Skrinkle Sandstones Group

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Skrinkle Sandstones Group
Stratigraphic range: Fammenian (Devonian) to Courceyan (Carboniferous)
Type Group
Unit of Old Red Sandstone Supergroup
Sub-unitsGupton Formation, West Angle Formation
OverliesRidgeway Conglomerate Formation (unconformity)
Thicknessup to 300m
Primary sandstones
Country Wales
Extent Pembrokeshire
Type section
Named for Skrinkle Haven

The Skrinkle Sandstones Group is a late Devonian to early Carboniferous lithostratigraphic group (a sequence of rock strata) in west Wales. The name is derived from the bay of Skrinkle Haven in south Pembrokeshire. The Group comprises the Gupton and overlying West Angle formations and is up to 300m thick. It was deposited south of the east–west aligned Ritec Fault. [1] [2]


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  1. Barclay, W.J. et al (2005) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain Geological Conservation Review Series, No 31 JNCC Peterborough. pp212
  2. Toghill, P. 2000 The Geology of Britain: an introduction Crowood Press, Marlborough, Wilts p95
  3. Howells, M.F. 2007 British Regional Geology: Wales (Keyworth, Nottingham British Geological Survey)