Shaista Khilji

Last updated
  1. 1 2 3 "Shaista E. Khilji". 2 September 2020.
  2. "About The Journal".
  3. "Humanizing Initiative".
  4. "From 'effective leadership' to 'leading humanistically'". 4 October 2020.
  5. "Incorporating the macro view in global talent management".
  6. "The Humanizing Initiative".
  7. Khilji, S.E. (2020). Humanizing leadership education: The case of George Washington University's Organizational Leadership & Learning Program. HI 2020-001. Available at
  8. "South Asian Journal of Business Studies".
  9. Bamberger, Peter A.; Pratt, Michael G. (2010). "Moving Forward by Looking Back: Reclaiming Unconventional Research Contexts and Samples in Organizational Scholarship". Academy of Management Journal. 53 (4): 665–671. doi:10.5465/AMJ.2010.52814357.
  10. "From Invention to Innovation: Toward Developing an Integrated Innovation Model for Biotech Firms" (PDF).
  11. Khilji, Shaista E.; Mroczkowski, Tomasz; Assudani, Rashmi (2012). "Balancing growth and innovation in Indian biotech firms". South Asian Journal of Global Business Research. 1 (2): 256–275. doi:10.1108/20454451211252769.
  12. Lichtenthaler, Ulrich; Lichtenthaler, Eckhard (2009). "A Capability-Based Framework for Open Innovation: Complementing Absorptive Capacity". Journal of Management Studies. 46 (8): 1315–1338. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2009.00854.x. S2CID   54968495.
  13. Qiao, Kun; Khilji, Shaista; Wang, Xiaoyun (2009). "High-performance work systems, organizational commitment, and the role of demographic features in the People's Republic of China". The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 20 (11): 2311–2330. doi:10.1080/09585190903239682. S2CID   154446941.
  14. Khilji, Shaista E.; Zeidman, Nurit; Drory, Amos; Tirmizi, Aqeel; Srinivas, E. S. (2010). "Crossvergence of values: An analysis of the use of impression management strategies in India, Israel and Pakistan". International Business Review. 19 (4): 419–431. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2010.03.003.
  15. "Building competitive advantage in a global environment: Leadership and the mindset".
  16. "South Asian Journal of Business Studies".
  17. "Gender and Development Studies - Activities".
  18. Hitt, Michael A.; Beamish, Paul W.; Jackson, Susan E.; Mathieu, John E. (2007). "Building Theoretical and Empirical Bridges Across Levels: Multilevel Research in Management". Academy of Management Journal. 50 (6): 1385–1399. doi:10.5465/amj.2007.28166219.
  19. "Incorporating the macro view in global talent management" (PDF).
  20. Khilji, Shaista E. (2022). "An Approach for Humanizing Leadership Education: Building Learning Community & Stakeholder Engagement". Journal of Management Education. 46 (3): 439–471. doi:10.1177/10525629211041355. S2CID   238685865.
Shaista E. Khilji
Occupation(s)Academic, researcher, and author
Academic background
EducationBS.c. (1990)
MPA (1993)
M.Phil, Cantab (1995)
Ph.D., Cantab (2001)
Alma mater University of the Punjab
Quaid-i-Azam University
University of Cambridge