SU(6) (physics)

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The Lie group SU(6) occurs in both the Standard Model and in some grand unified theories.


In the Standard Model

SU(6) is an approximate symmetry that classifies lighter baryons and mesons, explaining many patterns in the particle zoo. It combines SU(3) flavour and SU(2) spin. Quarks u,d,s, with spin up and down belong to the fundamental representation 6. Mesons belong to the 35 representation and baryons to the 56 representation obtained from the product quark-antiquark and quark-quark-quark, respectively.[ citation needed ]

In Grand Unified Theories

The SU(6) grand unified theory includes the Georgi–Glashow SU(5) gauge group.

The fermionic matter content of this model comes in three generations (copies) of

as SU(6) representations.

This gauge group is broken down to the Georgi–Glashow model by a pair of 6H/ Higgs fields.

The fermions decompose as

The Yukawa coupling causes 5 and a SU(5)-rep of fermions to pair up and acquire GUT scale masses for each generation.[ citation needed ]

An adjoint[ clarification needed ] Higgs 35H breaks the model down further to the standard model.[ citation needed ]

Recently, a new type of grand unified theory based on SU(6) group has been proposed to realize a unification of strong and electroweak interactions. [1] The work provides a complete form of 35 generators in SU(6) group.

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  1. Hartanto, A.; Handoko, L. T. (2005). "Grand unified theory based on the SU(6) symmetry". Physical Review D. 71 (9): 095013. arXiv: hep-ph/0504280 . Bibcode:2005PhRvD..71i5013H. doi:10.1103/physrevd.71.095013. S2CID   12701177.