March 2022. Archived from the original on 10 November 2023. Retrieved 12 December 2023.
  3. "Дмитро Кириченко".
  4. "Реваншисти разом з ЗСУ та добровольчими підрозділами завзято вибили негідників з Лук'янівки та закріпилися на зайнятих позиціях..." Telegram. REVENGE: TACTICAL GROUP. 26 March 2022. Archived from the original on 10 November 2023. Retrieved 12 December 2023.
  5. "Бійці батальйону "Реванш" взяли у полон ворожого снайпера". Telegram. REVENGE: TACTICAL GROUP. 26 March 2022. Archived from the original on 10 November 2023. Retrieved 12 December 2023.
  6. "Харківські реваншисти під час наступальної операції по звільненню Вільхівки". Telegram. REVENGE: TACTICAL GROUP. 27 March 2022. Archived from the original on 10 November 2023. Retrieved 12 December 2023.
  7. Karnaukh, Nataliya (6 July 2022). "На війні загинув 21-річний вихованець ФК "Львів" Петро Гаврилів". Public Lviv. Archived from the original on 4 October 2022. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  8. "Розвідник Руслан Шеремет загинув під час спецзавдання".
  9. "Йому назавжди 27: у Чоповичах попрощалися з Героєм Русланом Шереметом. Фото".
  10. Marchuk, Ivan (20 July 2023). "На фронті загинув 19-річний рівнянин Анатолій Власенко". Public Rivne. Archived from the original on 7 October 2024. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  11. ""Був хіміком від Бога": у бою за Україну поліг 22-річний випускник Львівської політехніки Роман Іллюк".
  12. "14 липня роковини загибелі на війні Олега «Кекса» Смірнова, який народився лише у 2004 році".
  13. Bodenchuk, Bohdan (15 August 2023). "На війні загинув пластун з Тернополя Богдан Сенюк". Public Ternopil. Archived from the original on 2 December 2024. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  14. "Олексій Воронов".
  15. "Залишив навчання в університеті та став на захист України. Згадаймо Владислава Онищенка". Glavcom. 16 March 2024. Archived from the original on 30 March 2024. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  16. "Антон Сіваш".
  17. Varhol, Vira (18 August 2023). "На Чернігівщині попрощалися з чотирма військовослужбовцями". Public Chernihiv. Archived from the original on 28 January 2025. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  18. Albul, Sergiy (4 July 2024). "Сили оборони відійшли із мікрорайону "Канал" у Часовому Яру, – ОСУВ "Хортиця" (фото)". Left Bank. Archived from the original on 7 October 2024. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  19. "На Харківщині загинув захисник Данило Осуховський з Вишневої громади".
  20. "На фронті загинув артист балету Артем Колбасинський".
  21. Barsukova, Olena (26 June 2022). ""За Україну прийшов час жити та вбивати, а не вмирати": Фагот із ТНМК про війну, службу і музику". Ukrainian Truth: Life. Archived from the original on 10 November 2023. Retrieved 12 December 2023.