The Maxwellians

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The Maxwellians
The Maxwellians.jpg
AuthorBruce J. Hunt
Genre History of science
Publisher Cornell University Press
ISBN 9780801482342 1994 edition

The Maxwellians is a book by Bruce J. Hunt, published in 1991 by Cornell University Press; a paperback edition appeared in 1994, and the book was reissued in 2005. It chronicles the development of electromagnetic theory in the years after the publication of A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism by James Clerk Maxwell. The book draws heavily on the correspondence and notebooks as well as the published writings of George Francis FitzGerald, Oliver Lodge, Oliver Heaviside, Heinrich Hertz, and Joseph Larmor.



The book has nine chapters; their titles and section headings are:

FitzGerald and Maxwell's Theory
FitzGerald and the Dublin School, Maxwell's Theory, Reflection and Refraction, FitzGerald's Accomplishment.
FitzGerald, Lodge, and Electromagnetic Waves
Oliver Lodge, Maxwell and Electromagnetic Waves, Lodge and "Electromagnetic Light", FitzGerald and "The Impossibility . . .", The Undetected Waves.
Heaviside the Telegrapher
Oliver Heaviside, Cable Empire, At Newcastle, Cables and Field Theory, Heaviside on Propagation, Turning to Maxwell.
Ether Models and the Vortex Sponge
Models, Wheels and Bands, Charging Displacement, "We Find Ourselves in a Factory", The Vortex Sponge, "Mathematical Machinery".
"Maxwell Redressed"
Energy Paths, Model Research, "When Energy Goes from Place to Place . . .", Heaviside's Equations.
Waves on Wires
"Beams of Dark Light", Loading and the Distortionless Circuit, Suppression, Campaigning for Recognition, Lightning.
Bath, 1888
Hertz's Waves, Reception, "The Murder of Ψ", Practice vs Theory.
The Maxwellian Heyday
Strengthening the Links, The Origins of the FitzGerald Contraction, What Is Maxwell's Theory?
The Advent of the Electron
Joseph Larmor and the Rotational Ether, Inventing Electrons, "Larmor's Force," Assimilating Electrons, Conclusion.
From Maxwell's Equations to "Maxwell's Equations".
Abbreviations, Bibliography (10 pages), Index (6 pages).




"A consummately readable book in a difficult field.",
"the immediacy of a novel while preserving its 'hard science' content."
"Hertz results gave the Maxwellians, who until then were only a small fringe group of electrical theorists, the experimental basis they had previously lacked and helped them overcome the objections of the 'practical' telegraphers and place them at the center of British electrical science."
"An example of one of the best ways to write history of physics."
"FitzGerald advanced the much more daring idea that the interferometer contracts along the direction of motion by an amount that exactly compensates for the expected delay."
"If FitzGerald was the soul and cement of the group, Heaviside was its idiosyncratic genius."
Harman takes note of Jed Buchwald's book on Maxwellians of the Cambridge school and the slight overlap of that book with this one.
"The subject is made readable and given a human dimension by a very skillful interweaving of biographical information and by extensive and very apt quotations from contemporaneous material."

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Electromagnetism</span> Fundamental interaction between charged particles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">George Francis FitzGerald</span> Irish physicist (1851–1901)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joseph Larmor</span> Irish physicist and mathematician (1857–1942)

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  1. The first paper explained the photoelectric effect, which established the energy of the light quanta , and was the only specific discovery mentioned in the citation awarding Einstein the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.
  2. The second paper explained Brownian motion, which established the Einstein relation and led reluctant physicists to accept the existence of atoms.
  3. The third paper introduced Einstein's theory of special relativity, which used the universal constant speed of light to derive the Lorentz transformations.
  4. The fourth, a consequence of the theory of special relativity, developed the principle of mass–energy equivalence, expressed in the equation and which led to the discovery and use of atomic energy decades later.

In the history of physics, Aether theories proposed the existence of a medium, a space-filling substance or field as a transmission medium for the propagation of electromagnetic or gravitational forces. Since the development of special relativity, theories using a substantial aether fell out of use in modern physics, and are now replaced by more abstract models.

Energy current is a flow of energy defined by the Poynting vector, as opposed to normal current. It was originally postulated by Oliver Heaviside. It is also an informal name for Energy flux.

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The Electrician, published in London from 1861–1863 and 1878–1952, was one of the earliest and foremost electrical engineering periodicals and scientific journals. It was published in two series: The original Electrician was published for three years from 1861–1863. After a fifteen year gap, a new series of the Electrician was in print for 72 years from 1878–1952. The Electrician is currently remembered as the publisher of Oliver Heaviside's works, in particular the first publication of the telegrapher's equations, still in wide use for radio engineering.

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"On Physical Lines of Force" is a four-part paper written by James Clerk Maxwell, published in 1861. In it, Maxwell derived the equations of electromagnetism in conjunction with a "sea" of "molecular vortices" which he used to model Faraday's lines of force. Maxwell had studied and commented on the field of electricity and magnetism as early as 1855/56 when "On Faraday's Lines of Force" was read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Maxwell made an analogy between the density of this medium and the magnetic permeability, as well as an analogy between the transverse elasticity and the dielectric constant, and using the results of a prior experiment by Wilhelm Eduard Weber and Rudolf Kohlrausch performed in 1856, he established a connection between the speed of light and the speed of propagation of waves in this medium.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of Maxwell's equations</span>

By the first half of the 19th century, the understanding of electromagnetics had improved through many experiments and theoretical work. In the 1780s, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb established his law of electrostatics. In 1825, André-Marie Ampère published his force law. In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction through his experiments, and proposed lines of forces to describe it. In 1834, Emil Lenz solved the problem of the direction of the induction, and Franz Ernst Neumann wrote down the equation to calculate the induced force by change of magnetic flux. However, these experimental results and rules were not well organized and sometimes confusing to scientists. A comprehensive summary of the electrodynamic principles was needed.