Terror(s) or The Terror may refer to:
Legion may refer to:
Nemesis is a Greek mythological spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris. Nemesis may also refer to:
A rogue is a person or entity that flouts accepted norms of behavior or strikes out on an independent and possibly destructive path.
An empire is a group of states or peoples under centralized rule.
A night shift is either a group of workers night working, or the period in which they work.
Venom is a class of animal toxins.
A scorpion is a predatory arthropod animal.
Them or THEM, a third-person singular or plural accusative personal pronoun, may refer to:
A rose is a perennial plant of the genus Rosa, or the flower it bears.
Siren or sirens may refer to:
Avenger, Avengers, The Avenger, or The Avengers may refer to:
Fear is an emotion that arises from the perception of danger.
Haunted or The Haunted may refer to:
A demon is a malevolent supernatural being in religion, occultism, mythology, folklore, and fiction.
The Beginning may refer to:
Fixer or The Fixer may refer to:
A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft.
Twilight is the time of day before sunrise or after sunset.
Unseen or The Unseen may refer to: cannot to be seen
Beast most often refers to: