Voice writing

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Voice writing is a transcription method used for court reporting, medical transcription, CART, and closed captioning. Using the voice writing method, a court reporter speaks directly into a stenomask or speech silencer, a hand-held mask containing one or two microphones and voice-dampening materials. As the reporter repeats the testimony into the recorder, the mask prevents the reporter from being heard during the testimony.


Purpose and function

Voice writers can be used to record what is said by judges, witnesses, attorneys, and other parties to a proceeding, including gestures and emotional reactions, and either provide a real-time feed or prepare transcripts afterwards.

In medical transcription, some transcriptionists use voice writing instead of typing. They receive audio files and use a voice recognition program to translate voice to text.


The method of court reporting known as voice writing, formerly called "stenomask," was developed by Horace Webb in the World War II era. Prior to inventing voice writing, Webb was a Gregg shorthand writer. Court reporting using Gregg shorthand is a multi-level process in which the reporter records the proceedings using shorthand, then dictates from his notes into a tape recorder. After the testimony is transferred to audio tape, a transcriptionist types out official documentation of the proceedings. [1]

A voice writing system consists of a stenomask, an external sound digitizer, and speech recognition software. A foot pedal can plug into a computer's USB port. A real-time voice writer's words go through the mask's cable to an external USB digital signal processor. From there, the words go into the computer's speech recognition engine for conversion into streaming text. Voice writers write repeated words stated by the parties to a proceeding (verbatim transcription). They punctuate the text and, in some cases, mark exhibits.

Voice writers produce the same products as using stenotypes, including transcripts in electronic and printed formats. Real-time reporters connect their laptops to captioning equipment and real-time viewer programs and provide attorneys or other clients with computer files at the end of the sessions. [2] Speech recognition CAT systems affords a download in ASCII format for distribution immediately following a proceeding.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Court Reporters Association</span> American organization

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A transcription service is a business service that converts speech into a written or electronic text document. Transcription services are often provided for business, legal, or medical purposes. The most common type of transcription is from a spoken-language source into text. Common examples are the proceedings of a court hearing such as a criminal trial or a physician's recorded voice notes. Some transcription businesses can send staff to events, speeches, or seminars, who then convert the spoken content into text. Some companies also accept recorded speech, either on cassette, CD, VHS, or as sound files. For a transcription service, various individuals and organizations have different rates and methods of pricing. Transcription companies primarily serve private law firms, local, state, and federal government agencies and courts, trade associations, meeting planners, and nonprofits.

Transcription software assists in the conversion of human speech into a text transcript. Audio or video files can be transcribed manually or automatically. Transcriptionists can replay a recording several times in a transcription editor and type what they hear. By using transcription hot keys, the manual transcription can be accelerated, the sound filtered, equalized or have the tempo adjusted when the clarity is not great. With speech recognition technology, transcriptionists can automatically convert recordings to text transcripts by opening recordings in a PC and uploading them to a cloud for automatic transcription, or transcribe recordings in real-time by using digital dictation. Depending on quality of recordings, machine generated transcripts may still need to be manually verified. The accuracy rate of the automatic transcription depends on several factors such as background noises, speakers' distance to the microphone, and accents.

A scopist edits the transcripts of official proceedings, created by court reporters. Court reporters attend official proceedings such as court hearings and transcribe the spoken word to written text. Court reporters take down official proceedings using voice writing or stenography. Scopists receive the rough copies of these transcripts after the proceedings, check the transcript for missing words or mistakes, edit grammar and punctuation, ensure that proper names and technical or scientific terms are spelled correctly, and format the transcript properly before delivering the transcript back to the court reporter. Unlike most careers in the legal field, scopists can be outsourced as they are not directly involved in the legal process.


  1. "Voice Writing". National Verbatim Reporters Association. Archived from the original on July 4, 2007. Retrieved January 14, 2009.
  2. Webb, Horace. "Importance of NVRA voice writing and its origin". National Verbatim Reporters Association. Archived from the original on October 25, 2016. Retrieved January 5, 2017.