A storytelling game is a game where multiple players collaborate on telling a story. Some games primarily feature spoken storytelling, while others primarily feature collaborative writing. In some storytelling games, such as many tabletop role-playing games, each player represents one or more characters in the developing story. Others involve more third-person narrative.
Collaborative fiction is a form of storytelling which uses collaborative writing as the primary medium. A group of authors share creative control of a story. Exquisite Corpse, a Surrealist parlour game, is an example of a collaborative writing game. [1] [2] [3] The parlour game Consequences is similar. [4]
In storytelling card games, players use cards containing narrative prompts or plot details to tell a collaborative story. Examples include Once Upon a Time [5] and For the Queen. [6] [7]
Storytelling TTRPGs take various forms. Some require one participant (a gamemaster or narrator) to describe the setting and take supporting character roles, while others distribute this function among multiple players. White Wolf Game Studio's Storyteller System, which is used in World of Darkness role-playing games such as Vampire: The Masquerade , is a well-known TTRPG described as a "storytelling game." [8] [9] These use a narrator. Other storytelling TTRPGs distribute narrative authority equally among all players. Examples include The Quiet Year , [10] Fall of Magic , [11] [12] and Companions' Tale . [13]
In contrast to improvisational theatre and live action role-playing games, TTRPG players describe the actions of their characters rather than acting them out, except during dialogue or, in some games, monologue.
Matrix Game (c. 1988) by Chris Engle was an early collaborative storytelling game not based in simulation. In this system, a referee decides the likeliness of the facts proposed by the players, and events happen or not according to a dice roll. Players can propose counter-arguments that are resolved in a dice rolling contest. A conflict round can follow to resolve any inconsistencies or further detail new plot points. [14] [15] [16]
In 1999, game designer Ian Millington's Ergo offered a collaborative role-playing system. It was based on the rules of the Fudge universal role-playing system, but eliminated the need for a gamemaster, distributing the responsibility for the game and story equally among all players and undoing the equivalence between player and character. [17] [18]
The coin system in Universalis (2002) relies less on randomness and more on collaboration between players. [19]
Starting in the mid-00s, storytelling TTRPGs based upon historical events began to emerge in indie role-playing game design communities. Examples include Grey Ranks (2007) by Jason Morningstar, which takes place during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, [20] and Montsegur 1244 (2008) by Frederik Jensen, in which players tell a collaborative story about the Cathars. [21] [22]
A gamemaster is a person who acts as a facilitator, organizer, officiant regarding rules, arbitrator, and moderator for a multiplayer role-playing game. The act performed by a gamemaster is sometimes referred to as "gamemastering" or simply "GM-ing."
A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making regarding character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.
RPGnet is a role-playing game website. It includes sections on wargames, tabletop games and video games, as well as columns on gaming topics.
The Storytelling System is a role-playing game system created by White Wolf, Inc. for the Chronicles of Darkness, a game world with several tabletop role-playing games tied in. The Storytelling System is largely based on the Storyteller System, the rule set used for White Wolf's older game setting, the World of Darkness.
Universalis, subtitled "The Game of Unlimited Stories", is a role-playing game (RPG) published by Ramshead Publishing in 2002 that stresses interactive storytelling. The game uses a unique system, based on "coins" that are used to make additions to the game, which allows the entire group to participate in the creation of the setting and events in play without a traditional gamemaster. The rules also provide a means of negotiating their own alteration, allowing for unlimited customization for play. The system is meant to support any possible genre.
An adventure is a playable scenario in a tabletop role-playing game. These can be constructed by gamemasters for their players, and are also released by game publishers as pre-made adventure modules. Different types of designs exist, including linear adventures, where players move between scenes in a predetermined order; non-linear adventures, where scenes can go in multiple directions; and solo adventures, which are played alone, without a game group.
The history of role-playing games began when disparate traditions of historical reenactment, improvisational theatre, and parlour games combined with the rulesets of fantasy wargames in the 1970s to give rise to tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs). Multiple TTRPGs were produced between the 1970s and early 1990s. In the 1990s, TTRPGs faced a decline in popularity. Indie role-playing game design communities arose on the internet in the early 2000s and introduced new ideas. In the late 2010s and early 2020s, TTRPGs experienced renewed popularity due to videoconferencing, the rise of actual play, and online marketplaces.
De Profundis: Letters from the Abyss is a correspondence-based role-playing game created by Michał Oracz that was originally published by Polish game company Portal in 2001, then translated to English and published by Hogshead Publishing in 2002. Unusually, the game is not played via dialogue, but rather by the exchange of letters between players.
An indie role-playing game is a role-playing game published by individuals or small press publishers, in contrast to games published by large corporations. Indie tabletop role-playing game designers participate in various game distribution networks, development communities, and gaming conventions, both in person and online. Indie game designer committees grant annual awards for excellence.
Capes is a role-playing game by Tony Lower-Basch, independently published by Muse of Fire Games.
A diceless role-playing game is a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) which is not based on chance because it does not use randomizers to determine the outcome of events. The style of game is known as "diceless" because most TTRPGs use dice as a randomizer. However, some games use other randomizers such as playing cards instead of dice, and these are not considered "diceless."
Pantheon and other Roleplaying Games is a 24-page book that includes five self-contained role-playing games for 3-6 players and designed to be completed in 1–2 hours.
The Primal Order, or TPO, is a religion-based fantasy roleplaying game supplement. Of particular note, TPO was the first work published by Wizards of the Coast and its president, Peter Adkison. Through TPO, Wizards of the Coast introduced the "Capsystem" concept, enabling gamemasters to seamlessly integrate TPO and future Capsystem titles into other role-playing games.
Steve Wieck is best known as one of the founders of the publishing company White Wolf, Inc. He is also one of the original writers of Mage: The Ascension. Wieck is a co-founder of DriveThruRPG which later merged with RPGNow to become OneBookShelf. Wieck is currently the CEO of OneBookShelf.
The World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook is a 2004 role-playing game supplement published by White Wolf Publishing for the World of Darkness.
GURPS Planet Krishna is a role-playing game supplement published by Steve Jackson Games (SJG) in 1997 that helps a gamemaster design a GURPS campaign using the Viagens Interplanetarias science fiction setting of L. Sprague de Camp.
Whimsy Cards is a 1987 role-playing game supplement published by Lion Rampant.
Legendary Lives Player's Primer is the first of two books published by Marquee Press in 1990 required for the role-playing game Legendary Lives.
Era Ten, subtitled "Sci Fi Role-Play", is a science fiction role-playing game (RPG) published by Better Games in 1990.
Triangle Agency is a satirical horror tabletop role-playing game about employees at a secretive and oppressive corporation. It has a metatextual instruction book written in the style of a company handbook. Triangle Agency was designed by Caleb Zane Huett and Sean Ireland. Haunted Table Games published it in 2024 after raising $379,602 on Kickstarter. Triangle Agency was inspired by the video game Control, the book House of Leaves, the movie The Matrix, and the TV show The X-Files.