The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers is one of the livery companies of the City of London. The Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers were incorporated by royal charter in 1693; the City granted it the status of a livery company in 1780. The craft originally associated with the company, namely the making of gold and silver thread for uniforms or ceremonial clothing, has declined but is still practised. Thus nowadays the company functions mainly as a charitable body.
The Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' Company ranks seventy-fourth in the order of precedence of City livery companies. Its motto is Amicitiam Trahit Amor, Latin for Love leads to friendship— or, more literally, "love draws friendship," a punning reference to the guild's ancient craft.
The Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' Company also has an associated Masonic Lodge, consecrated on 29 October 1945, membership of which is open only to Liverymen of the company, its motto being "The Lodge of Love and Friendship", a play on words of the ancient livery company's motto.
There are 111 livery companies, comprising London's ancient and modern trade associations and guilds, almost all of which are styled the "Worshipful Company of" their respective craft, trade or profession. These livery companies play a significant part in the life of the City, not least by providing charitable-giving and networking opportunities. Liverymen retain voting rights for the senior civic offices, such as the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and Common Council of the City Corporation, London's ancient municipal authority with extensive local government powers.
The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London.
The Worshipful Company of Weavers is the most ancient of the Livery Companies in the City of London. It existed in the year 1130, and was perhaps formed earlier. The company received a Royal Charter in 1155. At present, the Company retains a connection to textiles through its contributions to the textile industry. It has, however, like most other Livery Companies, evolved into a charitable institution rather than remaining a trade association.
The Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers is one of the livery companies in the City of London. The Guild of St James Garlickhythe, the company's predecessor, named after the church where it was founded, was formed in 1375. The organization of wood craftsmen, who were known at various times as fusters, carvers, and joiners, received a Royal Charter of incorporation in 1571. The craft of 'ceiling' refers to the application and installation of both wall and ceiling wood panelling.
The Worshipful Company of Masons is one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London, number 30 in the order of precedence of the 110 companies. It was granted Arms in 1472, during the reign of King Edward IV; its motto is “God Is Our Guide”.
The Worshipful Company of Founders is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London, England. The Founders, or workers in brass and bronze, were incorporated under a Royal Charter in 1614. However, with the development of technology, the ancient craft grew obsolete. Now, the Company exists, along with a majority of Livery Companies, as a charitable foundation. It also supports the foundry industry by awarding research grants and scholarships.
The Worshipful Company of Cooks of London is the smallest of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Company received its first and incorporating Royal Charter from Edward IV on 11 July 1482. Its Royal Charter of 16 February 1663, from Charles II, is the present day governing ordinance for the Company.
The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths is one of the livery companies of the City of London. The organisation was first mentioned in a court record in 1299. A Royal Charter officially granting it the status of Company was granted in 1571. The Company originally had the right to set regulations and standards for blacksmiths in the City of London. However, the right eroded over time. By the end of the eighteenth century, little remained of the company's former powers and so the Company did not the renew the lease on its hall at expiration in 1785.
The Worshipful Company of Broderers is one of the livery companies of the City of London. Broderers were workers in embroidery; the organization of Broderers existed in at least 1376, and was officially incorporated by a royal charter in 1561. As the craft of embroidery has lost its importance as a trade, the company has become less of a trade association for broderers. Instead, the company is now, as are most livery companies, a charitable foundation.
The Worshipful Company of Upholders is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. "Upholder" is an archaic word for "upholsterer". In past times upholders carried out not just the manufacture and sale of upholstered goods but were cabinet makers, undertakers, soft furnishers, auctioneers and valuers. The organisation was formed on 1 March 1360 and officially incorporated by a Royal Charter granted by Charles I in 1626. The Company originally had the right to set standards for upholstery within London, and to search, seize and destroy defective upholstery. However, over the years, the Company's power has eroded, as has the profession of upholsterers, because of the advancement of technology.
The Worshipful Company of Musicians is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. Its history dates back to at least 1350. Originally a specialist guild for musicians, its role became an anachronism in the 18th century, when the centre of music making in London moved from the City to the West End, and for more than a century it was a general guild for figures in the City, with no specific musical role. In the late 19th century, the musical element was revived, and the modern Company promotes all aspects of the art and science of music.
The Worshipful Company of Turners is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London.
The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Company was constituted in 1569. It was recognised as a Livery Company in 1825, and received a Royal Charter in 1937. The Company has recently instituted Yeoman memberships for working basketmakers and works closely with the basketmaking trade through the Trade Advisor and Trade Committee. The Company has a strong charitable trust and supports many charitable causes, and supports the three armed services with its involvement with 100 (Yeomanry) Regiment Royal Artillery, HMS Richmond and 5 (AC) Squadron RAF. There is an independent but related Masonic Lodge called the Basketmakers Lodge No. 5639. Membership of this Lodge is exclusive, drawn from members of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers. The Company ranks fifty-second in the order of precedence for Livery Companies. Its motto is Let Us Love One Another.
The Worshipful Company of Loriners is one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London. The organisation was originally a trade association for makers of metal parts for bridles, harnesses, spurs and other horse apparel; hence the company's name, which comes from the Latin word lorum through the French word lormier.
The Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London, England. An organisation of Wheelwrights and Coachmakers petitioned for incorporation in 1630. The petition was granted forty years later, in 1670, when a Royal Charter was granted to the Wheelwrights. The Wheelwrights' Company was granted the status of a Livery Company in 1763. Over the years, wheel making has largely changed from being hand-made by craftsmen to being made by machines. Whilst there are a number of working wheelwrights still practising the ancient craft, which the company actively supports through its apprenticeship scheme, the company is no longer a trade association for wheelwrights. Instead, it functions largely as a charitable body focusing on mobility.
A livery collar or chain of office is a collar or heavy chain, usually of gold, worn as insignia of office or a mark of fealty or other association in Europe from the Middle Ages onwards.
The Company of Entrepreneurs is a Company without Livery and an aspirant Livery Company of the City of London. It successfully petitioned the Court of Aldermen for Guild status in 2014 with ambitions to become a full Livery Company by 2024. It is a membership and charitable organisation formed of men and women connected with the City of London who have invested their own time and financial resources in establishing and running successful businesses and enterprises. Its motto is Dare, Create, Succeed
Alex Bain-Stewart is a councilman of the City of London Corporation where he represents the ward of Farringdon Within. He has an MSc in Engineering from the University of Hertfordshire and is a Justice of the Peace. He is a member of The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers.
The Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh are the trade and craft bodies of the City of Edinburgh, Scotland, in much the same way as the Livery companies are in The City of London, but on a much smaller scale. The Incorporations are not "guilds", that term being properly reserved in Scotland for the merchant bodies in the various burghs. The Incorporations have never referred to themselves as guilds; indeed they came into existence, mostly in the latter part of the fifteenth century, in order to counter the growing power of the merchant guild, known as the Royal Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh.
The Glove Collection is a collection of approximately 2,300 historic and contemporary gloves. It is associated with the Worshipful Company of Glovers and normally some of the gloves are on display in the Fashion Museum, Bath. The collection took on its present form in 2003 when the Glovers Livery Company donated their collection of approximately 250 gloves to The Glove Collection Trust, which manages the collection.