Triangle K

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Hechsher of Triangle K Kosher
Certifying agencyTriangle K Kosher
Product categoryFood products
Type of standardReligious

Triangle K is a kosher certification agency under the leadership of Rabbi Aryeh R. Ralbag. It was founded by his late father, Rabbi Yehosef Ralbag. [1] The hechsher is a letter K enclosed in an equilateral triangle.


Supervision and certification

They supervise a number of major brands, including Del Monte, Hebrew National, [2] Ocean Spray, Sunsweet, Sunny Delight, SunChips and Wonder Bread. [3]

Minute Maid products used to be supervised by Triangle K. [4] Since 2013, the Orthodox Union has been providing kosher certification for Minute Maid products instead. [5]

Many Orthodox Jews eat only glatt kosher. [6] Triangle K continues to certify foods as kosher that are not glatt kosher. [7] As a result, many Orthodox Jews will not eat food that is certified by Triangle K. [8]

K Meshulash

The name K Meshulash is sometimes used in addition to the trademarked Triangle K name. [9] Meshulash means triangle, triple, or tripled in Hebrew.

See also

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Kashrut is a set of dietary laws dealing with the foods that Jewish people are permitted to eat and how those foods must be prepared according to Jewish law. Food that may be consumed is deemed kosher, from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the term that in Sephardi or Modern Hebrew is pronounced kashér, meaning "fit". Food that may not be consumed, however, is deemed treif, also spelled treyf.

<i>Kitniyot</i> Category of food that some Ashkenazi Jews do not eat on Passover

Kitniyot is a Hebrew word meaning legumes. During the Passover holiday, however, the word kitniyot takes on a broader meaning to include grains and seeds such as rice, corn, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds, in addition to legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils.

A hechsher or hekhsher is a rabbinical product certification, qualifying items that conform to the requirements of Jewish religious law.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mashgiach</span> Jew who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment

A mashgiach or mashgicha is a Jew who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment. Mashgichim may supervise any type of food service establishment, including slaughterhouses, food manufacturers, hotels, caterers, nursing homes, restaurants, butchers, groceries, or cooperatives. Mashgichim usually work as on-site supervisors and inspectors, representing a kosher certification agency or a local rabbi, who actually makes the policy decisions for what is or is not acceptably kosher. Sometimes certifying rabbis act as their own mashgichim; such is the case in many small communities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kosher wine</span> Wine produced per Jewish dietary law

Kosher wine is wine that is produced in accordance with halakha, and more specifically kashrut, such that Jews will be permitted to pronounce blessings over and drink it. This is an important issue, since wine is used in several Jewish ceremonies, especially those of Kiddush.

Kosher foods are foods that conform to the Jewish dietary regulations of kashrut. The laws of kashrut apply to food derived from living creatures and kosher foods are restricted to certain types of mammals, birds and fish meeting specific criteria; the flesh of any animals that do not meet these criteria is forbidden by the dietary laws. Furthermore, kosher mammals and birds must be slaughtered according to a process known as shechita and their blood may never be consumed and must be removed from the meat by a process of salting and soaking in water for the meat to be permissible for use. All plant-based products, including fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs and spices, are intrinsically kosher, although certain produce grown in the Land of Israel is subjected to other requirements, such as tithing, before it may be consumed.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Orthodox Union</span> Orthodox Jewish organization in the US

The Orthodox Union is one of the largest Orthodox Jewish organizations in the United States. Founded in 1898, the OU supports a network of synagogues, youth programs, Jewish and Religious Zionist advocacy programs, programs for the disabled, localized religious study programs, and international units with locations in Israel and formerly in Ukraine. The OU maintains a kosher certification service, whose circled-U hechsher symbol, U+24CACIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U, is found on the labels of many kosher commercial and consumer food products.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pareve</span> Kashrut classification of foods free from dairy and meat

In kashrut, the dietary laws of Judaism, pareve or parve is a classification of edible substances that contain neither dairy nor meat ingredients. Food in this category includes all items that grow from the ground, fish, eggs, and non-biological edible items.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hebrew National</span> Packaged hot dog and sausage brand

Hebrew National is a brand of kosher hot dogs and sausages made by ConAgra Foods. In 1982, Hebrew National opened a non-kosher division under the name National Deli; it was sold off in 2001, and is now based in Florida.

The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada (UOR), often called by its Hebrew name, Agudath Harabonim or (in Ashkenazi Hebrew) Agudas Harabonim ("union of rabbis"), was established in 1901 in the United States and is the oldest organization of Orthodox rabbis in the United States. It had been for many years the principal group for such rabbis, though in recent years it has lost much of its former membership and influence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">OK Kosher Certification</span> Food-products certification agency

OK Kosher Certification is a major kosher certification agency based out of Brooklyn, NY. It is one of the "Big Five," the five largest kosher certifying agencies in the United States. OK also has a large kosher presence in Asia.

<i>Chalav Yisrael</i> Category of dairy products in Judaism

Chalav Yisrael, also pronounced cholov Yisroel, refers to kosher milk whose milking was observed by an observant Jew. The halakha of chalav Yisrael, which originates in the Mishnah and Talmud, was instituted to ensure that no non-Jew would mix milk of a non-kosher animal with the kosher milk. Today, many kosher-keeping Jews rely on the ruling of Rav Moshe Feinstein, who argues that since countries such as the United States have strict laws against mixing milks, it can be assumed that the milk is kosher.

Magen Tzedek, originally known as Hekhsher Tzedek, is a complementary certification for kosher food produced in the United States in a way that meets Jewish Halakhic (legal) standards for workers, consumers, animals, and the environment, as understood by Conservative Judaism. Magen Tzedek certification is not a kashrut certification which certifies that food is kosher in that it meets certain requirements regarding ingredients of food and technical methods of animal slaughter, but an ethical certification complementary to conventional kosher certification.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Star-K</span> Kosher certification agency

Star-K Kosher Certification, also known as the Vaad Hakashrut of Baltimore, is a kosher certification agency based in Baltimore, Maryland, under the administration of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, with the involvement of many other rabbis. It is one of the largest Jewish dietary certification agencies in North America. It is trusted by many Orthodox Jews worldwide for dedication to preserving Kashrut. The organization supervises tens of thousands of commercial food products and food establishments around the world.

The "Kosher tax" is the idea that food companies and unwitting consumers are forced to pay money to support Judaism or Zionist causes and Israel through the costs of kosher certification. The claim is a conspiracy theory, antisemitic canard, or urban legend.

A kosher certification agency is an organization or certifying authority that grants a hechsher to ingredients, packaged foods, beverages, and certain materials, as well as food-service providers and facilities in which kosher food is prepared or served. This certification verifies that the ingredients, production process including all machinery, and/or food-service process complies with the standards of kashrut as stipulated in the Shulchan Arukh, the benchmark of religious Jewish law. The certification agency employs mashgichim to make periodic site visits and oversee the food-production or food-service process in order to verify ongoing compliance. Each agency has its own trademarked symbol that it allows manufacturers and food-service providers to display on their products or in-store certificates; use of this symbol can be revoked for non-compliance. Each agency typically has a "certifying rabbi" who determines the exact kashrut standards to be applied and oversees their implementation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Orthodox Union Kosher</span> Kosher certification agency

Orthodox Union Kosher, known as OU Kosher or OUK, is a kosher certification agency based in New York City. It was founded in 1923 by Abraham Goldstein. It is the certification agency of about 70% of kosher food worldwide, and is the largest of the "Big Five" major certification agencies, which include OK, Kof-K, Star-K, and CRC.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Levi Duchman</span> Rabbi of the Jewish community in the UAE

Levi Duchman is the first resident chief rabbi of the United Arab Emirates. He also serves as the head of the Jewish congregation of Abu Dhabi, of the Jewish Community Center of UAE in Dubai, and as a member of the executive board of the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States.

Kosher by ingredient is an approach to observing the laws of kashrut that determines whether a food is kosher or not based on ingredient, rather than by the presence of a hechsher. This approach has fallen out of favor with Orthodox Jews, but is practiced by many Conservative Jews as well as by some Reform Jews and Reconstructionist Jews.

Bitul or batel is a concept in kashrut that stipulates that food is still considered kosher if a small amount of forbidden food is mixed with a permitted food, such as a drop of milk in a meat dish. Bitul b'shishim is the concept that a dish is kosher if the prohibited food is less than one-sixtieth of the entire dish. Bitul barov is the concept that a dish is kosher if less than one-half of the meal contains prohibited food.


  1. Ralbag, Rabbi Eliezer Dan. "Remembering Rav Chaim Yehosef Ralbag on his Shloshim". The Jewish Press . p. 91. who merited living 98 years
  2. Fishkoff, Sue (July 4, 2010). "Red, White and Kosher". The New York Times . Curiously, those dogs that answer to a higher authority aren't kosher enough for most Jews who keep kosher.
  3. "Triangle K and Associates: Sample Products". Triangle K. Retrieved January 1, 2008.
  4. "Rabbi Yosef Ralbag, a Kosher Pioneer". August 22, 2011. In addition to Hebrew National, the Triangle K certifies such major brands as Del Monte, Minute Maid ...
  5. "Minute Maid, Simply juices receive OU kosher certification". February 25, 2013.
  6. ""OU Glatt" vs. "OU Meat"". OU Kosher. 18 October 2019.
  7. Miriam Colton & Steven I. Weiss (June 11, 2004). "Hebrew National Certified Kosher--But Not Kosher Enough for Some". The Jewish Daily Forward. Retrieved April 27, 2018.
  8. "Initial Interview With Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag". Canonist Blog. Archived from the original on February 1, 2011. Retrieved June 21, 2010.[ better source needed ]
  9. "K Meshulash / Triangle K Inc". 2020.