Rosalie Nawira

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Rosalie Nawira
Rosalie Nawira.jpg
Mayor of Zemio
Personal details
Nationality Central African Republic

Rosalie Nawira (born 1968) is a Central African politician and a current mayor of Zemio.


Early life and career

Born in 1968, Nawira learned the trade from his father. Nawira lost her father at the age of 12. Four years later, she became orphaned when her mother died. Afterward, she started her career as a merchant. She traded many items, such as food, clothes, bicycle parts, and ivory. In 1999, an agricultural bazaar was held in Zemio, and she was tasked to manage the budgets for the event. [1]

Mayor of Zemio

December 2014 Zemio Violence

In 2014, sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians broke up in Zemio. Responding to this horizontal conflict, Nawira tried to persuade the local police and UPDF to approach two warring parties. However, they refused to do it and instead asked her to meet the groups. She accepted it and convinced them to end the conflict. With her persuasion, both groups agreed to stop the conflict and even apologize for the tension they created. Nawira's success in easing the tension led her to be invited to Bangui to speak at National Transitional Council. [1]

Women rights

Nawira created a group Femme Action Plus to empower women and support the LRA's returnees. She was appointed as the organization coordinator. [1]


Nawira imposed taxes on several things. For the displaced people who returned to the town and wanted to rebuild houses, she taxed them at 25,000 CFA Francs. Besides, she ordered the sellers of a Central African traditional drink, ngouli , and a person who braids hair at houses to pay tax at 10.000 CFA Francs. Imported cassavas from Congo are taxed at 1,000 CFA francs, while the person who distributed it has to pay 500 CFA francs. Anyone who wants to sell cassava in the town must pay a tax of 500 CFA Francs for each bowl. [2]

Nawira's tax policy was controversial since it burdened the town residents, who mostly lived in miserable conditions. The economic adviser of Haut-Mbomou Prefecture called her tax policies "unacceptable. [2]


On 3 July 2023, UPC members from Mboki visited Zemio and kidnapped Nawira. She was then released several hours later after the intervention from locals who asked the rebels to release the hostage. [3]

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  1. 1 2 3 Conciliation Resources, Conciliation Resources. "From trader to inspirational peacemaker". Conciliation Resources.
  2. 1 2 Ndoumba, Félix. "Centrafrique : colère et stupéfaction des habitants de Zémio contre les taxes illégales instaurées par le maire de la ville". corbeaunews-centrafrique. Corbeaunews Centrafrique. Retrieved 8 July 2023.
  3. Ndoumba, Felix. "Centrafrique: Madame le Maire et le Sous-préfet de Zémio brièvement arrêtés". corbeaunews-centrafrique. Corbeaunews Centrafrique. Retrieved 8 July 2023.