The Union of Commerce, Transport and Food (German : Verband der Handels-, Transport- und Lebensmittelarbeiter, VHTL; French : Fédération du commerce, des transports et de l'alimentation) was a trade union representing workers in various industries, particularly food processing, retail, hospitality and goods transport.
The union was founded in 1915, when the Union of Food and Beverage Workers merged with the Union of Trade and Transport Workers. It affiliated to the Swiss Trade Union Federation, and grew from 5,452 members to 19,492 in 1920. Its membership fluctuated rapidly over the next few decades, peaking at 41,247 in 1947. It signed an increasing number of collective agreements. In 1982, it renamed itself as the Union of Sales, Trade, Transport and Food, while retaining its VHTL abbreviation. [1]
By 1998, the union's membership was down to 19,093, with 39% working in commerce, 33% in food processing, 19% in transport, 3% in hospitality, and the remainder across several minor sectors. [2] On 16 October 2004, it merged with the Swiss Metalworkers' and Watchmakers' Union and the Union of Construction and Industry, to form Unia. [1]
The Democratic Organization of African Workers' Trade Unions was a regional organisation of the World Confederation of Labour. It has a membership of 35 unions and eight 'pan-African federations' in 29 countries.
The Trade Unions International of Building, Wood, Building Materials and Industries, also known as the Trade Unions International of Construction, Wood, Building Materials and Industries, or by its French acronym UITBB is a Trade Union International affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Workers in Commerce was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions. It was often known by its French initials, ICPS.
The Trade, Banking and Insurance Union was a trade union representing workers in commerce and finance in Germany.
The Commerce and Transport Union was a trade union representing workers in the distribution industry in Austria.
The Hotels, Catering and Personal Services Union was a trade union representing workers in the hospitality industry in Austria.
The Union of Workers in Food and Allied Industries was a trade union representing workers in food production, tobacco manufacture, and related industries, in Austria.
The Food, Hospitality and Services Union is a trade union representing workers in the food and service sector in Belgium.
The General Federation of Agriculture, Food, Tobacco and Related Services Workers is a trade union representing workers in a range of related industries in France.
The Union of Trade, Food and Luxuries was a trade union representing workers in various related industries in East Germany.
The Union of Printing and Paper was a trade union representing most printing industry workers in Switzerland.
The Swiss Clothing, Leather and Equipment Workers' Union was a trade union representing workers in the clothing and leather industries.
The Union of Textiles, Chemicals and Paper was a trade union representing workers in various industries in Switzerland.
Jean Schifferstein was a Swiss and international trade union leader of German origin.
The Swiss Metalworkers' and Watchmakers' Union was a trade union representing workers in the metal and watchmaking industries in Switzerland.
The Union of Swiss Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Personnel was a trade union representing communication workers in Switzerland.
The Union of Construction and Industry was a trade union representing workers in various industries in Switzerland.
The Union of Construction and Wood was a trade union representing workers in the building and woodworking industries in Switzerland.
Syna is a general union in Switzerland.