Timothy Shanahan is an educator, researcher, and education policy-maker focused on literacy education. He is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Education, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, and he has held a visiting research appointment at Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was elected president of the International Literacy Association in 2004. He operates the popular informational website, Shanahan on Literacy. He was recently recognized as one of the top 2% of scientists in the world, according to a recent study published by Stanford University scholars (Ioannidis, Boyack, & Baas, 2020).
Shanahan previously served as Director of Reading for the Chicago Public Schools under Chief Executive Officer Arne Duncan. He was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on the Board of Advisors of the National Institute of Literacy, and he completed his term under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. [1]
Shanahan has written or edited numerous books and monographs and has written more than 200 articles, chapters, and other publications on literacy education. He has been co-editor of the Journal of Literacy Research and the Yearbook of the National Reading Association. Currently he serves on several editorial boards, including Review of Educational Research, Journal of Educational Psychology, Scientific Studies in Reading, Reading Research Quarterly, Reading Psychology, and Reading & Writing Quarterly: An International Journal. He was a member of the influential National Reading Panel. He also chaired two other federal research review panels, the National Literacy Panel for Language Minority Children and Youth, and the National Early Literacy Panel, and helped author the widely adopted Common Core State Standards. [2]
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Shanahan graduated from Oakland University, Rochester, MI with a degree in Social Science/History in 1972 despite not graduating from high school. [3] He earned a Master of Arts in Teaching in Reading Education in 1974, also from Oakland University. He received his PhD in Education from the University of Delaware in 1980. [4]
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Shanahan began his professional career as a primary grade teacher in Holly, MI and Swartz Creek, MI, where he taught third grade, first grade, and remedial reading. While working on his PhD, he served as a Right to Read consultant in Secretary, MD. Upon completing his PhD, he became an assistant professor in the reading education program at what was then the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. There he taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in the teaching of reading and did research on reading development and instruction. He later was promoted to the Associate Professor and Professor ranks.
While at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), he founded the UIC Center for Literacy [5] a research and service center serving the city of Chicago. [6] He directed that Center from 1991–2013. He also was director of UIC's Reading, Writing, and Literacy programs (1989-2001), and was chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2011-2013). In 2009, he was honored as UIC's Researcher of the Year (Social Sciences) and was awarded the Distinguished Professor designation in 2012. [5]
In 2001–2002, Shanahan took a leave of absence from the university to become Director of Reading for the Chicago Public Schools. [7]
Shanahan was elected president of the International Literacy Association (ILA), and served the association in many capacities including as a board member, vice president, president elect and president of the ILA. In 2014–2015, he was Visiting Research Professor at Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The impact of reading on writing is obvious, since writers use the letters, punctuation, grammatical constructions, and discourse organization with which readers would necessarily be familiar. However, empirical study of these relations was sporadic, simple (usually examining only two variables), and were not particularly influential of theory or practice. This situation changed with Shanahan’s multivariate investigations of reading-writing relationships during the 1980s; a period that could accurately be described as the beginning of the modern age of reading-writing research. These early studies have been widely cited, [8] and have been replicated and extended with students with learning disabilities [9] and internationally. Prior to this work, the inclusion of writing within American reading curricula was rare but today most commercial core reading instruction programs include a writing component. Shanahan’s work on reading-writing relationships conceptualized the connections as being multivariate and developmental (changing in nature as students progressed). Although at the time this line of research began it was common to claim that reading and writing were closely related, Shanahan found the relations to be moderate in scope—meaning that reading and writing could influence each other, but also that they would differ in important ways. This means that to accomplish high levels of reading and writing ability, it is essential that both be taught, rather than simply teaching one to accomplish the other. Interactive models of reading and writing in which both variables influence each other are more descriptive of literacy attainment than models in which reading precedes writing or vice versa.
Cloze testing refers to the measurement of reading comprehension or readability of texts by having individuals read texts with omitted words. The readers try to use context to replace the missing words and their reading ability or the difficulty of the texts is then inferred from these responses. From the 1950s-1970s, studies of cloze testing were among the five most studied issues in reading education. This changed with the publication of Shanahan’s research on cloze. This research proved that cloze testing was limited in that it measured sentence level comprehension alone, without regard to cohesion, text structure, or other aspects of meaning that go beyond sentence boundaries. As a result, cloze research became less frequent and the use of cloze either as an assessment or instructional tool declined.
Shanahan played an important role in the use of research synthesis to drive educational policy. He co-authored an influential synthesis of research on Reading Recovery, a remedial reading program aimed at first graders, at the request of U.S. Department of Education’s North Central Regional Education Laboratory. In 1997, he was selected from 299 nominees to serve as a member of the National Reading Panel. He co-chaired the Methodology and Fluency subcommittees and was a member of the Alphabetics committee. The National Reading Panel report identified evidence supporting the explicit teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension and became the basis of both federal education policy (No Child Left Behind) and the construction of many commercial reading programs. This report was identified as the third most influential educational report by Editorial Projects in Education Research in 2006. Shanahan also chaired two other federal research review panels: National Early Literacy Panel (NELP) and National Literacy Panel for Language Minority Children and Youth (NLP). Both panels issued influential reports. These panels followed upon the work of the National Reading Panel, focusing on the reading development of children in preschool and kindergarten on those learning to read in a second language. The Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education decided not to issue the NLP report, but allowed its external publication after pressure brought to bear by the New York Times.
Each discipline (e.g., literature, science, mathematics, history) creates specialized texts and uses reading and writing in unique or highly specialized ways. Professor Shanahan conducted research and wrote a plethora of reports and reviews on disciplinary literacy, mostly with his wife, Cynthia Shanahan. These studies compare the approaches to reading used by mathematicians, historians, and chemists, and explore how these specialized uses of literacy could be taught in secondary schools. This work became the basis of the disciplinary literacy standards included in the Common Core State Standards, which have been adopted by more than 40 U.S. states; additionally, several other countries and international organizations are supporting research and practice in disciplinary literacy, explicitly based on the Shanahan’s work. In 2017, the Literacy Research Association recognized these contributions with the P. David Pearson Award for Scholarly Impact.
Shanahan has been an expert witness in a number of legal proceedings focusing on educational practice, educational policy, and document readability. In two instances his opinions have been cited in federal case law. In one case, the Sargent Shriver Center for Poverty Law brought a class action suit on behalf of the minor children in Cook County, Illinois who were eligible for Medicaid against the State of Illinois. The suit claimed that the state was failing to ensure that the plaintiffs were receiving the required pediatric care and services. One concern was the reading demands of notices that were sent to the parents of these Medicaid eligible children. Shanahan testified that the notices were more difficult than necessary and often exceeded the reading levels of the parents and guardians. District Judge Joan Lefkow cited his opinion in ordering that the state employ communications specialists capable of producing easier to understand notices and that parents be told, not just informed by writing, of the available services through writing. [10]
In another case Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana brought suit against the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Governor Jindal claimed that the Department of Education coerced the states to adopt the Common Core State Standards in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the Department of Education charter, and states’ rights. Shanahan served as expert witness on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education and testified that the Common Core did not constitute a curriculum and that, therefore, the U.S. Department of Education was not in violation. Judge Shelly Dick concurred, citing Shanahan's testimony in her ruling. [11]
Whole language is a philosophy of reading and a discredited educational method originally developed for teaching literacy in English to young children. The method became a major model for education in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Great Britain in the 1980s and 1990s, despite there being no scientific support for the method's effectiveness. It is based on the premise that learning to read English comes naturally to humans, especially young children, in the same way that learning to speak develops naturally.
Phonics is a method for teaching people how to read and write an alphabetic language. It is done by demonstrating the relationship between the sounds of the spoken language (phonemes), and the letters or groups of letters (graphemes) or syllables of the written language. In English, this is also known as the alphabetic principle or the alphabetic code.
The National Reading Panel (NRP) was a United States government body. Formed in 1997 at the request of Congress, it was a national panel with the stated aim of assessing the effectiveness of different approaches used to teach children to read.
Synthetic phonics, also known as blended phonics or inductive phonics, is a method of teaching English reading which first teaches the letter sounds and then builds up to blending these sounds together to achieve full pronunciation of whole words.
Kenneth Goodman was Professor Emeritus, Language Reading and Culture, at the University of Arizona. He is best known for developing the theory underlying the literacy philosophy of whole language.
Peter Freebody is an Australian Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Past appointments included Professorial Research Fellow with the Faculty of Education and Social Work and a core member of the CoCo Research Centre at the University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia. His research and teaching interests include literacy education, classroom interaction and quantitative and qualitative research methods. He has served on numerous Australian State and Commonwealth literacy education and assessment advisory groups. Freebody, with Allan Luke, originated the Four Resources Model of literacy education.
Balanced literacy is a theory of teaching reading and writing that arose in the 1990s and has a variety of interpretations. For some, balanced literacy strikes a balance between whole language and phonics and puts an end to the so called reading wars. Others say balanced literacy, in practice, usually means the whole language approach to reading.
Reading is the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols, etc., especially by sight or touch.
Dr. Michael Sampson is a Fulbright Scholar and an American children's writer best known for easy-to-read books that feature rhythmic and repetitive language. Sampson's first children's book, The Football That Won, was written solo in 1992 and illustrated by Ted Rand. Later, Sampson wrote 21 books with his best friend and mentor Bill Martin, Jr., including Chicka, Chicka, 1, 2, 3 and The Bill Martin Jr Big Book of Poetry. Sampson taught at Texas A&M University–Commerce for 25 years before moving to the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. In August 2010 he was selected as Dean of the School of Education at Southern Connecticut State University. In July 2012 he became Dean of the College of Education at Northern Arizona University. In the summer of 2014, he moved to New York City to become Dean of the School of Education at St. John's University. In 2021-2022, he will teach at a university in Europe as a Fulbright Scholar.
Nell K. Duke is a contemporary educator and literacy researcher with an interest in informational text, early literacy development, and reading comprehension instruction, with an emphasis on children living in poverty. She is currently a professor of language, literacy, and culture and a faculty associate in the combined program in education and psychology at the University of Michigan.
Elfrieda "Freddy" Hiebert is an educational researcher whose work examines literacy, learning, early childhood development, teacher development, writing and children's literature. The main thrust of her work addresses literacy learning among at-risk youth in American classrooms. Currently, she is the CEO and president of TextProject, Inc., an agency that is dedicated to bringing beginning and struggling readers to high levels of literacy through a variety of strategies and tools, particularly through using science and social studies texts, used for reading instruction.
George R. Klare was a World War II veteran and a distinguished professor of psychology and dean at Ohio University. His major contribution was in the field of readability. From the beginning of the 20th century, the assessment of the grade level of texts for different grades of readers was a central concern of reading research. It was well known that without correctly graded texts, readers would not improve their reading skill. There were over 1,000 published studies on this topic. Klare's contribution to that effort came both in his critical reviews of the studies and his participation in original research.
Douglas K. Hartman is an American scholar in the field of education. He is a professor of technology & human learning in the College of Education at Michigan State University. He has a joint appointment in the Departments of Educational Psychology & Educational Technology and Teacher Education. His research focuses on the use of digital technologies for human learning in a number of domains.
John T. Guthrie is a researcher and scholar in the area of student motivation as it relates to literacy.
Linnea Carlson Ehri, Ph.D. is an American educational psychologist and expert on the development of reading. She is a Distinguished Professor Emerita of Educational Psychology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Ehri is known for her theory of orthographic mapping, which describes the process of forming "letter-sound connections to bond the spellings, pronunciations, and meanings of specific words in memory" that underlies fluent reading. As a consequence of orthographic mapping, written words are tightly linked with their pronunciations and meanings in memory and can be recognized by sight.
William Herbert Teale was an American expert in early childhood literacy. He was Professor in the Literacy, Language & Culture Program, University Scholar, and director of the University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Literacy.
Young-Suk Kim is an educational psychologist known for her research on language and literacy development. She is Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Education at the University of California, Irvine.
Carol McDonald Connor was an educational psychologist known for her research contributions to the field of early literacy development in diverse learners, in particular for work on individualized student instruction interventions and the lattice model of reading development. She held the position of Chancellor's Faculty and Equity Advisor in the School of Education at the University of California, Irvine.
Arthur Noble Applebee was a researcher and professional leader in United States secondary education. He obtained his doctorate at the University of London in 1973 and held professorships at Stanford University (1980–1987) and the University at Albany, State University of New York (1987–2015). Active in national policy, he assisted in validating the Common Core State Standards and co-authored fourteen of the National Assessment of Educational Progress's "Reading Report Cards" documenting student achievement. He also documented the state of the teaching of writing in U.S. Secondary Schools in a number of studies. In addition to his scholarly work, he also was lead author/editor on numerous series of English textbooks for both primary and secondary schools, comprising at least 35 volumes. Applebee served as editor from 1984 to 1991 of Research in the Teaching of English, as president of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy and as a member of the Validation Committee for the Common Core State Standards.
Susanna W. Grannis is a retired American academic, and the founder of CHABHA, a nonprofit organization that supported orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda, Burundi, and South Africa from 2004 to 2014. She was professor and dean at the University of Illinois Chicago, Queens College, and at the Bank Street College of Education. She is the author of Hope Amidst Despair: HIV/AIDS-Affected Children in Sub-Saharan Africa and two self-published children's books. Writing as Susanna W. Pflaum, she is the author of books and academic papers about teaching and education, with a particular focus on advancing academic opportunity for disadvantaged students. She lives in Stuyvesant Falls, New York.