Timeline of the 2018 Nicaraguan protests

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Police responding to protests 2018 Nicaraguan protests police.png
Police responding to protests

The 2018 Nicaraguan protests began on 18 April 2018 following a move by the government of Daniel Ortega to reform social security. Following the deaths of protesters, demonstrations intensified and grew into a large anti-Ortega movement seeking his removal from office.


Timeline by months


Anti-riot police outside the National University of Engineering loading ammunition in Managua, 19 April 2018.

There were major protests and confrontations in León, Managua, Granada, Boaco, Carazo, Estelí, Rivas, Matagalpa and Masaya. [9] [10] TELCOR ordered the suspension of transmissions of four independent TV channels that were reporting the news: channels 12, 23, 51, and 100% Noticias. [11] Also the Roman Catholic Episcopal Conference's TV channel. [9] The suspension lasted several hours, except for 100% Noticias, who was out of the air until 25 April. [12] Murillo accused the protesters of being manipulated and trying to "destabilize" and "destroy" Nicaragua. [13]


The Nicaraguan Catholic Bishops' Conference (CEN) gave the government of Daniel Ortega 72 hours to provide conditions to start a dialogue amid the protests calling for the resignation of the president. The ultimatum of the bishops came after three people died on Friday in a new day of protests in the country. The four conditions that the president of Nicaragua must fulfill according to the bishops were:

  1. Allow the entry of a delegation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH). [59] [60] [61]
  2. Suppress paramilitary bodies and order the withdrawal of civilians in favor of the president. [59] [60] [61]
  3. Stop all kinds of police repression against protesting civil groups. [59] [60] [61]
  4. Willingness of dialogue on the part of the government. [59] [60] [61]

National Dialogue (16–23 May)

  • 16 May – When Ortega and Murillo arrived at the Seminary of Our Lady of Fatima, site of the national dialogue, the presidential couple was greeted with shouts of "assassins, murderers" by people on the outskirts of the event. [74] Guatemalan filmmaker Eduardo Jessi Espigar Szejmer died in the night when a metal tree sculpture fell on him. The sculpture was taken down during a demonstration that took place in the Metrocentro sector, Managua. [75] [76] There were protests in the capital. [77]
  • 17 May – A delegation from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) arrived in Nicaragua to observe in loco the situation of human rights in the country. The IACHR visit occurred as Nicaraguan human rights organizations were reporting between 61 and 67 people dead and more than 500 injured in the repression exercised against protesters. The delegation was headed by Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur for Nicaragua at the IACHR. [78]
  • 18 May – On 18 May, the IACHR called on the State of Nicaragua to immediately cease the repression, said Commissioner Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur of the IACHR for Nicaragua, in a statement. The IACHR stated that they would meet with the victims of the repression. "We call on the State of Nicaragua to immediately cease the repression of the protest, the commission also calls on the State to guarantee the independence and functioning of the media in the country", the rapporteur also indicated that the mission of the IACHR in the country will be the observation in the field in accordance with human rights. She indicated that she would meet with all sectors. [79] [80] Mothers of young people who died in the protests filed a complaint with the IACHR. There were clashes, protests, and the entrance of "several armed hooded men" to the San José parish in Matiguás, Matagalpa, and closure of streets in Nueva Guinea, Jinotega, and other Nicaraguan departments. [81] [82] [83] [84] León, Carazo, Matagalpa and Jinotega were under strikes for lack of products, due to the crisis. [85] The dialogue continued on the second day. [86] There was friction between university students and members of the official press before the dialogue. [87] The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights arrived at the national dialogue. The government and the Nicaraguan opposition agreed to a truce over the weekend, a month after having started demonstrations and protests. Several people appeared before the Inter-American Commission to lodge complaints against the violations carried out by the police forces and supporters of the Daniel Ortega government. [88] [89] [90]
  • 19 May – The university students announce that they would continue the marches and the protests in a peaceful way. On 19 May, there were marches in several cities of Nicaragua in commemoration of those killed in the protests that had affected the country for a month. [91] [92] On the night of 19 May 2018, there was an attack on students of the National Agrarian University (UNA) who protested near the university grounds – whose rector accused the National Police, who in turn denied it – and which left eight injured. Students who were entrenched in the UNA and residents of surrounding neighborhoods reported an attack by police and members of youth sandinistas on the campus, located near the Augusto C. Sandino International Airport. [93] The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights received thousands of complaints from the population and was making inquiries in Matagalpa and other places where there was excessive repression against anti-government protests.
  • 20 May – There were peaceful protests in several cities of Nicaragua, and the violation of the truce by the Nicaraguan Police was denounced. [94] [95] The attack perpetrated Saturday night against the students who remained entrenched in the National Agrarian University (UNA) left at least eight wounded, two of them seriously, as confirmed by students from that campus, who this Sunday collected evidence of the aggression that was documented by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH). The university students pointed to supporters of the government under the direction of police commanders as those responsible for the aggression; however, the institution, through an official note, reported that it had no presence in the area. Six injured were treated at the medical post of the campus in charge of the students and two other young people, wounded by bullet wounds, were transferred to a hospital. [96] Nicaraguan demonstrators demolished more of the metal trees, called trees of life, that are symbols of the government of Ortega. [97]
  • 21 May – The national dialogue continued on its third day where the resignation of Ortega and his wife and the Nicaraguan government was requested, requesting the return to normality. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), issued a preliminary report on the investigations of what happened in the protests in Nicaragua. The IACHR counted at least 76 people killed in the protests in Nicaragua and more than 800 injured, and denounced serious events and violations of human rights by the Government of Nicaragua. It included the official visit of the IACHR to Nicaragua. The representatives of the organization were in Managua, Masaya, León and Matagalpa. [98] [99]
  • 23 May – The National Dialogue between the government of Nicaragua and students, the private sector and civil society that began a week ago was suspended indefinitely. The leader of the Nicaraguan Catholic Church, Bishop Leopoldo Brenes, who had acted as a mediator of this dialogue, explained that the lack of agreement on an agenda of issues to be discussed prevented negotiations from continuing. [100] [101] [102]
  • 30 May – On 30 May, the day on which the Nicaraguan mothers are celebrated, a march was held in honor of the victims killed during the protests. It was repressed by the national police in the company of paramilitary groups and government-like mobs, leaving approximately 15 dead. Most of the victims died from accurate shots to the head, neck and chest. The march was led by the Mothers of April Movement, the Student Movement 19 April, Civil Society and Private Enterprise. [103] [104]



Attack on Bishops and nuncio in Diriamba

  • 9 July – Mobs, some hooded and armed, surrounded and verbally and physically offended the bishops today, including Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and the Vatican ambassador to Nicaragua Waldemar Sommertag, after arriving in Diriamba, Carazo. Men in plain clothes, hooded and some armed, first verbally offended the religious and then attacked them physically, wounding some of them, while the journalists robbed and beat.
  • 10 July – Nicaraguan businessmen, the United States, international organizations and European governments condemned the fact and the Nicaraguan Catholic Bishops' Conference (CEN) suspended for indefinite time the working groups of the national dialogue. The Churches of Costa Rica and Panama, in separate messages, in addition to various dioceses of the country, manifested their solidarity with the bishops and their repudiation of violence. The Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica also urged the international community to collaborate with the solution to this conflict, to find the path that leads to peace [119] [120] Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, said that the government presiding over her husband, Daniel Ortega, is "indestructible" and that the opposition "could not" defeat him in the context of the sociopolitical crisis that this country is suffering and that has claimed at least 351 lives, according to humanitarian organizations and I justify the actions of violence against the Nicaraguan bishops and the apostolic Nuncio in Diriamba. [121]
  • 11 July – The Nicaraguan opposition and academic Félix Maradiaga was attacked in the city of León (northwest Nicaragua) by a group of Sandinista sympathizers of the government of President Daniel Ortega. [122]
  • 12 July – The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy and Opposition Demonostors begins unrest amid a government crackdown continues to affect various Nicaraguan towns and cities. Three days of demonstrations are set to take place from Thursday, 12 July 13 July through Saturday, 14 July. The March called "Together We are a Volcano" will be held in the capital Managua, where demonstrators will leave from the Rotonda Cristo Rey (roundabout; a.k.a. Rotonda Santo Domingo) at 10:00 (local time) and march to the Rotonda Jean Paul Genie, passing through the Autolote El Chele intersection and the Alexis Argüello monument. [123] [124] [125] The march "Together we are a volcano" in Morrito, Rio San Juan, ended in clashes between armed protesters and the police of the place. Different sources in the place say that there are four policemen dead and a self-called. The National Police, in a statement, confirmed on the night of Thursday, 12 July 2018, about the five people killed among them. The head of the local police, commissioner Luis Bustos, is one of the deceased. [126]
  • 13 July – Nicaragua awoke under a 24-hour national strike, the second in less than a month, convened by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy to demand from President Daniel Ortega a response on the proposal to advance the general elections for March 2019, as an exit to the socio-political crisis that the country faces since last 18 April.In Managua most of the streets are empty, private businesses such as convenience stores, supermarkets and businesses did not open their doors. [127] Medardo Mairena and Pedro Mena, members of the Nicaraguan Peasant Movement, were held at the Augusto C. Sandino International Airport in Managua. According to people accompanying them, Migration personnel detained them and do not know of their whereabouts. "They were detained, we do not know for what reason, we do not know if they were removed on the other hand or if they are still detained," said Alfredo Mairena, a member of the Peasant Movement [128] On the same day in the afternoon, police and paramilitaries attacked the Rubén Darío University Campus (RURD) of the UNAN Managua. [129] After hours under attack the students took refuge in the nearby Church of Divine Mercy where they were attacked by police and paramilitaries, after the youths left the facilities the paramilitaries set fire to the university campus setting fire to a CDI and one of the pavilions of the college [130]
  • 14 July – A caravan was organized by the Civic Alliance which was held around midnight and in the early hours of 14 July arrived at the vicinity of the temple, blocked by a police checkpoint located at the traffic lights of Club Terraza towards the west. [131] The parish of Divine Mercy was attacked and besieged throughout the night of Friday the 13th and the early morning of Saturday the 14th, leaving a result of 2 students dead. The bullet holes in the walls, windows and religious objects in addition to the bloodstains were still visible in the days following the attack. The peasant leaders Mairena and Mena are accused of terrorism and involved in the Morrito incident, where several policemen died.263 President Daniel Ortega made the tactical retreat to Masaya (to be held on the last Friday of June) on Friday, 13 July, but instead of the usual walk a vehicular caravan was made to Masaya. The president headed the caravan amid a strong presence of police and paramilitaries. Unlike other years, they did not arrive until the indigenous town of Monimbo but the caravan culminated in the police station of Masaya, where the president called for peace and accused the demonstrators of terrorists in a speech of less than 10 minutes. Among other differences to previous years in 2018, there were no folk dances, nor cultural acts, nor was there the support of the mayor of varas (Monimbo). After the small act, the city of Masaya and especially the indigenous people of Monimbo were strongly attacked by police and paramilitary forces. In the end the paramilitaries were withdrawn by the same population. [132] In Diriamba it was learned of the homicide of an ecologist activist citizen of Costa Rica residing in Nicaragua. [133] Nicaraguan youth group takes refuge in Costa Rica after the bloody incidents of Carazo. [134] On 14 July, clashes were reported in Granada, Masaya and Managua. [135] Leaving two students killed by Nicaraguan police and pro-government paramilitary forces had to go with the presence of Cardinal Brenes, the apostolic Nuncio accompanied by members of the national and international organizations to rescue the wounded and besieged.268 those rescued were received at the Cathedral of Managua, where they were received by ecclesiastical authorities and national and international human rights organizations. In the cathedral were also dozens of people waving flags of Nicaragua and UNAN to receive the students. [136] In Chontales, there were strong confrontations between peasants and members of the paramilitary and government police forces where they raised the blockades and closures. of streets; In this repressive action, Gabriel Mareira, brother of the peasant leader Alfredo Marinera, came out severely wounded. [137]

White and Blue Caravan

  • 14 July – The blue and white caravan was made, where thousands of citizens in their cars and adorned with the Nicaraguan flag expressed their dissatisfaction and opposition to the government of Daniel Ortega. The gigantic caravan was developed in Managua and had replicas in almost all the departments of the country. [138] In several cities of the departments of Nicaragua there were marches and protests to request the departure of the Nicaraguan presidential couple. [139] In Granada attacks have been reported against the blue and white caravan where there were several wounded.
  • 15 July – At least 10 people, including a young girl, were killed in Nicaragua after pro-government forces launched an operation in the country's south, a rights group has said. The Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) said that six civilians and four riot police officers died on Sunday in the city of Masaya, as well as in the nearby Niquinohomo and Catarina communities and the Monimbo neighbourhood.Among the dead was a 10-year-old girl who was shot in the stomach and died due to a lack of medical attention, ANPDH head Alvaro Leiva said [140] Amid great secrecy and under a wide police deployment in the Central Judicial Complex Managua, a preliminary hearing was held behind closed doors for three young people accused of the arrests in Managua, Nindirí, Ticuantepe and Masaya, and for having burned the facilities of the Radio Ya.The police deployment generated an atmosphere of confusion, because it was supposed to be presented before the judge the peasant leader Medardo Mairena Sequeira, arrested Friday at the airport and accused of the death of four officers and a civilian in Morrito, last Thursday.The judge Sixth Criminal District Hearing of the capital, Henry Morales, scheduled the initial hearing for next 8 August at 9:00 a.m. [141] A group of supporters of the Sandinista government attacked in the trade on Sunday, 15 July 2018, the vehicle in which Monsignor Abelardo Mata, bishop of the Diocese of Estelí and spokesperson for the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN), was being transported. Mata was intercepted by a group of people who damaged the vehicle and shouted "murderer", "coup" and "criminal", and he took refuge in a nearby house, witnesses said. The official media justified the aggression in their social networks, arguing that it was a sign of the repudiation "of those accused of promoting the terrorist acts sponsored by the coup leaders throughout Nicaragua." [142] Jairo Velásquez, a priest from Catarina, suffered an assault by para-policemen at the Santa Catalina Church today, his brother José Alberto Velásquez confirmed to El Nuevo Diario. In the hours of this afternoon, armed individuals entered the house with surprise and violence. of the Santa Catalina parish, which is under the administration of Father Jairo Velásquez, in Catarina, and they beat him. [143] The offices of Caritas Internationalis in the municipality of Sébaco, Matagalpa, were looted and later set on fire by unknown persons. [144] [145]

International pressure and Anti-Terrorism Law

  • 16 July – The international community has intensified pressure on the Government of Nicaragua to stop the repression and disarm the paramilitaries after nearly 300 deaths during three months of protests demanding the ouster of President Daniel Ortega. The United States, 13 Latin American countries and the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, asked the Executive of Daniel Ortega the end of the repression of the demonstrations that since last 18 April flood the streets of the Central American country. Guterres called for an immediate cessation of violence and dared to point out the responsibility of the president, at least indirectly. [146] [147] The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights denounced that the Law on terrorism proposed by President Ortega on April 4 and approved today by the National Assembly of Nicaragua can be used to criminalize peaceful protest. [148] [149] [147] [150] [151] Nueva Guinea takes to the streets to protest against the Government of Nicaragua. [152] The National Police presented two doctors who had participated as volunteers in the seizure of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), accusing them of transporting firearms that supposedly had been hidden in the Divine Mercy Church, where more than One hundred people took refuge and were besieged by para-police forces on Friday night and early Saturday morning.The doctors, identified as Irving Escobar, 29, and Blanca Cajina Urbina, 25, were presented Monday at a press conference at the Directorate of Judicial Assistance (DAJ), also known as El Chipote, along with 22 other defendants. of terrorism and other crimes. [153]
  • 17 July – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua raised its "strongest protest" for the "biased declarations" of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, which denounced that the law on terrorism approved by National Assembly can be used to criminalize the protest. [154]

Masaya Attack

  • 17 July –There are attacks by Sandinista paramilitary forces and members of the National Police of Nicaragua in the city of Masaya, specifically in the Moninbo neighborhood. This city, located 35 kilometers southeast of Managua, has endured almost two months of siege by the government since last April a wave of violence broke out in this country that has already claimed more than 350 deaths.The National police of Nicaragua and Sandinista paramilitary forces have started an attack on the Monimbó neighborhood, in Masaya, at 6:00 in the morning, after having entered through different parts of the city. Church bells rang to alert the population. [155] [156] The Government of Nicaragua carried out a new armed attack against a population of the Central American country, this time in the city of Masaya, rebel fief against the government of President Daniel Ortega, despite national and international repudiation, with a balance of at least 3 deaths, that they join a list of more than 350 people killed in a crisis that lasts more than three months. The Sandinista government took control of Masaya, 29 kilometers southeast of Managua, after an intense bombing, of more than 7 hours, with emphasis on the indigenous community of Monimbó with support from police and masked persons. [157] [156] The representative of the Campesino Movement in the national dialogue, Medardo Mairena, was accused along with nine other persons of the crimes of terrorism, organized crime, murder, simple kidnapping, aggravated robbery, obstruction of public services (transportation) and injuries to the detriment of 23 people and the State of Nicaragua. In the preliminary hearing held on Tuesday behind closed doors in the Sixth Penal Court District of Hearing, in charge of Judge Henry Morales, was also accused the peasant leader Pedro Mena Amador, imprisoned next to Mairena last Friday at the international airport of Managua. The other defendants are Juan Calderón, Carlos Zamora, Luis Marenco, Silvio Pineda, Mario Jiménez, Danilo García, Arlen Lanuza and José Hernández. For all, Judge Henry Morales issued arrest warrant. [158]
  • 18 July – Citizens of Juigalpa denounced that Ortega's mobs came to attack the people who were in the sit-down that they demonstrators carried out. [159]

19 July

Irelanda Jerez, one of the leaders of the movement of self-appointed women who participate in the protests against the government of Daniel Ortega. The relatives of the dentist and merchant of the Oriental market, Ireland Jérez, have confirmed that their relative is in El Chipote prison, in Managua. Dollma Jérez said that at 6:45 in the morning they confirmed that her sister is in El Chipote and hopes that his physical integrity is respected. [160] [161] Moninbo neighborhood is occupation for gubernamental sandinistas forces.Samuel Geovanny Martinez Duarte, member of the April 19 University Movement in Granada, has been remanded in custody, after being taken to a preliminary hearing, under a strong police guard, to repsonder for the crime of threat.Martinez is accused for the crimes of threat to the detriment of Yaroslava Muñoz Maltez, departmental delegate of the MTI in Granada. [162] During a speech before thousands of Sandinistas in a plaza in Managua, the president denounced that many temples were occupied as barracks to store ammunition in the framework of the sociopolitical crisis that Nicaragua is going through since April 18.The Episcopal Conference (CEN), mediator and witness of the national dialogue, proposed to Ortega to advance the general elections for March 31, 2019, without him being able to stand for reelection, to overcome the crisis.Ortega revealed that when the bishops made that proposal, on June 7, he was surprised and when he received the document, which in addition to advancing the elections plans the restructuring of the State, he said: "They are committed to the coup." [163]

  • 22 July – The bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN) will continue as mediators in the national dialogue despite "the confrontational attitude" of the government, which accused them of coup plotters, [164] Catholic Church of Nicaragua today began a day of fasting and praying the prayer of exorcism to San Miguel Arcángel, in "reparation for desecrations" in these last three months "against God" with the violence unleashed in the country, which has been charged between 277 and 351 lives. [165]
  • 23 July – Pro-Sandinista government supporters turn against the television channel 100% Noticias [166] Santa María de Pantasma marches in support of students, bishops and other members of society. [167] On the national day of the Nicaraguan student there were marches for and against the government of Daniel Ortega throughout Nicaragua. [168] Brazilian student Rayneia Gabrielle Lima, 31, was shot dead Monday night in an attack by armed individuals in the area of the American school in Managua. The woman was three months away from completing her medical degree. The rector of American University (UAM), Ernesto Medina accuses paramilitary forces, [169] while Nicaraguan police denied that any paramilitary forces were involved, blaming the murder on an unidentified "private security guard". [169]
  • 24 July – Daniel Ortega said on Monday that he will not resign from the presidency of Nicaragua before finishing his term in 2021, ignoring the demand of opponents who demand his immediate exit from power to overcome the crisis. [170] The Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) revealed that 758 people had been reported as kidnapped by armed hooded civilians and police throughout the country between Sunday and dawn on Monday. [171]

[172] [173] A new attack by the "combined forces" of the Government of Nicaragua left at least 3 dead in the northern part of the country, reported today the "self-convened" demonstrators from the city of Jinotega. The attack, which lasted for more than 8 hours between Monday night and early Tuesday morning, occurred in the Sandino neighborhood of Jinotega, 163 kilometers north of Managua, known as "the Monimbo del norte", due to the strong resistance to the government of Daniel Ortega. [174]

  • 28 July – on July 28 a massive march of reparation was carried out against the Government of Ortega and in support of the Nicaraguan Curia. [175] [176]
  • 31 July – The US congressmen Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Díaz Balart met cbroson miem of the Nicaraguan community, in South Florida, to talk about the crisis in that country.The Permanent Human Rights Commission of Nicaragua (CPDH) has so far recorded 300 murdered in the context of the protests. [177] On the afternoon of July 31, the self-appointed health personnel held a demonstration called "March for health, united by life." The starting point will be the Alexis Argüello monument and will end at the Jean Paul Genie roundabout in Managua against political persecution and dismissals in the public health sector encouraged and executed by the Government of Daniel Ortega. [178] The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) today called on the international community "solidarity" with Costa Rica and other countries that welcome the "thousands" of Nicaraguans fleeing their country, submerged in the bloodiest crisis since the decade from the 1980s. [179] The Government of Nicaragua rejected a special commission of the Organization of American States, OAS, to mediate the country's crisis. The proposal was presented by the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Peru. Daniel Ortega said that they try to meddle in matters that belong to his government and rejected the initiative through a note of protest sent to the Inter-American agency. [180] Students of the UNAN-León, as well as representatives of the April 19 University Movement, Blue and white, self-called and the same population, left to march to demand justice and democracy. [181]


"It seems that the influence of ISIS has come through the (social) networks to Nicaragua," the president said. [182] [183] The head of the Nicaraguan Army, General Julio César Avilés, said that the country's sociopolitical crisis is also a time to reflect and contribute. Dialogue is the "most convincing" route for Nicaraguans to overcome the socio-political crisis their country is going through, said the head of the Nicaraguan Army, General Julio César Avilés. This at the same time to stop the protests started on April 18 and which have already left between 295 and 448 dead. [184] The socio-political crisis in Nicaragua has caused the closure of several universities in the Central American country. [185] Nicaragua loses 230 million dollars in tourism due to crisis. [186] In the Countryside of Nicaragua there is protest for the release of political prisoners and detainees.

The working group that will follow up on the situation in Nicaragua has not yet been formed, but the representatives of the United States, Costa Rica, Brazil and Chile expressed interest. [187] A group of Nicaraguan women, headed by the poet Gioconda Belli, requested by means of a letter to the Nicaraguan Army to "disarm" the paramilitary groups that "usurp" the functions of the country's armed forces, in the midst of the crisis that has left between 317 and 448 dead since April. [188] [189] He is secretly tried for the assassination of young Brazilian Raiella Grabrielle Lima A source from the Prosecutor's Office informed that Pierson Gutiérrez Solís had pleaded guilty in the preliminary hearing, and that afterwards the penalty debate was proceeded, in which the State requested the minimum for homicide: 10 years in prison; and six months for illegal carrying of weapons. [190]

The self-appointed demonstrators of Nicaragua left on Saturday in the streets of Managua, to publicly support the doctors who have been dismissed, who point out political motivations behind their dismissals, for attending protesters wounded in the protests against Daniel Ortega's government. Nicaraguan human rights organizations have denounced arbitrary dismissals of at least 135 doctors, specialists and subspecialists of the public hospitals of the country. [194] Alfredo Mairena, brother of Medardo Mairena, said on Saturday that the leader of the Peasant Movement had been tortured and that they had not allowed a doctor to examine him, to check his health. "I saw my brother nine days ago. They have tortured him to blows. We do not know the state of health, the doctor we are looking for to review it has not been authorized to check it. He told me that there are death threats for me and the whole family", said Alfredo Mairena. [195]




Lipstick Rebellion

  • 17 October – A lipstick tube became the new and unexpected weapon of those who demand the departure of Ortega. In social networks, many women and men are sharing photos in which they appear with painted lips. #SoyDelPicoRojo, proclaim proud and challenging, using the colloquial name with which Nicaraguans refer to the mouth. And, often, the image is accompanied by a call for the release of "political prisoners" or the #SOSNicaragua label. Some 200 people are being tried in the Central American country on the charge of terrorism. The 38 captured Sunday, however, were the first to be arrested after the Nicaraguan Police warned that they would not allow demonstrations without their prior authorization. Among them was Marlen Chow, a former Sandinista sympathizer, who once in El Chipote, decided to use her lipstick as a form of protest released the next day, her answer baffled her interrogators, because she showed them "that we were not willing to cheat (scare)." But her simple and defiant gesture also did something else: she gave the Nicaraguans who protest against Ortega a new way of expressing their discontent without exposing themselves to jail. [234]
  • 23 October – After growing 4.0% to 4.5% during the last five-year period, the Nicaraguan industrial sector forecasts a reduction to -0.5% for 2018. Even though, companies in the sector took all the precautions that contributed to keep them in operation.Given the Government's proposals to try to mitigate the economic effects of the political crisis with economic measures, industrialists demand political decisions. "First, the political crisis should be resolved, all COSEP (The Private Enterprise Council) chambers have been emphasizing since five months ago. That’s why we are part of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy—the dialogue than we yearn for should take place," said Sergio Maltez, President of the Chamber of Industries of Nicaragua (CADIN), on the television program "Esta Noche" (Tonight) [235]
  • 24 October – Group of paramilitaries related to the government of Daniel Ortega illegally kidnaps and detains people. [236] The Nicaraguan Catholic Bishops' Conference (CEN) described as "media attacks" the accusations of Sandinista sympathizers against Monsignor Silvio José Báez, whom they accuse of being the "leader of the barricades in Nicaragua" and ordered him to leave the country or be prosecuted for "terrorist, coup plotter and murderous ", based on an audio in which the priest allegedly" conspires "against the government. For several hours, an official audio was transmitted in official media that would have been recorded during a supposed meeting with peasant leaders.The alleged Christian community San Juan Pablo Apóstol today revealed the audio of a conspiracy meeting between the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Managua, Silvio Báez, and peasants, with the objective of destabilizing the Nicaraguan government. [237] [238] [239] [240]
  • '29 October – The TV Channel 100% News reported that the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Post (Telcor), ordered 100% news out of the UHF channel 15 channel. According to Miguel Mora, director of 100% Noticias, Telcor, through a press release, ordered the cable companies to take the 100% news signal from channel 15 in an open signal. [241] The National Police of Nicaragua captured Gerson Snyder Suazo, 22, on Sunday. The incident happened around 7:00 p.m, when he left the parish of San Blas, in the municipality of Chichigalpa, where a mass was held in support of the auxiliary bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, who is a regular participant in anti-government protests, had thrown balloons in the air minutes before being arrested. [242]



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La Prensa is a Nicaraguan newspaper, with offices in the capital Managua. Its current daily circulation is placed at 42,000. Founded in 1926, in 1932 it was bought by Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Zelaya, who had become editor-in-chief. He promoted the Conservative Party of Nicaragua and became a voice of opposition to Juan Bautista Sacasa, for which the paper was censored. He continued to be critical of dictator Anastasio Somoza García, who came to power in a coup d'état.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2006 Nicaraguan general election</span>

General elections were held in Nicaragua on 5 November 2006. The country's voters went to the polls to elect a new President of the Republic and 90 members of the National Assembly. Daniel Ortega of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FLSN) was elected president with 38% of the vote, defeating Eduardo Montealegre with 28%, José Rizo with 27%, Edmundo Jarquín with 6%, and Edén Pastora with 0.3%. The FLSN also emerged as the largest party in the National Assembly, winning 38 seats.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tomás Borge</span> Nicaraguan revolutionary and politician

Tomás Borge Martínez, often spelled as Thomas Borge in American newspapers, was a cofounder of the Sandinista National Liberation Front in Nicaragua and was Interior Minister of Nicaragua during one of the administrations of Daniel Ortega. He was also a renowned statesman, writer, and politician. Tomás Borge also held the titles of "Vice-Secretary and President of the FSLN", member of the Nicaraguan Parliament and National Congress, and Ambassador to Peru. Considered a hardliner, he led the "prolonged people's war" tendency within the FSLN until his death.

Telenica is a nationwide state-run terrestrial television channel from Nicaragua, founded by Nicaraguan businessman Carlos Briceño in 1992. The channel was bought by Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo in late 2009, yet it was not made public until January 2010, the change in ownership led to a change in profile. TN8 is one of Nicaragua's main channels.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joaquín Cuadra</span>

Joaquín Cuadra Lacayo a scion of Nicaragua's elite, joined the rebel Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in late 1972. After their victory in 1979, he became army chief of staff.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rosario Murillo</span> First Lady and Vice President of Nicaragua

Rosario María Murillo Zambrana is a Nicaraguan politician and poet who is the Vice President of Nicaragua, the country's second highest office, since January 2017 and First Lady of Nicaragua since 2007 and from 1985 to 1990 as the wife of President Daniel Ortega. Murillo has served as the Nicaraguan government's lead spokesperson, government minister, head of the Sandinista Association of Cultural Workers, and Communications Coordinator of the Council on Communication and Citizenry. She was sworn in as vice president of Nicaragua on 10 January 2017. In August 2021, she was personally sanctioned by the European Union, over alleged human rights violations.

Canal 6 is a Nicaraguan terrestrial television channel broadcasting from the city of Managua. The station claims to be owned by the Government of Nicaragua, but is actually owned by a joint stock company called NEPISA

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Central American University, Managua</span> Private university in Managua, Nicaragua

Central American University – Managua was a private Catholic university located in Managua, Nicaragua. It was founded in July 1960 by the Society of Jesus on land donated by the Somoza family and was the first private university in Central America. It numbered among its alumni Daniel Ortega, who did not graduate, Daisy Zamora, Sheynnis Palacios, and Ernesto Leal. It was located on Avenida Universitaria in the capital city of Managua (Nicaragua).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sofía Montenegro</span> Nicaraguan journalist, social researcher and feminist

Sofía Montenegro Alarcón is a Nicaraguan journalist, social researcher, and feminist. Montenegro's family were militarily aligned with the Somoza forces, but her feminist and Marxist studies moved her to join with the opposition to the regime. She fought in the Sandinista Revolution and though initially supportive of the Sandinista Party, later became an outspoken critic, saying it had moved to the right. She served as an editor of various divisions of the official Sandinista newspaper, Barricada, until 1994, when she founded the Center for Communication Research (CINCO) as an independent research organization free of government influence. She has written broadly on power, gender, and social interaction.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Protests against Daniel Ortega</span> 21st-century protests in Nicaragua

The protests against Daniel Ortega were a series of protests against President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega and actions performed by his government, the dismantling of the opposition, and violence against peaceful protesters. The protests began in 2014, when the construction of the Nicaragua Canal was about to begin, and several hundred protesters blocked roads and clashed with police during the groundbreaking of the canal. Tens of thousands of Nicaraguans began to protest against President Ortega for what they believe to be a corrupt electoral system.

Silvio Enrique Conrado Gómez was the Nicaraguan director of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE) serving from 2002 until his death. He was an economist. In 2007, he was a member of the Special Commission for the Promotion of Investments (Pro-Nicaragua). He was widely regarded as the key individual in the management of the financial resources and the macroeconomic stability of Nicaragua. Since 2002, he was also a director of the Central Bank of Nicaragua, and served a term as its president from 2006 to 2010.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Freedom of the press in Nicaragua</span>

The Constitution of Nicaragua protects the freedom of the press. However, limitations imposed by the government have restrained the ability of independent media organizations to express divergent views on society and politics. Since 2007, freedom of the press has declined sharply, coinciding with the election of Daniel Ortega as president. Since Ortega's reelection, journalists in Nicaragua have faced escalating violence from the government. As of 2018, Nicaragua is ranked 90th on the Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">April 19 University Movement</span> Nicaraguan anti-Ortega student movement

The April 19 University Movement is a Nicaraguan student movement created on April 25, 2018 in Managua, Nicaragua. The student group opposes the government of Daniel Ortega who from 1979 to 1990 served as the country's first president following the Nicaraguan Revolution, was re-elected in 2006, and is the nation's current President. The April 19 University Movement organized and participated in the 2018–2020 Nicaraguan protests that began April 18th, 2018 in response to Social Security (INSS) reforms. The group has also served as spokesperson in national dialogue.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2018 Nicaraguan protests</span> Wave of protests in Nicaragua

The 2018 Nicaraguan protests began on 18 April 2018 when demonstrators in several cities of Nicaragua began protests against the social security reforms decreed by President Daniel Ortega that increased taxes and decreased benefits. After five days of unrest in which nearly thirty people were killed, Ortega announced the cancellation of the reforms; however, the opposition has grown through the 2014–2018 Nicaraguan protests to denounce Ortega and demand his resignation, becoming one of the largest protests in his government's history and the deadliest civil conflict since the end of the Nicaraguan Revolution. On 29 September 2018, political demonstrations were declared illegal by President Ortega.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Reyna Rueda</span> Nicaraguan politician

Reyna Rueda Alvarado is a Nicaraguan politician. A member of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), she has served as mayor of Managua since 2018.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mauricio Herdocia Sacasa</span> Nicaraguan lawyer and diplomat (1957–2021)

Mauricio Herdocia Sacasa was a Nicaraguan jurist who specialized in international law, and diplomat. He held roles in the Nicaraguan government, especially in the Foreign Ministry, across party lines, as well as roles in major international legal bodies including at the United Nations and the Organization of American States. In the 1980s, he worked on a number of peace processes in Central America, helping formalize legal and political structures for the region. Also a legal scholar and professor, he was rector of the American College University and the author of four books on the laws governing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nicaragua. His contributions were recognized with a number of honors both nationally and internationally, including Nicaragua's Order of Rubén Darío.

This is a timeline of the 2020 Nicaraguan protests. It covers events from February to December 2020.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Arturo McFields</span> Nicaraguan journalist and diplomat

Arturo McFields Yescas is a Nicaraguan journalist and diplomat. After denouncing Daniel Ortega, he revealed that he was classified as a "traitor to the country" by the Sandinista government.


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