(6th century) A Scottish Saint and missionary–Bishop,whose Liturgical cultus is proved from its insertion in the Aberdeen Breviary.{{sfn|St. Augustine's Abbey,Ramsgate|1921|p=272}}\n
Vivian (St.) Bp. (Jan. 21)
(6th cent.) A Scottish Saint whose name is also written Vimmin or Vimian. He appears to have been Abbot of a monastery in Fife,and one tradition is that he was there consecrated Bishop. He died A.D. 579. Forbes’Kalendar of Scottish Saints has some interesting details about him;but his whole history is confused. The Aberdeen Breviary gives the Liturgical Office for the Feast of Saint Vivian.{{sfn|St. Augustine's Abbey,Ramsgate|1921|p=268}}
Wynnin (St.) Bp. (Jan. 21)
(6th century) A Scottish Saint and missionary–Bishop, whose Liturgical cultus is proved from its insertion in the Aberdeen Breviary. [4]Vivian (St.) Bp. (Jan. 21)
(6th cent.) A Scottish Saint whose name is also written Vimmin or Vimian. He appears to have been Abbot of a monastery in Fife, and one tradition is that he was there consecrated Bishop. He died A.D. 579. Forbes’ Kalendar of Scottish Saints has some interesting details about him; but his whole history is confused. The Aberdeen Breviary gives the Liturgical Office for the Feast of Saint Vivian. [5]
The hagiographer Alban Butler (1710–1773) wrote in his Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints under January 21,
St. Vimin, or Vivian, B. C.
BY the fervent practices of the most perfect monastic discipline in one of the famous abbeys in Fifeshire, he qualified himself to become, by word and example, a guide and director to many chosen souls in the paths of evangelical perfection. This appeared in the fruits of his zealous preaching and labours, when he was raised to the abbatial, and soon after to the episcopal dignity; for at that time, very few bishoprics being erected in Scotland, it was customary for learned and holy abbots of great monasteries to be often consecrated bishops, and to be attended by their monks in performing their functions; as venerable Bede informs us, speaking of St. Aidan, [lower-alpha 1] St. Vimin, to shun the danger of vain glory, to which the reputation of many miracles which he had wrought exposed him, removed to a more solitary place, and there founded the abbey of Holywood, called in Latin Sacrum-boscum, in succeeding ages famous for many learned men; particularly the great mathematician, John à Sacro-bosco, in the thirteenth century. King places the death of St. Vimin in 615, but brings no proofs for dating it so high. The noble and very ancient family of Wemse, in Fifeshire, is said in Scotland to be of the same lineage with this saint. The ancient prayer in the Aberdeen Breviary on his festival, and other monuments, bear evidence to the great devotion of the ancient Scottish church to his memory. See Breviarium Aberdonense et Chronicon Skonense. [6]
Saint Fergus was a bishop who worked in Scotland as a missionary.
Saint Curetán was a Scoto-Pictish bishop and saint,. He is listed as one of the witnesses in the Cáin Adomnáin, where he is called "Curetan epscop". In the Martyrology of Tallaght he is called "of Ross Mand Bairend", and in the Martyrology of O'Gorman he is styled "bishop and abbot of Ross maic Bairend". His bishopric is usually held to have been Ross, the seat of which was at the settlement in the Black Isle called Ros-Maircnidh or Rosemarkie, named after the adjacent promontory
Wulfsige III was a medieval Bishop of Sherborne and is considered a saint.
Saint Leonorus was a Welsh monk who was active in Brittany.
Saint Turiaf of Dol was a Breton abbot and bishop of the ancient Diocese of Dol.
Saint Geremarus was a Frankish monk and abbot. His feast day is 24 September.
Saint Mommolin of Noyon was a monk who became an abbot in Saint-Omer, then Bishop of Noyon-Tournai in Belgium. His feast day is 16 October.
Saint Dotto was said to have founded a monastery on one of the Orkney Islands, which bore his name. However, there is no island by that name, and no evidence that he existed. His feast day is 9 April.
Saint Oduvald was a Scottish nobleman, monk, and abbot of Melrose Abbey. His feast day is 26 May.
Saint Joavan was an Irish priest and bishop in Brittany.
Saint Babolen was Abbot of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Abbey near Paris. He may have been Irish in origin. His feast day is 26 June.
Saint Maccai was an Irish missionary who founded a monastery on the Isle of Bute, Scotland. His feast day is 11 April.
Saint Thillo was a Saxon slave who was converted by Saint Eligius and became a priest at Solignac Abbey. He accompanied Eloi in missionary work, returned to Solignac, and was made abbot. Unable to handle the responsibility, he left the abbey and became a hermit. His feast day is 7 January.
Saint Monon was a Scottish hermit and martyr. His feast day is 18 October.
Saint Salvius of Amiens was a 7th-century bishop of Amiens. His feast day is 11 January.
Saint Glastian of Kinglassie was a bishop based in Fife who acted as a mediator in the wars between the Picts and the invading Scots. His feast day is 28 January.
Saint Suranus was an abbot in Umbria, Italy who was martyred by Lombards. His feast day is 24 January.
Saint Augulus was a 3rd or 4th century bishop and martyr in a town called Augusta in Britain, or perhaps in Normandy. He was possibly Irish in origin. Little is known about him, but his feast day is given as 7 February.
Saint Munde was a Scottish abbot in Argyll, Scotland. There is some confusion between this saint and the much earlier Saint Fintan Munnu. His feast day is 15 April.
Saint Silaus of Lucca was an Irish bishop who died in Lucca, Tuscany, while returning from a pilgrimage. His feast day is 17 May.