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Example of a front page of a report Hurt Report cover page.png
Example of a front page of a report

A report is a document or a statement that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are usually given in the form of written documents. [1] [2] Typically reports relay information that was found or observed. [2] The credible report enhances the previous beliefs while dishonest information can question the agency preparing the report. [3] Reports from IPCC as IPCC reports, World Health Report and Global Gender Gap Report from World Economic Forums are few examples of reports highlighting important worldly affairs.



In modern business scenario, reports play a major role in the progress of business. Reports are the backbone to the thinking process of the establishment and they are responsible, to a great extent, in evolving an efficient or inefficient work environment.

The significance of the reports includes:


One of the most common formats for presenting reports is IMRAD—introduction, methods, results, and discussion. This structure, standard for the genre, mirrors traditional publication of scientific research and summons the ethos and credibility of that discipline. Reports are not required to follow this pattern and may use alternative methods such as the problem-solution format, wherein the author first lists an issue and then details what must be done to fix the problem. Transparency and a focus on quality are keys to writing a useful report. Accuracy is also important. Faulty numbers in a financial report could lead to disastrous consequences.

Standard elements

Reports use features such as tables, graphics, pictures, voice, or specialized vocabulary in order to persuade a specific audience to undertake an action or inform the reader of the subject at hand. Some common elements of written reports include headings to indicate topics and help the reader locate relevant information quickly, and visual elements such as charts, tables and figures, which are useful for breaking up large sections of text and making complex issues more accessible. Lengthy written reports will almost always contain a table of contents, appendices, footnotes, and references. A bibliography or list of references will appear at the end of any credible report and citations are often included within the text itself. Complex terms are explained within the body of the report or listed as footnotes in order to make the report easier to follow. A short summary of the report's contents, called an abstract, may appear in the beginning so that the audience knows what the report will cover. Online reports often contain hyperlinks to internal or external sources as well.

Verbal reports differ from written reports in the minutiae of their format, but they still educate or advocate for a course of action. Quality reports will be well researched and the speaker will list their sources if at all possible.

Structure of a report

A typical report would include the following sections in it: [4]


US President Donald Trump hears the military report from the commander of the 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards. President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's Trip to the United Kingdom (47995720426).jpg
US President Donald Trump hears the military report from the commander of the 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards.

Some examples of reports are:

See also

Related Research Articles

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"Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science" is the title of a report published by the Union of Concerned Scientists in February, 2004. The report was the culmination of an investigation of the Bush administration's objectivity in science, and ultimately a criticism thereof.

An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given academic paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.

The Summary for policymakers (SPM) is a summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports intended to aid policymakers. The form is approved line by line by governments: "Negotiations occur over wording to ensure accuracy, balance, clarity of message, and relevance to understanding and policy."

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Technical writing is the writing of technical content, particularly relating to industrial and other applied sciences, with an emphasis on occupational contexts. The range of audiences for technical writing varies widely. By far, the most common form of technical writing is for procedural documentation. Procedural documentation is used in all types of manufacturing to explain user, assembly and installation instructions. In the software industry, procedural documents are also commonly used to describe user operations and installations. In some cases, technical writing may be written for experts or fellow scientists and is often written about a specialized topic with a persuasive bias. Known as white papers, industry articles, and academic papers; these technical documents are written at a higher level of reading comprehension and incorporate industry terms to show knowledge of the subject and the field of work. In most cases, however, technical writers help convey complex scientific or niche subjects to end users in "laymen's" terms and offer purely factual content. Modern technical writing relies on simple terms and short sentences, rather than detailed explanations with unnecessary information like pronouns, abstract words and/or unfamiliar acronyms. Technical writing is recognized as the largest segment of the technical communication field.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">IPCC Third Assessment Report</span> Assessment of available scientific and socio-economic information on climate change by the IPCC

The IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR), Climate Change 2001, is an assessment of available scientific and socio-economic information on climate change by the IPCC. Statements of the IPCC or information from the TAR were often used as a reference showing a scientific consensus on the subject of global warming. The Third Assessment Report (TAR) was completed in 2001 and consists of four reports, three of them from its Working Groups: Working Group I: The Scientific Basis; Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability; Working Group III: Mitigation; Synthesis Report. A number of the TAR's conclusions are given quantitative estimates of how probable it is that they are correct, e.g., greater than 66% probability of being correct. These are "Bayesian" probabilities, which are based on an expert assessment of all the available evidence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">IPCC Second Assessment Report</span>

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An executive summary is a short document or section of a document produced for business purposes. It summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It usually contains a brief statement of the problem or proposal covered in the major document(s), background information, concise analysis and main conclusions. It is intended as an aid to decision-making by managers and has been described as the most important part of a business plan.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">IPCC Fifth Assessment Report</span> Intergovernmental report on climate change

The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the fifth in a series of such reports and was completed in 2014. As had been the case in the past, the outline of the AR5 was developed through a scoping process which involved climate change experts from all relevant disciplines and users of IPCC reports, in particular representatives from governments. Governments and organizations involved in the Fourth Report were asked to submit comments and observations in writing with the submissions analysed by the panel. Projections in AR5 are based on "Representative Concentration Pathways" (RCPs). The RCPs are consistent with a wide range of possible changes in future anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Projected changes in global mean surface temperature and sea level are given in the main RCP article.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Text annotation</span> Adding a note or gloss to a text

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of books</span> Overview of and topical guide to books

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to books:


  1. Madan, Poonam (2016–2017). Language proficiency in English. 28/115, jyoti block, sanjay place, Agra-2: Agarwal publication. p. 138. ISBN   9789385872280.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  2. 1 2 "Definition of REPORT". Retrieved 2023-11-26.
  3. Hunter, Aaron (2024). Liu, Tongliang; Webb, Geoff; Yue, Lin; Wang, Dadong (eds.). "Reports, Observations, and Belief Change". AI 2023: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 14472. Singapore: Springer Nature: 54–65. doi:10.1007/978-981-99-8391-9_5. ISBN   978-981-99-8391-9.
  4. "QUT cite|write - Writing a report". Retrieved 2020-08-06.
  5. "Report". Archived from the original on 2014-03-19.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)

Further reading