Yvan Bruynseraede

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Yvan J. Bruynseraede (born 1938 in Ostend, Belgium) is a condensed matter experimental physicist, known for his work on multilayers and superlattices, and his interests are thin films, nanostructures, novel materials, magnetism, and superconductivity. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven), and a member of the Quantum Solid-State Physics Laboratory.


Academic career

Yvan Bruynseraede graduated (Belgian Licentiate) in 1961 from the KULeuven where he received his PhD in Physics in 1967, after a two-year interruption for military service.

After a postdoctoral and associate fellowship at CERN, Switzerland (1968–1971), he started his career as a lecturer at KULeuven in 1972 and became full professor in 1977. He was chairman of the Laboratory of Solid-State Physics and Magnetism, KULeuven (1993–2003). In 2003 he became professor emeritus of physics at KU Leuven, a position in which he is currently active. He held visiting positions at Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France; the Argonne National Laboratory, US; and the University of California at San Diego, US.

Scientific research

At CERN he was active in the development of a superconducting particle separator by studying the HF properties of superconducting materials for electromagnetic cavities.

At KU Leuven, his research was mainly focused on superconductivity and magnetism. He studied the electrical, magnetic and optical properties of mesoscopic and nanoscopic systems, particularly at low temperatures and very high magnetic fields. He performed research on thin films, [1] multilayers and superlattices, [2] studying superconducting Josephson phenomena, tunneling and vortices; [3] superconducting/magnetic interactions; X-ray structural analysis [4] and SPM techniques applied to surfaces and interfaces. [5] His research activities resulted in more than 450 publications in international scientific journals, 100 Invited talks, and the promotorship of 35 PhD and 70 MSc theses.

Distinctions and awards

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  1. Van Haesendonck, C.; Bruynseraede, Y.; Deutscher, G. (1981). "Two-dimensional localization in thin copper films". Physical Review Letters. 46, 565 (8): 565–568. Bibcode:1981PhRvL..46..565V. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.46.565.
  2. Locquet, J.P.; Neerinck, D.; Stockman, L.; Bruynseraede, Y. (1989). "Discrete and continuous disorder in superlattices". Physical Review B. 39, 13338 (18): 13338–13342. Bibcode:1989PhRvB..3913338L. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.39.13338. PMID   9948236.
  3. Lange, M.; Van Bael, M.J.; Moshchalkov, V.V.; Bruynseraede, Y. (2002). "Magnetic-domain-controlled vortex pinning in a superconductor/ferromagnet bilayer". Applied Physics Letters. 81, 322 (2): 322–324. arXiv: cond-mat/0205470 . Bibcode:2002ApPhL..81..322L. doi:10.1063/1.1492317. S2CID   119101910.
  4. Temst, K.; Van Bael, M.J.; Wuyts, B.; Van Haesendonck, C.; Bruynseraede, Y. (1995). "Roughness in Nb/Cu multilayers determined by x‐ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy". Applied Physics Letters. 64, 3429 (23): 3429–3431. Bibcode:1995ApPhL..67.3429T. doi:10.1063/1.115269.
  5. Moshchalkov, V.V.; Gielen, L.; Strunk, C.; Jonckheere, R.; Qiu, X.; Bruynseraede, Y. (1995). "Effect of sample topology on the critical fields of mesoscopic superconductors". Nature. 373, 319–322 (6512): 319–322. Bibcode:1995Natur.373..319M. doi:10.1038/373319a0. S2CID   4340954.