Finn at the Games of the XV Olympiad | |||||||||||||
Venue | Harmaja | ||||||||||||
Dates | 20–28 July | ||||||||||||
Competitors | 28 from 28 nations | ||||||||||||
Teams | 28 | ||||||||||||
Medalists | |||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics | |
Finn | Open |
Star | Open |
Dragon | Open |
5.5 Metre | Open |
6 Metre | Open |
The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 28 sailors, on 28 boats, from 28 nations competed. [1]
Rank | Helmsman (Country) | Race I | Race II | Race III | Race IV | Race V | Race VI | Race VII | Total Points [2] | Total -1 [3] | |||||||
Rank | Points | Rank | Points | Rank | Points | Rank | Points | Rank | Points | Rank | Points | Rank | Points | ||||
Paul Elvstrøm (DEN) | 1 | 1548 | 1 | 1548 | 1 | 1548 | 3 | 1071 | 4 | 946 | 1 | 1548 | 9058 | 8209 | |||
Charles Currey (GBR) | 9 | 594 | 8 | 645 | 8 | 645 | 1 | 1548 | 2 | 1247 | 6 | 770 | 5997 | 5449 | |||
Rickard Sarby (SWE) | 6 | 770 | 1 | 1548 | 4 | 946 | 6 | 770 | 10 | 548 | 12 | 469 | 5453 | 5051 | |||
4 | Koos de Jong (NED) | 4 | 946 | 2 | 1247 | 5 | 849 | 5 | 849 | 10 | 548 | 9 | 594 | 5540 | 5033 | ||
5 | Wolfgang Erndl (AUT) | 4 | 946 | 9 | 594 | 16 | 344 | 4 | 946 | 15 | 372 | 3 | 1071 | 4273 | 4273 | ||
6 | Morits Skaugen (NOR) | 2 | 1247 | 19 | 269 | 18 | 293 | 15 | 372 | 1 | 1548 | 16 | 344 | 4073 | 4073 | ||
7 | Adelchi Pelaschier (ITA) | 5 | 849 | 6 | 770 | 2 | 1247 | 14 | 402 | 11 | 507 | 18 | 293 | 4068 | 4068 | ||
8 | Paul McLaughlin (CAN) | 13 | 434 | 11 | 507 | 14 | 402 | 9 | 594 | 5 | 849 | 2 | 1247 | 4239 | 4033 | ||
9 | Alfredo Bercht (BRA) | 19 | 269 | 9 | 594 | 2 | 1247 | 13 | 434 | 17 | 318 | 5 | 849 | 3937 | 3711 | ||
10 | Ramón Balcells Rodón (ESP) | 8 | 645 | 3 | 1071 | 26 | 133 | 2 | 1247 | DSQ | 0 | 10 | 548 | 3644 | 3644 | ||
11 | Jacques Lebrun (FRA) | 7 | 703 | 7 | 703 | 6 | 770 | 5 | 849 | 16 | 344 | 20 | 247 | 3863 | 3616 | ||
12 | Pyotr Gorelikov (URS) | 12 | 469 | 16 | 344 | 3 | 1071 | 8 | 645 | 3 | 1071 | DSQ | 0 | 3600 | 3600 | ||
13 | Willy H.A. Pieper (SUI) | 16 | 344 | 14 | 402 | 13 | 434 | 4 | 946 | 6 | 770 | 8 | 645 | 3859 | 3541 | ||
14 | Kenneth Albury (BAH) | 15 | 372 | 10 | 548 | 13 | 434 | 7 | 703 | 8 | 645 | 11 | 507 | 3209 | 3209 | ||
15 | Werner Krogmann (GER) | 3 | 1071 | 16 | 344 | 11 | 507 | 11 | 507 | 14 | 402 | 17 | 318 | 3467 | 3149 | ||
16 | Hellmut Stauch (RSA) | 12 | 469 | 3 | 1071 | 9 | 594 | 19 | 269 | 18 | 293 | 13 | 434 | 3377 | 3130 | ||
17 | Mario Gentil Quina (POR) | 18 | 293 | 17 | 318 | 7 | 703 | 6 | 770 | 7 | 703 | DNF | 0 | 2787 | 2787 | ||
18 | Christian Nielsen (BEL) | 17 | 318 | 13 | 434 | 12 | 469 | 12 | 469 | 9 | 594 | 12 | 469 | 2959 | 2753 | ||
19 | Gunnar Källström (FIN) | 15 | 372 | 8 | 645 | 19 | 269 | 15 | 372 | 21 | 226 | 7 | 703 | 2737 | 2587 | ||
20 | Eugenio Lauz (URU) | 10 | 548 | 17 | 318 | 12 | 469 | 14 | 402 | 13 | 434 | 21 | 226 | 2547 | 2397 | ||
21 | Alfred Fred Joseph Delany (IRL) | 14 | 402 | 23 | 186 | 15 | 372 | 19 | 269 | 26 | 133 | 4 | 946 | 2441 | 2308 | ||
22 | Peter Attrill (AUS) | 11 | 507 | 18 | 293 | 10 | 548 | 18 | 293 | DNF | 0 | 15 | 372 | 2013 | 2013 | ||
23 | Karlo Bauman (YUG) | 24 | 168 | 7 | 703 | 20 | 247 | 16 | 344 | 20 | 247 | DSQ | 0 | 1709 | 1709 | ||
24 | Jorge de Cárdenas (CUB) | 22 | 206 | 18 | 293 | 27 | 117 | 23 | 186 | 19 | 269 | 19 | 269 | 1587 | 1470 | ||
25 | Carlos Miguel Benn (ARG) | 22 | 206 | 25 | 150 | 24 | 168 | 24 | 168 | 22 | 206 | 22 | 206 | 1104 | 1104 | ||
26 | Antonios Modinos (GRE) | 21 | 226 | 26 | 133 | 23 | 186 | 25 | 150 | 21 | 226 | DNF | 0 | 921 | 921 | ||
27 | Keijiro Kaitoku (JPN) | 23 | 186 | 20 | 247 | DSQ | 0 | 22 | 206 | 23 | 186 | DNF | 0 | 825 | 825 | ||
28 | Edward Melaika (USA) | 21 | 226 | 23 | 186 | 26 | 133 | DNF | 0 | 24 | 168 | DSQ | 0 | 713 | 713 |
DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified
= Male, = Female
Of the total of three race area's only two were needed during the Olympics in Harmaja. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system.
Date | Race | Sky | Wind direction | Wind speed (m/s) |
20 July 1952 | I | Grand yachting weather | SW | 6-7 |
21 July 1952 | II | Calm sea, later rain | SW | 1-2 later 6-7 |
22 July 1952 | III | Magnificent seas | SW | 10 |
23 July 1952 | IV | Shifty | 3-4 | |
26 July 1952 | V | Rainy | SW | 3-6 |
27 July 1952 | VI | SW | 4-6 | |
28 July 1952 | VII | Fine and sunny | Shifty | Light |
The 1952 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XV Olympiad and commonly known as Helsinki 1952, were an international multi-sport event held from 19 July to 3 August 1952 in Helsinki, Finland.
Sailing/Yachting is an Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad in Athens, Greece. With the exception of 1904 and the canceled 1916 Summer Olympics, sailing has always been included on the Olympic schedule. The Sailing program of 1968 consisted of a total of five sailing classes (disciplines). For each class seven races were scheduled from 14 October 1968 to 21 October 1968 off the coast of Acapulco in the Bay of Acapulco. The sailing was done on the triangular type Olympic courses.
Venezuela competed at the 1952 Summer Olympics held in Helsinki, Finland. The Venezuelan Olympic Committee selected 38 competitors, 36 men and two women, to take part in 37 events across eight sports. This was a much greater turnout than 1948, Venezuela's only previous entry, which had only one athlete. For the first time, women represented Venezuela at the Summer Olympics. Women have been absent in the Venezuelan team on four occasions, including the next Summer Games held in Melbourne.
Sailing/Yachting is an Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad. With the exception of 1904 and the canceled 1916 Summer Olympics, sailing has always been included on the Olympic schedule. The Sailing program of the 1952 Summer Olympics consisted of a total of five sailing classes (disciplines). For each class seven races were scheduled from 20 to 28 July 1952 of the coast of Harmaja.
Sailing/Yachting is an Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad (1896 Olympics in Greece. With the exception of 1904 and the canceled 1916 Summer Olympics, sailing has always been included on the Olympic schedule. The Sailing program of 1956 consisted of a total of five sailing classes. For each class seven races were scheduled from 26 November to 5 December 1956 at Port Phillip Bay.
The 6 Metre was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 56 sailors, on 11 boats, from 11 nations competed.
The 5.5 Metre was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 50 sailors, on 16 boats, from 16 nations competed.
The Dragon was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 51 sailors, on 17 boats, from 17 nations competed.
Over time, several scoring systems for Sailing were used during the Summer Olympics. Many of these systems were also used by other regattas in their times. In order to understand how the medals in the Olympics were handed out one must have a look at the scoring system of that specific olympic sailing regatta.
The Star was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 42 sailors, on 21 boats, from 21 nations competed.
The Finn was a sailing event in the sailing program of the 1956 Summer Olympics, held on Port Phillip. Seven races were scheduled. 20 sailors, on 20 boats, from 20 nations competed.
The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics program in Naples. Seven races were scheduled. 35 sailors, on 35 boats, from 35 nations competed.
The Flying Dutchman was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics program in Naples. Seven races were scheduled. 64 sailors, on 31 boats, from 31 nations competed.
The 5.5 Metre was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics program in Naples. Seven races were scheduled. 57 sailors, on 19 boats, from 19 nations competed.
The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics program in Enoshima. Seven races were scheduled. 33 sailors on 33 boats, from 33 nations competed.
The Flying Dutchman was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics program in Enoshima. Seven races were scheduled. 42 sailors, on 21 boats, from 21 nations competed.
The Dragon was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics program in Enoshima. Seven races were scheduled. 70 sailors, on 23 boats, from 23 nations competed.
The 5.5 Metre was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics program in Enoshima. Seven races were scheduled. 45 sailors, on 15 boats, from 15 nations competed.
The Flying Dutchman was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1968 Summer Olympics program in Acapulco. Seven races were scheduled. 62 sailors, on 30 boats, from 30 nations competed.
The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1968 Summer Olympics program in Acapulco. Seven races were scheduled. 36 sailors, on 36 boats, from 36 nations competed.