The Trade Union International of Transport Workers (TUI-TRANSPORT) is a sectoral federation of workers in the transport industry, affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions. It was formerly known as the Trade Unions International of Transport, Port and Fishery Workers.
The organization's roots go back to 1949 when two TUI affiliates of the WFTU were created: the Trade Unions International of Seamen and Dockers which represented seamen, inland waterways workers, fishermen and port workers, and the Trade Unions International of Land and Air Transport Workers. In March 1953, these two merged into Trade Union International of Transport, Port and Fishery Workers. [1] [2] It kept the latter name until at least 1978, [2] but adopted the current name by 1985. [3] The federation held its 14th congress in Istanbul in March 2019. [4]
TUI has a controlling congress, later called a conference, an administrative committee, a bureau and a secretariat. [2] The union also had five branch commissions dealing with different sectors of the transportation industry: ports, civil aviation, railroads, maritime and motor transport. [3]
The Headquarters moved many times. In 1955 its address was reported as Seilerstaette 3, Vienna 1, Austria. It shared the address with the Trade Unions International of Miners Unions. [1] By 1957 its headquarters were in Janska 100, Prague 1, Czechoslovakia. [5] In 1978 it was still in the same district of Prague but at Opletalova 57. [2] By 1985 it had moved to Váci út 73,1138 Budapest, Hungary, [3] an address it would keep until at least 1991. [6] Its current address is at Rua Serra do Japi 31, São Paulo, Brazil. [7]
In 1978 the TUI claimed 17.5 million members in 115 unions. [2] In 1985 it claimed 18 million members in 145 unions in 72 countries [3] In 2004 it had 95 unions from 37 countries. [8]
The union issued a quarterly, Transport Workers of the World in English, French, Spanish and German, as well as a monthly Information Bulletin in English, French, Spanish and Russian. [2]
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is an international federation of trade unions established on October 3, 1945. Founded in the immediate aftermath of World War Two, the organization built on the pre-war legacy of the International Federation of Trade Unions as a single structure for trade unions world-wide, following the World Trade Union Conference in London, United Kingdom.
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is a democratic global union federation of transport workers' trade unions, founded in 1896. In 2017 the ITF had 677 member organizations in 149 countries, representing a combined membership of 19.7 million transport workers in all industrial transport sectors: civil aviation, dockers, inland navigation, seafarers, road transport, railways, fisheries, urban transport and tourism. The ITF represents the interests of transport workers' unions in bodies that take decisions affecting jobs, employment conditions or safety in the transport industry.
The Trade Union International of Chemical, Energy, Metal, Oil and Allied Workers (CHEMISTRY-ENERGY) is a sectoral body affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). The international federations of national trade unions are organized in specific industry sectors or occupational groups.
The Central All-Indonesian Workers Organization was the largest trade union federation in Indonesia. Founded during the period of the country's independence in the late 1940s, the federation grew rapidly in the 1950s. It was initially formed with loose connections to the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and with members from other parties, but over time, the PKI became dominant in the organisation. With the introduction of President Sukarno's guided democracy in the late 1950s, SOBSI was formally recognised and given a place in the national decision-making structures. In the 1960s, SOBSI came into conflict with the Army, whose officers controlled the country's state enterprises. After the 1965 coup that subsequently produced Suharto's New Order regime, SOBSI was declared illegal, its members killed and imprisoned and most of the leadership executed.
The World Federation of Teachers Unions is the Trade Union International (TUI) branch of the World Federation of Trade Unions representing educators.
The Trade Union International Public Service and Allied is a section of the World Federation of Trade Unions representing public sector workers.
The Trade Union International of Building, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries, also known as the Trade Union International of Construction, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries, more commonly known by its French acronym UITBB is a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Workers in the Mining, the Metallurgy and the Metal Industries is a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Workers in Tourism and Hotels (HOTOUR) is a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions
The Trade Unions International of Miners was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Food, Tobacco, Hotel and Allied Industries Workers was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Workers in Commerce was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Textile, Leather and Fur Workers Unions was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions. It was often known by its French initials, ICPS.
The Trade Union International of Workers in the Metal Industry was a trade union international affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Standing Committee of Trade Unions in the Graphic Industry, also known as the Permanent Committee Graphic Arts Unions, was an international trade union federation for workers in the graphic arts industry.
The South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU) was a national trade union federation in South Africa.
The Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retired Persons is an sectoral federation affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Textile-Garment-Leather is a sectoral federation affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions.