Tea (programming language)

Last updated
Paradigm Multi-paradigm: Functional, Object-oriented (class-based)
Developer Jorge Nunes
First appeared1997 (1997)
Website Tea
Influenced by
Tcl, Java, Scheme

Tea is a high-level scripting language for the Java environment. It combines features of Scheme, Tcl, and Java. [1] [2]



Interpreter alternatives

Tea is a proprietary language. Its interpreter is subject to a non-free license. A project called "destea", which released as Language::Tea in CPAN, provides an alternative by generating Java code based on the Tea code.

TeaClipse [3] is an open-source compiler that uses a JavaCC-generated parser to parse and then compile Tea source to the proprietary Tea bytecode.

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  1. Hunter, Jason; Crawford, William (April 3, 2001). Java Servlet Programming: Help for Server Side Java Developers . "O'Reilly Media, Inc.". p.  423. ISBN   9780596000400 via Internet Archive. tea programming language.
  2. Huynh, Khue; Razzaq, Leena (January 1, 2002). "A Distance learning system for Tea programming". Major Qualifying Projects (All Years).
  3. TeaClipse