Thushara Pillai

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Thushara Pillai
Born20 June 1980
Alma materGovernment Women's College
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Occupation(s)Astrophysicist and astronomer
SpouseJens Kauffmann

Thushara Pillai is an Indian astrophysicist and astronomer with a senior research scientist position at Boston University's Institute for Astrophysical Research [1] and MIT Haystack Observatory. [2] Her research interests have included molecular clouds, high-mass star formation, magnetic fields, astrochemistry, and the Galactic Center. [3] She is known for her work that looked to understand star formation by observing magnetized interstellar clouds, and Pillai is the first astronomer to capture images of magnetic fields reorienting near areas of star formation. [4]


Early life and education

Pillai was born 20 June 1980 in Kerala, India to parents P. Gopalakrishna Pillai and K. S. Shyamala Kumar. [5] She attended KV Pattom where she was a 1997 Class XII Batch alumna, and Pillai's mother was a teacher at this government day school. [6] Pillai's parents and teachers from an early age encouraged her to pursue physics and higher education. [6]

Pillai attended Government Women's College in Thiruvananthapuram to receive her BSc in physics. [7] Then, she pursued her Masters in Physics at IIT Madras, where one summer, she was given the opportunity to participate in an astronomy project at the National Center for Radio Astronomy in Pune, pushing her interest toward astronomy and astrophysics. [6] She completed her highest education, a PhD in astronomy, at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany. [7]


Pillai holds the position of Senior Research Scientist at Boston University's Institute for Astrophysical Research. She also held a guest researcher position at her alma mater, the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, where she worked in the Department of Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy. [8] There, her research focused on early phase chemistry, infrared dark clouds, high mass star formation, and star formation and cloud evolution in the galactic center. [8]


Artistic rendition of the magnetic field structures observed in Pillai's research Magnetic Field Structure in Serpents South Cluster.jpg
Artistic rendition of the magnetic field structures observed in Pillai's research

Pillai is most known for her paper published in Nature Astronomy , "Magnetized filamentary gas flows feeding the young embedded cluster in Serpens South." [10] This paper shed light on the extent to which molecular clouds in space play a role in star formation. [4] A grant from the National Science Foundation's Division of Astronomical Sciences to Boston University helped support this research, which used data from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). Using this technology, Pillai and her team were able to construct images of magnetic fields' directions and structures near the site of star formation. [4] These images are useful to current and future understandings of interstellar space star formation.[ citation needed ]

Much of Pillai's research has been done with support from NASA, the German Space Center, the Universities Space Research Association, the National Science Foundation, the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School, the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais. [4] She often works with her husband, Jens Kauffmann, who is an astronomer affiliated with the California Institute of Technology. [3]

Selected publications

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  1. "Thushara Pillai | Institute for Astrophysical Research". Retrieved 2021-12-12.
  2. {Cite web|title=Thushara Pillai | url=}
  3. 1 2 "Thushara G.S. Pillai". Retrieved 2021-12-12.
  4. 1 2 3 4 Sechler, Ronald (9 October 2020). "Gazing into Magnetized Interstellar Clouds to Understand How Stars Are Born". Boston University. Retrieved 2021-12-12.
  5. Prasanna, Laxmi Ajai (24 February 2013). "Keralite astronomer in Nasa team that found rare cloud". The Times of India. TNN.
  6. 1 2 3 Faisal, S. L. (20 June 2021). "An interview with Astronomer Dr. Thushara Pillai". KV Pattom E-Zine.
  7. 1 2 Krishnachand, K (6 February 2021). "Malayali scientist finds how stars form, makes state proud". The New Indian Express.
  8. 1 2 "Dr. Thushara Pillai | Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy". Retrieved 2021-12-12.
  9. Pillai, Thushara G.S. (16 August 2020). "Magnetized gas flows feeding a young cluster at the heart of a filamentary network". Nature Portfolio Astronomy Community.
  10. Pillai, Thushara G. S.; Clemens, Dan P.; Reissl, Stefan; Myers, Philip C.; Kauffmann, Jens; Lopez-Rodriguez, Enrique; Alves, F. O.; Franco, G. a. P.; Henshaw, Jonathan; Menten, Karl M.; Nakamura, Fumitaka; Seifried, Daniel; Sugitani, Koji; Wiesemeyer, Helmut (December 2020). "Magnetized filamentary gas flows feeding the young embedded cluster in Serpens South". Nature Astronomy. 4 (12): 1195–1201. arXiv: 2009.14100 . Bibcode:2020NatAs...4.1195P. doi:10.1038/s41550-020-1172-6. S2CID   221995526.