Trade Union International of Workers in Commerce

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The Trade Union International of Workers in Commerce was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.



The union was formed in 1959. [1]

In 1997 it merged with the Trade Union International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers, Trade Union International of Food, Tobacco, Hotel and Allied Industries Workers, and Trade Union International of Textile, Leather and Fur Workers Unions to form the Trade Union International of Agroalimentary, Food, Commerce, Textile & Allied Industries. [2]


The highest organ in the union was the international conference. Then there was the administrative committee and the secretariat. [3]

In 1978 its address was listed as Opletova 57 Prague, 1 [4] an address it would keep until at least 1991. [5]


When the TUI began it had 22 affiliated unions. At its 1976 conference it claimed 14,862,279 members in 50 affiliated unions in 44 countries. [6] By the mid 1980s it had 70 members organizations in 61 countries representing 20 million members [7]

In 1978 the following organizations were affiliated to the TUI: [8]


The TUI published News monthly and Bulletin quarterly in English, French, Spanish, German and Russian. [9]


General Secretaries

1959: Domenico Banchieri
1964: Dumitru Usturoi
Ilie Frunza
1980s: Alvaro Villamarin


1959: Marie Radova
1964: Carrere
Janos Vas

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  1. Coldrick, A. Percy and Jones, Philip. The international directory of the trade union movement New York : Facts on File, [1978] p.183
  2. Europa World Year Book London; Taylor & Francis, 2004 p.342
  3. Coldrick and Jones p.183
  4. Coldrick and Jones p.183
  5. Upham, Martin Trade unions of the world, 1992-1993. Harlow, Essex, U.K. : Longman; Detroit, Mich. : Distributed exclusively in the U.S. and Canada by Gale Research Inc., 1991 p.559
  6. Coldrick and Jones p.183
  7. The World Federation of Trade Unions, 1945-1985. Prague; Published by the WTFU in cooperation with PRACE Czechoslovak Trade Unions 1985 p.151
  8. Coldrick and Jones pp.183-5
  9. Coldrick and Jones p.183