Watchlist (NGO)

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The Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict is a global network of local, national and international non-governmental organizations which strives to end violations against children in armed conflicts and to guarantee their rights. Together with its partners, Watchlist strategically collects and disseminates information on violations against children in conflicts in order to influence key decision-makers to create and implement programs and policies that effectively protect children. Watchlist’s three main activities are Monitoring & Reporting, Advancing the Children and Armed Conflict Agenda and Strengthening Local Capacity.


Monitoring & reporting

Through its country reports, Watchlist provides information on violations against children in situations of armed conflict and makes practical recommendations to policy makers to ensure protection and assistance for children. Watchlist has published reports on the situation of children in Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Colombia, D.R. Congo, Liberia, OPT/Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Sudan. Watchlist strengthens field-level monitoring, reporting and response to violations against children by building partnerships, enhancing the technical capacity of local NGOs and linking local voices with international policy makers.

Policy Advice

Watchlist provides policy advice to high-level decision makers towards improving child protection programs and policies, with a focus on the UN Security Council and the UN-led Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism on Children and Armed Conflict (MRM). Watchlist has also published a series of policy papers and statements.

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Fauzia Viqar is the CEO of Rah-Center for Management and Development. She is an internationally recognized expert and a visionary leader on gender issues in development. She specializes in women’s empowerment with a focus on policy/legislative review and reform. She has a vast experience of working with government and civil society organizations in Canada and Pakistan and has led a large number of programs on gender equality and women’s empowerment. In the Government of Pakistan, Fauzia succeeded in placing gender equality and female empowerment at the core of government processes, based on her years of advocacy and by providing concrete evidence derived from unique data collection based on administrative and specialized surveys. She serves on various policy making boards and committees.