Separation (statistics)

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In statistics, separation is a phenomenon associated with models for dichotomous or categorical outcomes, including logistic and probit regression. Separation occurs if the predictor (or a linear combination of some subset of the predictors) is associated with only one outcome value when the predictor range is split at a certain value.


The phenomenon

For example, if the predictor X is continuous, and the outcome y = 1 for all observed x > 2. If the outcome values are (seemingly) perfectly determined by the predictor (e.g., y = 0 when x  2) then the condition "complete separation" is said to occur. If instead there is some overlap (e.g., y = 0 when x < 2, but y has observed values of 0 and 1 when x = 2) then "quasi-complete separation" occurs. A 2 × 2 table with an empty (zero) cell is an example of quasi-complete separation.

The problem

This observed form of the data is important because it sometimes causes problems with the estimation of regression coefficients. For example, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation relies on maximization of the likelihood function, where e.g. in case of a logistic regression with completely separated data the maximum appears at the parameter space's margin, leading to "infinite" estimates, and, along with that, to problems with providing sensible standard errors. [1] [2] Statistical software will often output an arbitrarily large parameter estimate with a very large standard error. [3]

Possible remedies

An approach to "fix" problems with ML estimation is the use of regularization (or "continuity corrections"). [4] [5] In particular, in case of a logistic regression problem, the use of exact logistic regression or Firth logistic regression, a bias-reduction method based on a penalized likelihood, may be an option. [6]

Alternatively, one may avoid the problems associated with likelihood maximization by switching to a Bayesian approach to inference. Within a Bayesian framework, the pathologies arising from likelihood maximization are avoided by the use of integration rather than maximization, as well as by the use of sensible prior probability distributions. [7]

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In probability theory and statistics, empirical likelihood (EL) is a nonparametric method for estimating the parameters of statistical models. It requires fewer assumptions about the error distribution while retaining some of the merits in likelihood-based inference. The estimation method requires that the data are independent and identically distributed (iid). It performs well even when the distribution is asymmetric or censored. EL methods can also handle constraints and prior information on parameters. Art Owen pioneered work in this area with his 1988 paper.

Conditional logistic regression is an extension of logistic regression that allows one to account for stratification and matching. Its main field of application is observational studies and in particular epidemiology. It was devised in 1978 by Norman Breslow, Nicholas Day, Katherine Halvorsen, Ross L. Prentice and C. Sabai. It is the most flexible and general procedure for matched data.

David Firth is a British statistician. He is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Warwick.

In statistics, linear regression is a statistical model which estimates the linear relationship between a scalar response and one or more explanatory variables. The case of one explanatory variable is called simple linear regression; for more than one, the process is called multiple linear regression. This term is distinct from multivariate linear regression, where multiple correlated dependent variables are predicted, rather than a single scalar variable. If the explanatory variables are measured with error then errors-in-variables models are required, also known as measurement error models.


  1. Zeng, Guoping; Zeng, Emily (2019). "On the Relationship between Multicollinearity and Separation in Logistic Regression". Communications in Statistics . Simulation and Computation. 50 (7): 1989–1997. doi:10.1080/03610918.2019.1589511. S2CID   132047558.
  2. Albert, A.; Anderson, J. A. (1984). "On the Existence of Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Logistic Regression Models". Biometrika. 71 (1–10): 1–10. doi:10.1093/biomet/71.1.1.
  3. McCullough, B. D.; Vinod, H. D. (2003). "Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study". American Economic Review . 93 (3): 873–892. doi:10.1257/000282803322157133. JSTOR   3132121.
  4. Cole, S.R.; Chu, H.; Greenland, S. (2014), "Maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, and penalized likelihood: A primer", American Journal of Epidemiology, 179 (2): 252–260, doi: 10.1093/aje/kwt245 , PMC   3873110 , PMID   24173548
  5. Sweeting, M.J.; Sutton, A.J.; Lambert, P.C. (2004), "What to add to nothing? Use and avoidance of continuity corrections in meta-analysis of sparse data", Statistics in Medicine, 23 (9): 1351–1375, doi:10.1002/sim.1761, PMID   15116347, S2CID   247667708
  6. Mansournia, Mohammad Ali; Geroldinger, Angelika; Greenland, Sander; Heinze, Georg (2018). "Separation in Logistic Regression: Causes, Consequences, and Control". American Journal of Epidemiology . 187 (4): 864–870. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwx299 . PMID   29020135.
  7. Gelman, A.; Jakulin, A.; Pittau, M.G.; Su, Y. (2008), "A weakly informative default prior distribution dor logistic and other regression models", Annals of Applied Statistics, 2 (4): 1360–1383, arXiv: 0901.4011 , doi: 10.1214/08-AOAS191

Further reading