
Last updated
Original author(s) Michael Bayer [1]
Initial releaseFebruary 14, 2006;18 years ago (2006-02-14) [2]
Stable release
2.0.31 [3]   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg / 18 June 2024;47 days ago (18 June 2024)
Written in Python
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Object-relational mapping
License MIT License [4]
Website www.sqlalchemy.org   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
Mike Bayer talking about SQLAlchemy at PyCon 2012 Mike Bayer talking about SQLAlchemy at PyCon 2012 a.jpg
Mike Bayer talking about SQLAlchemy at PyCon 2012

SQLAlchemy is an open-source Python library that provides an SQL toolkit (called "SQLAlchemy Core") and an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for database interactions. It allows developers to work with databases using Python objects, enabling efficient and flexible database access.



SQLAlchemy offers tools for database schema generation, querying, and object-relational mapping. Key features include:


SQLAlchemy was first released in February 2006. It has evolved to include a wide range of features for database interaction and has gained popularity among Python developers. Notable versions include:


The following example represents an n-to-1 relationship between movies and their directors. It is shown how user-defined Python classes create corresponding database tables, how instances with relationships are created from either side of the relationship, and finally how the data can be queried — illustrating automatically generated SQL queries for both lazy and eager loading.

Schema definition

Creating two Python classes and corresponding database tables in the DBMS:

fromsqlalchemyimport*fromsqlalchemy.ext.declarativeimportdeclarative_basefromsqlalchemy.ormimportrelation,sessionmakerBase=declarative_base()classMovie(Base):__tablename__="movies"id=Column(Integer,primary_key=True)title=Column(String(255),nullable=False)year=Column(Integer)directed_by=Column(Integer,ForeignKey("directors.id"))director=relation("Director",backref="movies",lazy=False)def__init__(self,title=None,year=None):self.title=titleself.year=yeardef__repr__(self):returnf"Movie({self.title}, {self.year}, {self.director})"classDirector(Base):__tablename__="directors"id=Column(Integer,primary_key=True)name=Column(String(50),nullable=False,unique=True)def__init__(self,name=None):self.name=namedef__repr__(self):returnf"Director({self.name})"engine=create_engine("dbms://user:pwd@host/dbname")Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

Data insertion

One can insert a director-movie relationship via either entity:

Session=sessionmaker(bind=engine)session=Session()m1=Movie("Robocop",1987)m1.director=Director("Paul Verhoeven")d2=Director("George Lucas")d2.movies=[Movie("Star Wars",1977),Movie("THX 1138",1971)]try:session.add(m1)session.add(d2)session.commit()except:session.rollback()



SQLAlchemy issues the following query to the DBMS (omitting aliases):


The output:

Movie('Robocop',1987L,Director('Paul Verhoeven'))Movie('Star Wars',1977L,Director('George Lucas'))Movie('THX 1138',1971L,Director('George Lucas'))

Setting lazy=True (default) instead, SQLAlchemy would first issue a query to get the list of movies and only when needed (lazy) for each director a query to get the name of the corresponding director:


See also

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  1. Mike Bayer is the creator of SQLAlchemy and Mako Templates for Python.
  2. "Download - SQLAlchemy". SQLAlchemy. Retrieved 21 February 2015.
  3. "Release 2.0.31". 18 June 2024. Retrieved 26 June 2024.
  4. "zzzeek / sqlalchemy / source / LICENSE". BitBucket. Retrieved 21 February 2015.
  5. "0.1 Changelog — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation". docs.sqlalchemy.org. Retrieved 2024-07-04.
  6. "1.0 Changelog — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation". docs.sqlalchemy.org. Retrieved 2024-07-04.
  7. "1.4 Changelog — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation". docs.sqlalchemy.org. Retrieved 2024-07-04.