Siliceous soil

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Siliceous soils are formed from rocks that have silica (SiO2) as a principal constituent. The parent material of siliceous soils may include quartz sands, chert, quartzite, quartz reefs, granite, rhyolite, ademellite, dellenite, quartz sandstone, quartz siltstone, siliceous tuff, among others. [1] These parent materials sometimes originate from silica-secreting organisms such as radiolarians, diatoms, or some types of sponges. [2]



Soils high in siliceous parent material typically have: [1]


Siliceous soils in vineyard soils have been linked to larger grapes with increased tannin content. [3] [4]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Silicification</span> Geological petrification process

In geology, silicification is a petrification process in which silica-rich fluids seep into the voids of Earth materials, e.g., rocks, wood, bones, shells, and replace the original materials with silica (SiO2). Silica is a naturally existing and abundant compound found in organic and inorganic materials, including Earth's crust and mantle. There are a variety of silicification mechanisms. In silicification of wood, silica permeates into and occupies cracks and voids in wood such as vessels and cell walls. The original organic matter is retained throughout the process and will gradually decay through time. In the silicification of carbonates, silica replaces carbonates by the same volume. Replacement is accomplished through the dissolution of original rock minerals and the precipitation of silica. This leads to a removal of original materials out of the system. Depending on the structures and composition of the original rock, silica might replace only specific mineral components of the rock. Silicic acid (H4SiO4) in the silica-enriched fluids forms lenticular, nodular, fibrous, or aggregated quartz, opal, or chalcedony that grows within the rock. Silicification happens when rocks or organic materials are in contact with silica-rich surface water, buried under sediments and susceptible to groundwater flow, or buried under volcanic ashes. Silicification is often associated with hydrothermal processes. Temperature for silicification ranges in various conditions: in burial or surface water conditions, temperature for silicification can be around 25°−50°; whereas temperatures for siliceous fluid inclusions can be up to 150°−190°. Silicification could occur during a syn-depositional or a post-depositional stage, commonly along layers marking changes in sedimentation such as unconformities or bedding planes.


  1. 1 2 Gray, Jonathan; Murphy, Brian (2002). Parent material and world soil distribution. World Congress of Soil Science. Thailand. CiteSeerX .
  2. Schumann, Walter (1993). Handbook of Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN   978-0395511374.
  3. Conte, M., Rossini, L., Tiberi, M., Montanari, A. (2006). Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi vs Verdicchio di Matelica: Geomorphological control of two white wines of the Marche region (northeastern Apennines, Italy). Bollettino Della Società Geologica Italiana E Del Servizio Geologico D'Italia, 6, 41-48.
  4. Burns S. (2012) The Importance of Soil and Geology in Tasting Terroir with a Case History from the Willamette Valley, Oregon. In: Dougherty P. (Eds.), The Geography of Wine (pp. 95-108). Springer, Dordrecht.