Strathmore Group

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Strathmore Group
Stratigraphic range: Emsian
Type Group
Underliesnot seen
Overlies Arbuthnott-Garvock Group
Thickness1800 - 2400m
Primary sandstone, siltstone
Other mudstone, conglomerates
RegionCentral Lowlands
Type section
Named for Strathmore, Angus

The Strathmore Group is a Devonian lithostratigraphic group (a sequence of rock strata) in central Scotland. Its sandstones are interbedded with siltstones which interfinger with conglomerates. It is encountered from Arran in the west across the Midland Valley to Stonehaven in the east. The name is derived from Strathmore, Angus where this sequence occupies the axis of the Strathmore Syncline which runs for many tens of miles parallel to and south of the Highland Boundary Fault. The rocks of the Strathmore Group have also previously been referred to as the Strathmore Beds. [1]

The Devonian is a geologic period and system of the Paleozoic, spanning 60 million years from the end of the Silurian, 419.2 million years ago (Mya), to the beginning of the Carboniferous, 358.9 Mya. It is named after Devon, England, where rocks from this period were first studied.


Lithostratigraphy is a sub-discipline of stratigraphy, the geological science associated with the study of strata or rock layers. Major focuses include geochronology, comparative geology, and petrology. In general a stratum will be primarily igneous or sedimentary relating to how the rock was formed.

A group in stratigraphy is a lithostratigraphic unit, a part of the geologic record or rock column that consists of defined rock strata. Groups are generally divided into individual formations. Groups may sometimes be divided into "subgroups" and are themselves sometimes grouped into "supergroups".

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  1. "Strathmore Group". The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units. British Geological Survey. Retrieved October 13, 2016.
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