The Lollards

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The Lollards
The Lollards.jpg
Author Thomas Gaspey
Country United Kingdom
Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme
Publication date
Media typePrint

The Lollards is an 1822 historical novel by the British writer Thomas Gaspey. [1] It was first released in three volumes by the London publishing house Longman. It focuses on the Lollards, a proto-Protestant movement of the fifteenth century, and draws inspiration and style from the popular historical novels of Walter Scott. It also focuses on the invention of the printing press and makes reference to the contemporary Trial of Queen Caroline. [2]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Romantic literature in English</span> Era in English-language literature

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Romance (prose fiction)</span> Genre of novel

The type of romance considered here is mainly the genre of novel defined by the novelist Walter Scott as "a fictitious narrative in prose or verse; the interest of which turns upon marvellous and uncommon incidents", in contrast to mainstream novels which realistically depict the state of a society. These works frequently, but not exclusively, take the form of the historical novel. Scott's novels are also frequently described as historical romances, and Northrop Frye suggested "the general principle that most 'historical novels' are romances". Scott describes romance as a "kindred term", and many European languages do not distinguish between romance and novel: "a novel is le roman, der Roman, il romanzo".


  1. The English Novel p.534
  2. The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature p.495
