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Tinia Staatliche Antikensammlungen Munchen 2013.jpg
Terracotta bust of Tinia from 300–250 BCE
Symbol Thunderbolt
Personal information
Consort Uni
Children Hercle and Menrva
Greek equivalent Zeus
Roman equivalent Jupiter
Egyptian equivalent Amun
Etruscan inscription TINIA on an altar stone from Volsinii Etruscan inscription on a altar stone from Bolsena detail.jpg
Etruscan inscription TINIA on an altar stone from Volsinii

Tinia (also Tin, Tinh, Tins or Tina) was the sky god and the highest deity in Etruscan religion, equivalent to the Roman Jupiter and the Greek Zeus. [1]


However, a primary source from the Roman Varro states that Veltha, not Tins, was the supreme deity of the Etruscans. [2] This has led some scholars to conclude that they were assimilated, but this is speculation. [3]

Tinia was the husband of Uni and the father of Hercle. Like many other Etruscan deities, his name is gender neutral. [4]

The Etruscans had a group of nine gods who had the power of hurling thunderbolts; they were called Novensiles by the Romans. [5] Of thunderbolts there were eleven sorts, of which Tinia wielded three. [5]

Tinia was sometimes represented with a beard or sometimes as youthful and beardless. [3] In terms of symbolism, Tinia has the thunderbolt. [3] [4] Tinia's thunderbolts could be red or blood coloured. [6]

Like Selvans [3] and possibly Laran, [7] Tinia also protected boundaries. His name appears as the guarantor on three boundary stones with identical inscriptions found in Tunisia, originally placed there by the Etruscan colonists. [3]

Some of Tinia's possible epithets are detailed on the Piacenza Liver, a bronze model of a liver used for haruspicy. These inscriptions have been transcribed as Tin Cilens, Tin Θuf and Tinś Θne. There have been a number of suggestions as to their meaning, but the Etruscan language is poorly understood and there is no scholarly consensus for the translation.


Tinia appears in several inscriptions, including:

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  1. de Grummond, Etruscan Myth, Sacred History and Legend, page 53
  2. Varro, De lingua Latina V.46.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 The Religion of the Etruscans. University of Texas Press. 2006.
  4. 1 2 The Etruscan World. Routledge. 2013. ISBN   978-0-415-67308-2.
  5. 1 2 Dennis, George (1848). The cities and cemeteries of Etruria: Vol.I. London.
  6. Nancy T. de Grummond, "Thunder versus Lightning in Etruria," Etruscan Studies, 2016, 19(2), 183-207.
  7. Konstantinos I. Soueref; Ariadni Gartziou-Tatti (2019). Gods of Peace and War in the Myths of the Mediterranean People. Ioannina, Greece: Ephorate of Antiquities of Ioannina - University of Ioannina. ISBN   978-960-233-247-4.
  8. Giuliano Bonfante and Larissa Bonfante (1983). The Etruscan language: an introduction . Manchester University Press. ISBN   9780719009020.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)