Veronika Award

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The Veronika Award (Slovene : Veronikina nagrada) is a literary award awarded yearly for the best Slovene poetry collection in Slovenia. It has been bestowed since 1997 by the Municipality of Celje at the Veronika Festival at Celje Castle. The festival and the award are named after Veronika of Desenice, wife of Frederick II, Count of Celje, accused of witchcraft, incarcerated in Ojstrica Castle and murdered in around 1425. [1] The winner receives a financial award. [2] Since 2005, a separate Poetry Gold Medal has been bestowed on a poet for their life achievement contributing to the richness of Slovene poetry, language and culture. [3]


Veronika Award laureates

YearAuthorPoetry CollectionTitle in EnglishPublisher
2016 Ana Makuc Ljubica Rolanda BarthesaRoland Barthes' LoverKUD Apokalipsa
2015 Meta Kušar VrtGardenKUD Sodobnost International
2014 Petra Kolmančič P(l)ast za p(l)astjoLayer Upon Layer (Trap After Trap)Založba Pivec
2013 Karlo Hmeljak KrčrkLUD Literatura
2012 Primož Čučnik MikadoMikadoBeletrina
2011 Barbara Korun Pridem takojBack soonKUD Apokalipsa
2010 Andrej Medved Razlagalec sanjInterpreter of DreamsKUD Apokalipsa
2009 Jože Snoj Kažipoti brezpotijSignposts to Nowhere Nova Revija
2008 Milan Dekleva Audrey Hepburn, slišiš metlo budističnega učenca?Audrey Hepburn, Can You Hear the Broom of the Buddhist Student?Cankarjeva založba
2007 Taja Kramberger Vsakdanji pogovoriEveryday ConversationsCenter za slovenski književnost
2007 Tone Pavček Ujedanke: obrazi naše vsakdanjostiMohorjeva družba
2006 Ervin Fritz Ogrlica iz radMladinska knjiga
2005 Ivo Svetina LesbosLesbosCankarjeva založba
2004 Erika Vouk Opis slikePicture DescriptionLitera
2003 Milan Dekleva V živi zobInto The Open WoundCankarjeva založba
2002 Miklavž Komelj RosaRosaMladinska knjiga
2001 Milan Jesih JambiIambiMladinska knjiga
2000 Ciril Zlobec Samo ta dan imamI Only Have This DayPrešernova družba
2000 Marjan Strojan Parniki v dežjuSteamers in the RainCankarjeva založba
1999 Josip Osti Kraški NarcisKarstic NarcissusŠtudentska založba
1998 Aleš Šteger KašmirKashmir Nova Revija
1997 Iztok Osojnik Razgledice za DarjoPostcards for DarjaDržavna Založba Slovenije

Poetry Gold Medal recipients


  1. Veronika Award on Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia site
  2. "Slovene Writers' Association site". Slovene writers' portal (in Slovenian). DSP Slovene Writers' Association. Retrieved 13 February 2011.
  3. Zlatnik Poezije (Poetry Gold Medal)
  4. Letošnji dobitnik zlatnika poezije Tone Kuntner This Year's Recipient of Poetry Gold Medal is Tone Kuntner, Dnevnik 9 July 2014
  5. Delo 7 July 2015 Gustav Januš, lirični glas koroških Slovencev Gustav Januš, the Lyrical Voice of Carinthian Slovenes
  6. Delo 30 June 2017 Zlatnik poezije Andreju Brvarju Poetry Gold Medal goes to Andrej Brvar