
Last updated
Original author(s) Nicolas Niclausse
Stable release
1.7.0 / August 30, 2017 (2017-08-30)
Repository github.com/processone/tsung
Written in Erlang
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Load Testing
License GNU General Public License 2.0
Website tsung.erlang-projects.org

Tsung (formerly known as idx-Tsunami) is a stress testing tool written in the Erlang language and distributed under the GPL license. It can currently stress test HTTP, WebDAV, LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SOAP and XMPP servers. Tsung can simulate hundreds of simultaneous users on a single system. It can also function in a clustered environment.



Features include: [1]

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  1. Tsung. "About". Tsung. Retrieved 2022-06-05.