Williamson conjecture

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In combinatorial mathematics, specifically in combinatorial design theory and combinatorial matrix theory the Williamson conjecture is that Williamson matrices of order exist for all positive integers . Four symmetric and circulant matrices , , , are known as Williamson matrices if their entries are and they satisfy the relationship

where is the identity matrix of order . John Williamson showed that if , , , are Williamson matrices then

is an Hadamard matrix of order . [1] It was once considered likely that Williamson matrices exist for all orders and that the structure of Williamson matrices could provide a route to proving the Hadamard conjecture that Hadamard matrices exist for all orders . [2] However, in 1993 the Williamson conjecture was shown to be false via an exhaustive computer search by Dragomir Ž. Ðoković, who showed that Williamson matrices do not exist in order . [3] In 2008, the counterexamples 47, 53, and 59 were additionally discovered. [4]

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  1. Williamson, John (1944). "Hadamard's determinant theorem and the sum of four squares". Duke Mathematical Journal . 11 (1): 65–81. doi:10.1215/S0012-7094-44-01108-7. MR   0009590.
  2. Golomb, Solomon W.; Baumert, Leonard D. (1963). "The Search for Hadamard Matrices". American Mathematical Monthly . 70 (1): 12–17. doi:10.2307/2312777. JSTOR   2312777. MR   0146195.
  3. Ðoković, Dragomir Ž. (1993). "Williamson matrices of order for ". Discrete Mathematics . 115 (1): 267–271. doi: 10.1016/0012-365X(93)90495-F . MR   1217635.
  4. Holzmann, W. H.; Kharaghani, H.; Tayfeh-Rezaie, B. (2008). "Williamson matrices up to order 59". Designs, Codes and Cryptography. 46 (3): 343–352. doi:10.1007/s10623-007-9163-5. MR   2372843.