Ruler X (Rio Azul)

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Ruler X (also Governor X) is the designation given by archaeologists to a pre-Columbian Maya ruler at the site of Rio Azul, whose name glyphs have otherwise not been satisfactorily deciphered. [1] Ruler X is associated with Tomb 1 located in Structure C-1, where a mural inscription on the walls of the tomb carries the Long Count date of [2] This date, equivalent to September 27, 417 CE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar, [3] has been interpreted as the birth date of this ruler. [4]


  1. Adams (1999, pp.80,96)
  2. Adams (1999, pp.80–81)
  3. Using the GMT-correlation (JDN=584,283).
  4. Adams (1999, p.81)

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