United Nations Security Council Resolution 146

Last updated
UN Security Council
Resolution 146
DateAugust 9 1960
Meeting no.886
CodeS/4426 (Document)
SubjectThe Congo Question
Voting summary
  • 9 voted for
  • None voted against
  • 2 abstained
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members
  145 Lists of resolutions 147  

United Nations Security Council Resolution 146, adopted on August 9, 1960, after a report by the Secretary-General regarding the implementation of resolutions 143 and 145 the Council confirmed his authority to carry out the responsibility placed on him thereby and called upon Belgium to withdraw its troops from Katanga. The Council then, while reaffirming that the United Nations Force in the Congo would not be a party to or in any way intervene in any internal conflict, declared that the entry of UN Forces into Katanga was necessary for the full implementation of the present resolution.


The resolution was approved by nine votes; France and Italy abstained. [1]

See also


  1. Hoskyns 1965, p. 170.

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