Washington's War

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Washington's War
Designers Mark Herman
Illustrators Charles Kibler
Harald Lieske
Rodger B. MacGowan
Mark Simonitch
John Trumbull
Publishers GMT Games
Setup time5 minutes
Playing time90-120 minutes
ChanceMedium (Dice, Cards)
Age range12 and up
Skills Strategy
Card Management

Washington's War is a card-driven board wargame from GMT Games designed by Mark Herman. The game is set in during the American Revolutionary War and the map depicts the east coast of the United States. One player controls the American forces and the other player the British. The game is designed for two players and takes between ninety minutes and two hours to play.


Washington's War was published in 2010 and is a reprint and upgrade of the Avalon Hill game We the People , first published in 1994.


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  1. McAleer, Jeff (2010-11-26). "Board Game Geek Announces 2010 Golden Geek Awards". The Gaming Gang. Retrieved 2024-02-04.